Run the TEST-EC2-all.sh script to initialize Dbvisit Replicate and load the dbvrep repository in both the source and target. It is important that the steps above be executed before running this step.
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[oracle@]$ ./TEST-EC2-all.sh Setting up Dbvisit Replicate configuration Configure database SOURCEDB... This check fails if the DBID is not the expected one... Ok, check passed. Configure database EC2_TARGET... This check fails if the DBID is not the expected one... Ok, check passed. Object grants for database SOURCE_DB... Object grants for database EC2_TARGET... Setting up the configuration Initializing......done WARN-1850: No DDC DB available, dictionary table does not exist. DDC loaded from database (0 variables). Dbvisit Replicate version 2.6 Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited. All rights reserved. DDC file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/config/RDSPOC-onetime.ddc loaded. MINE: Cannot determine Dbvisit Replicate dictionary version. (no dictionary exists) APPLY: Cannot determine Dbvisit Replicate dictionary version. (no dictionary exists) dbvrep> set ON_WARNING SKIP Variable ON_WARNING set to SKIP for process *. dbvrep> set ON_ERROR EXIT Variable ON_ERROR set to EXIT for process *. dbvrep> ENGINE SWITCH_REDOLOG dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP MINE DROP DICTIONARY 0 dictionary objects dropped. dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP MINE CREATE DICTIONARY dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP MINE LOAD DICTIONARY Supplemental logging on database set. Loading dictionary table DBRSCOL$ Loading dictionary table DBRSIND$ Loading dictionary table DBRSOBJ$ Loading dictionary table DBRSTAB$ Loading dictionary table DBRSUSER$ Loading dictionary table DBRSV_$DATABASE ID of mine proces is 5B57FC60-2978-11E3-A0AD-58D8E5C48113. If not using DDC in database, set MINE_UNIQUE_ID to this value. dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP APPLY DROP DICTIONARY 0 dictionary objects dropped. dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP APPLY CREATE DICTIONARY dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP APPLY LOAD DICTIONARY dbvrep> ENGINE PREPARE_DP SETUP CLEAR dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP PAIR MINE AND APPLY 1 applier SCN set. dbvrep> SET APPLY.INSTANTIATE_SCN NOW Variable INSTANTIATE_SCN set to NOW for process APPLY. dbvrep> ENGINE SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING SCHEMA OE ENABLE PRIMARY KEY dbvrep> ENGINE SWITCH_REDOLOG dbvrep> ENGINE WAIT_SCN_FLIP Waited 2 seconds until scn_to_timestamp changed. dbvrep> #single-scn instantiation: lock all tables and schemas dbvrep> ENGINE LOCK SCHEMAS OE Locking all schemas. Lock done. dbvrep> #single-scn instantiation: unlock all tables and schemas, but keep the SCN dbvrep> ENGINE LOCK RELEASE LOCKS dbvrep> dbvrep> #prepare the tables (we use OFFLINE as neither MINE not APPLY is running; with OFFLINE we won't wait on network timeout) dbvrep> PREPARE OFFLINE SCHEMA OE Table OE.CUSTOMERS instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.INVENTORIES instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.LOGON instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.ORDERENTRY_METADATA instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.ORDERS instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.ORDER_ITEMS instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.PRODUCT_INFORMATION instantiated at SCN 1229827 Table OE.WAREHOUSES instantiated at SCN 1229827 dbvrep> #single-scn instantiation: unlock all tables and schemas, forget the SCN (so it does not affect any further PREPARE statements) dbvrep> ENGINE LOCK CLEAR SCN dbvrep> ENGINE SWITCH_REDOLOG dbvrep> #prepare script for instantiation dbvrep> ENGINE PREPARE_DP WRITE DP_NETWORKLINK DIRECTORY DATA_PUMP_DIR FILE /home/oracle/RDSPOC/APPLY.sh DBLINK XE USERID dbvadmin/xxxx@AWSDB Created Data Pump script /home/oracle/RDSPOC/APPLY.sh, using network import. dbvrep> create ddcdb from ddcfile DDC loaded into database (266 variables). dbvrep> set ON_WARNING SKIP Variable ON_WARNING set to SKIP for process *. dbvrep> set ON_ERROR SKIP Variable ON_ERROR set to SKIP for process *. OK-0: Completed, but some operation(s) raised warnings and/or errors. These steps are required after the RDSPOC-all.sh script runs: 1) Create the necessary directory(ies) on the servers: dbvrds02: /home/oracle/RDSPOC 2) Copy the DDC files to the server(s) where the processes will run: dbvrds02: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-APPLY.ddc dbvrds01: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-MINE.ddc 3) Review that path to dbvrep executable is correct in the run scripts: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-run-dbvrds01.sh /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-run-dbvrds02.sh 4) Copy the run script to the server(s) where the processes will run: dbvrds01: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-run-dbvrds01.sh dbvrds02: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-run-dbvrds02.sh 5) Ensure firewall is open for listen interfaces, used by the processes. 6) Make sure the data on apply are in sync as of time when setup was run. Scripts for Data Pump/export/DDL were created as requested: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/APPLY.sh Create referenced database links (if any) before running the scripts. 7) Start the replication processes on all servers: dbvrds01: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-run-dbvrds01.sh dbvrds02: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-run-dbvrds02.sh 8) Start the console to monitor the progress: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/start-console.sh The above list is stored in /home/oracle/RDSPOC/Nextsteps.txt. |
