This configures the replication processes for each replication. This includes the server name on which it is running and what the notification, threshold and alerting settings should be.
Fully qualified name of the server for the process (usually co-located with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher):
Specify the fully qualified name of the server running the process. For example: prodserver1.mycompany.com
Enable email notifications about problems (yes/no)
Enable email notification.
Enable SNMP traps/notifications about problems (yes/no)
Enable SNMP traps.
Directory with DDC file and default where to create log files etc. (recommended: same as global setting, if possible)
Specify the directory where the DDC file is located and where the log files will also be created.
Email only
(MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER) - Specify mail (SMTP) server hostname
Specify the smtp mail server. Example: mail.google.com
(MAILCFG_USE_SSL) - Use SSL to connect to the mail server (yes/no)
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a commonly-used protocol for managing the security of a message transmission on the Internet.
(MAILCFG_PORT) - Specify port for SMTP server (usually 25; for SSL, usually 465)
(MAILCFG_AUTH_USER) - If SMTP server requires username and password, specify the username. Specify OFF if no login is required
(MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD) - If SMTP server requires username and password, specify the password. Specify OFF if no login is required
(MAILCFG_FROM) - Specify the email address to be used as 'From:' address:
(NOTIFY_ALL_EMAIL) - Specify 'To:' address(es) to receive all emails (separate multiple addresses by ',') - OFF for empty list (you can specify success/alert addressee separately later)
(NOTIFY_SUCCESS_EMAIL) - Specify 'To:' address(es) for heartbeat/progress emails - OFF for empty list.
(NOTIFY_ALERT_EMAIL) - Specify 'To:' address(es) for alert (problem-reporting) emails - OFF for empty list.
(NOTIFY_SEQUENCE_DIFFERENCE) - How many plogs (redo plogs) must apply lag behind mine (or mine behind fetcher) to send notification?
(NOTIFY_SCN_DIFFERENCE) - How many SCNs must apply lag behind mine to send notification?
(NOTIFY_TIME_DIFFERENCE) - How long must apply lag behind mine to send notification (seconds)?
(NOTIFY_PROGRESS_DIFFERENCE_PERC) - How much must apply lag behind mine for any table to send notification (in %)?
(NOTIFY_CONFLICT_THRESHOLD) - How many conflicts must apply encounter to send notification?
(NOTIFY_DAILY_LIST_PROGRESS_TIME24) - When to send periodic progress summary email? (use 24-h format, separate multiple times by semicolon, e.g. '0630:1230:1830' or OFF to disable)
(NOTIFY_SEND_HEARTBEAT_TIME24) - When to send periodic heartbeat email? (use 24-h format, separate multiple times by semicolon, e.g. '0630:1230:1830' or OFF to disable)