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Let's configure the database, describing it's type, connectivity, user names etc. What type of database is this? (Oracle/MySQL/MSSQL): [Oracle] Please enter database TNS alias: [] orcl_dbvisit230 Please enter SYSDBA user name: [SYS] Please enter password for this user: [change_on_install] ****** Please enter user with DBA role on the target database: [SYSTEM] Please enter password for this user: [manager] ****** Connecting to database orcl_dbvisit230 as SYSTEM to query list of tablespaces and to detect ASM (by looking whether any redo logs or archived logs are stored in ASM). Enter the Dbvisit Replicate owner and apply user (this user will be created by this script): [dbvrep] Please enter password for this user: [dbvpasswd] Permanent tablespaces detected on the database: USERS, SYSAUX, SYSTEM. Please enter default permanent tablespace for this user: [USERS] Temporary tablespaces detected on the database: TEMP. Please enter default temporary tablespace for this user: [TEMP] Does the database use ASM? (yes/no): [YES] Following databases are now configured: 1: Oracle orcl_dbvisit210, SYS/**, SYSTEM/*, dbvrep/**, USERS/TEMP, dbvrep/, ASM:YES 2: Oracle orcl_dbvisit230, SYS/**, SYSTEM/*, dbvrep/**, USERS/TEMP, dbvrep/, ASM:YES Enter number of database to modify it or "done": [done] |
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At this stage specific details about which are the source and target databases are not yet required. |