Once the above scripts are created, copy the RDSPOCTEST-EC2-rundbvrds02.sh and RDSPOCTEST-EC2-APPLY.ddc to the dbvrds02 serverthe ec2-54-82-3-111.compute-1.amazonaws.com server, example:
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[oracle@dbvrds01oracle@ RDSPOC]$ scp /home/oracle/RDSPOCTEST/RDSPOC-run-dbvrds02.sh dbvrds02:/home/oracle/RDSPOC/ [oracle@dbvrds01oracle@ RDSPOC]$ scp /home/oracle/RDSPOCTEST/RDSPOC-APPLY.ddc dbvrds02:/home/oracle/RDSPOC/ |
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SQL> create public database link XEXX connect to system identified by manager using '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = XESOURCE_DB)))'; Database link created. SQL> select * from v$instance@xev$instance@SOURCE_DB; INSTANCE_NUMBER INSTANCE_NAME --------------- ---------------- HOST_NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION STARTUP_T STATUS PAR THREAD# ARCHIVE LOG_SWITCH_WAIT ----------------- --------- ------------ --- ---------- ------- --------------- LOGINS SHU DATABASE_STATUS INSTANCE_ROLE ACTIVE_ST BLO EDITION ---------- --- ----------------- ------------------ --------- --- ------- 1 XE dbvrds01SOURCE_DB sourceserver.com 30-SEP-13 OPEN NO 1 STARTED ALLOWED NO ACTIVE PRIMARY_INSTANCE NORMAL NO XE |
The import script was created as part of the setup wizard process. You will have a file called APPLY.sh located in the /home/oracle/RDSPOC TEST directory. Edit this file and add the option “exclude=statistics” at the end. This will ensure you do not get any errors at the end of the import process. Once you have updated the file and as per the above instructions you have your database links in place you can execute the script from the dbvrdsrep01 sourceserver.com server.
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[oracle@dbvrds01 RDSPOCoracle\]$ cat APPLY.sh impdp dbvadmin/xxxx@EC2_TARGET table_exists_action=TRUNCATE network_link=XE directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR flashback_scn=1229827 tables=OE.CUSTOMERS,OE.INVENTORIES,OE.LOGON,OE.ORDERENTRY_METADATA,OE.ORDERS,OE.ORDER_ITEMS,OE.PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS,OE.PRODUCT_INFORMATION,OE.WAREHOUSES logfile=OE_WAREHOUSES.log JOB_NAME=DP_RDSPOC_0001 exclude=statistics [oracle@dbvrds01 RDSPOC]$ ./APPLY.sh Import: Release - Production on Mon Sep 30 15:45:45 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production Starting "DBVADMIN"."DP_RDSPOC_0001": dbvadmin/********@AWSDB table_exists_action=TRUNCATE network_link=XE directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR flashback_scn=1229827 tables=OE.CUSTOMERS,OE.INVENTORIES,OE.LOGON,OE.ORDERENTRY_METADATA,OE.ORDERS,OE.ORDER_ITEMS,OE.PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS,OE.PRODUCT_INFORMATION,OE.WAREHOUSES logfile=OE_WAREHOUSES.log JOB_NAME=DP_RDSPOC_0001 exclude=statistics Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method... Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 102.6 MB Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE . . imported "OE"."ORDER_ITEMS" 1200672 rows . . imported "OE"."CUSTOMERS" 354141 rows . . imported "OE"."ORDERS" 401688 rows . . imported "OE"."INVENTORIES" 900441 rows . . imported "OE"."LOGON" 114403 rows . . imported "OE"."PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS" 1000 rows . . imported "OE"."PRODUCT_INFORMATION" 1000 rows . . imported "OE"."ORDERENTRY_METADATA" 4 rows . . imported "OE"."WAREHOUSES" 1000 rows Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/GRANT/OWNER_GRANT/OBJECT_GRANT Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/CONSTRAINT/CONSTRAINT Job "DBVADMIN"."DP_RDSPOC_0001" successfully completed at 02:46:32 |
Start the Replication Processes
Mine Server -
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[oracle@dbvrds01 RDSPOCoracle@]$ ./RDSPOCC-run-dbvrds01.sh Initializing......done [oracle@dbvrds01oracle@ RDSPOC]$ DDC loaded from database (266 variables). Dbvisit Replicate version Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited. All rights reserved. DDC file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-MINE.ddc loaded. Starting process MINE...Created directory /home/oracle/RDSPOC/ddc_backup Created directory /home/oracle/RDSPOC/log/ Created directory /home/oracle/RDSPOC/log/trace/ Created directory /home/oracle/RDSPOC/mine/ started |