Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


SHUTDOWN process_name

Connect to mineMINE/applyAPPLY/fetcher FETCHER and request it to shut down.
SHUTDOWN ALL means requesting all processes defined in DDC to shut down.


List the current conflict(s). This information is obtained from Dbvisit Replicate internal table DBRSAPPLY_CONFLICT_LOG on the apply APPLY side.

No Format
dbvrep> list conflict current
Information for conflict 8576010028511:
Table: SCOTT.CONF at transaction 0009.02f.00003ffc at SCN 29913656
SQL text (with replaced bind values): insert into SCOTT."CONF"
Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.PK_ID) violated
Handled as: RETRY


After the all conflicts were resolved:

No Format
dbvrep> list conflict last
Information for conflict 8576010038761:
Table: SCOTT.CONF at transaction 0002.000.00004102 at SCN 29918665
SQL text (with replaced bind values): insert into SCOTT."CONF"
Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.PK_ID) violated
Handled as: RETRY
Resolved at: 15.12.2012 01:00:34



In 2-way replication if there is a conflict with APPLY1, then the CHOOSE REPLICATION command first has to be issued before the list conflict command will list the actual conflict of the APPLY1 process. See the CHOOSE REPLICATION command. 


Contacts apply APPLY and resolves current conflict.



Show tabular overview of mineMINE/apply APPLY records processed and conflicts. You can optionally specify a schema to filter the results to a particular database schema (this is source schema if renaming is used). Use ALL to see everything including Dbvisit Replicate internal tables.


Display statistics for number of rows processed/minute and/or lag between mine MINE and applyAPPLY. The lag can be displayed in terms of time or SCN difference; the number of rows per minute can be shown globally or for specified table.
By default, the number of rows processed/minute represents APPLY performance; use LIST STATS TOTAL MINE to see mine MINE statistics.

No Format
dbvrep> list stats total
APPLY: Cumulative totals for all tables:
*** Total statistics since 15.12.2012 02:26:15 (last 24 hours) ***
Total inserts/minute: 659.20
Total updates/minute: 5.99
Total deletes/minute: 0.00
Total operations/minute: 665.19
Total commits/minute: 18.64
Total rollbacks/minute: 18.64
*** Total statistics since 15.12.2012 03:57:13 (last 1 hour) ***
Total inserts/minute: 0.08
Total updates/minute: 0.08
Total deletes/minute: 0.00
Total operations/minute: 0.16
Total commits/minute: 22.13
Total rollbacks/minute: 22.13
*** Total statistics since 15.12.2012 04:53:15 (last 5 minutes) ***
Total inserts/minute: 0.00
Total updates/minute: 0.00
Total deletes/minute: 0.00
Total operations/minute: 0.00
Total commits/minute: 24.50
Total rollbacks/minute: 24.50
*** Total statistics since 15.12.2012 02:26:15 (since last started) ***
Total inserts/minute: 659.20
Total updates/minute: 5.99
Total deletes/minute: 0.00
Total operations/minute: 665.19
Total commits/minute: 18.64
Total rollbacks/minute: 18.64
*** Total statistics since 15.12.2012 02:26:15 (whole history) ***
Total inserts/minute: 659.20
Total updates/minute: 5.99
Total deletes/minute: 0.00
Total operations/minute: 665.19
Total commits/minute: 18.64
Total rollbacks/minute: 18.64


No Format
SQL> conn sys/oracle@src as sysdba
SQL> create user new_schema identified by new_schema;
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource to new_schema;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> conn sys/oracle@trg as sysdba
SQL> create user new_schema identified by new_schema;
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource to new_schema;
Grant succeeded.


Prepare the schema:

No Format
dbvrep> prepare schema new_schema
Connecting to running mine [new_schema]: [Schema prepared (2 internal records).]


The PREPARE command enables DDL replication unless NODDL option is specified. Therefore a new table will be automatically prepared and replicated to the Target database:


It's not necessary to replicate the whole schema. Dbvisit Replicate can also replicate individual tables. 




There are some prerequisites to preparing the table. The table needs to exist on both the source and target, appropriate privileges have to be given to the Dbvisit Replicate owner and historical data needs to be


loaded to


 the target table. For details please see Manually Replicating new objects (adding new tables).

No Format
dbvrep> prepare table oe.promotions
Connecting to running apply [oe.promotions]: [Apply table added.]
Connecting to running mine [oe.promotions]: [Table prepared (4 internal records).]
Table oe.promotions instantiated at SCN 33550622


By default all commands in the Dbvisit Replicate console work with the default processes MINE and APPLY. The choose replication command is useful when working with 2-way or one-to-many replication where there are multiple processes such as MINE, APPLY, MINE1 and APPLY1.Note that the



The CHOOSE REPLICATION command selects all processes for the indicated replication (so both


MINE and


APPLY processes).



No Format

The above command will choose the replication pair that is associated with MINE1. Typically this is MINE1->APPLY1.Note that the CHOOSE REPLICATION



The CHOOSE REPLICATION command is needed prior to issuing commands to list conflicts, resolve conflicts and set conflicts with the APPLY1 process.


