All keywords are case-insensitive.
The commands add a new rule; if an existing rule of opposite meaning already exists, it is deleted instead. The matching starts with the oldest one and goes on till the newest rule added; if a reordering is needed, clear the list and start again. The SHOW option lists the existing rules using the very same syntax, so the list can be easily edited and then executed to APPLY the changes.
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This command requires a restart of the MINE process.
The DEFAULT conflict handler will not be applied to existing prepared (replicated) tables. The DEFAULT conflict handler will only be applied to tables that are prepared after the DEFAULT conflict handler is set. To change the conflict handler for existing prepared tables, each table has to be individually set using FOR TABLE conflict handler.
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dbvrep> SET_CONFLICT_HANDLERS FOR TABLE SCOTT.DEPT FOR UPDATE on NO_DATA TO OVERWRITE Connecting to running apply: [The table called SCOTT.DEPT on source is handled on apply (APPLY) as follows: UPDATE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG UPDATE (no_data): handler: OVERWRITE logging: LOG UPDATE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (no_data): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG INSERT (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG TRANSACTION (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG] dbvrep> |