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dbvrep> setup wizard
This wizard configures Dbvisit Replicate.

The setup wizard creates configuration
scripts, which need to be run after the wizard ends. No changes to the
databases are made before that.

The progress is saved every time a list of databases, replications, etc. is shown. It will be re-read if
wizard is restarted and the same DDC name and script path is selected.

Run the wizard now? [yes]

Accept end-user license agreement? (view/yes/no) [view] yes

Before starting the actual configuration, some basic information is needed. The DDC name and script path
determines where all files created by the wizard go (and where to reread them
if wizard is rerun) and the license key determines which options are available for this configuration.

(DDC_NAME) - Please enter a name for this replication (suggestion: use the name of the source database): [] TEST_RDS

(LICENSE_KEY) - Please enter your license key: [(trial)]

Which Replicate edition do you want to trial (LTD/XTD/MAX): [MAX]

(SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH) - Please enter a directory for location of configuration scripts on this machine: [/home/oracle/TEST_RDS]

Network configuration files were detected on this system in these locations:
(TNS_ADMIN) - Please enter TNS configuration directory for this machine:

Step 1 - Describe databases

The first step is to describe databases used in the replication. There are usually two of them (source and target).

Store SYSDBA and DBA passwords? Passwords only required during setup and initialization? (yes/no) [yes]

Let's configure the database, describing it's type, connectivity, user names etc.

What type of database is this?
(Oracle/MySQL/SQL Server/Oracle AWS RDS/CSV/Hadoop): [Oracle]

Please enter database TNS alias: [] SOURCEDB

Please enter SYSDBA user name: [SYS]

Please enter password for this user: [change_on_install] ******

Please enter user with DBA role: [SYSTEM]

Please enter password for this user: [manager] ******

Connecting to database
SOURCEDB as SYSTEM to query list of tablespaces and to detect ASM (by looking
whether any redo logs or archived logs are stored in ASM).

Enter the Dbvisit Replicate owner (this user will be created by this script): [dbvrep]

Please enter password for this user: [dbvpasswd]

Permanent tablespaces detected on the database: USERS.

Please enter default permanent tablespace for this user: [USERS]

Temporary tablespaces detected on the database: TEMP.

Please enter default temporary tablespace for this user: [TEMP]

Following databases are now configured:
1: Oracle SOURCEDB, SYS/***, SYSTEM/***, dbvrep/***, USERS/TEMP, dbvrep/, ASM:NO, TZ: +00:00

Enter the number of the database to modify it, or "add", or "done": [add]

Let's configure the database, describing it's type, connectivity, user names etc.

What type of database is this? (Oracle/MySQL/SQL Server/Oracle AWS RDS/CSV/Hadoop): [Oracle] Oracle AWS RDS
Please enter database TNS alias: [] RDSTGT

Specify AWS RDS instance DBA user Account [] rds_admin

Please enter password for this user: [] ***********

Connecting to database RDSTGT as rds_admin to query list of tablespaces and to detect ASM (by looking whether
any redo logs or archived logs are stored in ASM).

Enter the Dbvisit Replicate owner (this user will be created by this script): [dbvrep]
Please enter password for this user: [dbvpasswd]
Permanent tablespaces detected on the database: RDSADMIN, USERS.
Please enter default permanent tablespace for this user: [RDSADMIN] USERS
Temporary tablespaces detected on the database: TEMP.
Please enter default temporary tablespace for this user: [TEMP]

Following databases are now configured:

1: Oracle SOURCEDB, SYS/***,
SYSTEM/***, dbvrep/***, USERS/TEMP, dbvrep/, ASM:NO, TZ: +00:00
2: Oracle AWS RDS RDSTGT, rds_admin/***, rds_admin/***, dbvrep/***, USERS/TEMP, dbvrep/, ASM:NO, TZ: +00:00

Enter the number of the database to modify it, or "add", or "done": [done]

Step 2 - Replication pairs
The second step is to set source and targets for each replication pair.

Let's configure the replication pair, selecting source and target.
Following databases are described:
1: SOURCEDB (Oracle)
2: RDSTGT (Oracle AWS RDS)
Select source database: [1]
Select target database: [2]

Will be DDL replication enabled? [yes]

Use fetcher to offload the mining to a different server? (yes/no) [no]

Would you like to encrypt the data across the network (yes or no) [no]

Would you like to compress the data across the network (yes or no) [no]

How long do you want to set the network timeouts. Recommended range between 60-300 seconds [60]

Lock and copy the data initially one-by-one or at a single SCN?
one-by-one : Lock tables one by one and capture SCN
single-scn : One SCN for all tables
ddl-only   : Only DDL script for target objects
resetlogs  : Use SCN from last resetlogs operation
(standby activation, rman incomplete recovery)                                                        
(one-by-one/single-scn/ddl-only/resetlogs) [single-scn]

What data instantiation script to create?

dp_networklink : Data Pump with network link. No export datafile is created (
dp_exp         : Data Pump with export datafile. Creates an export datafile (
exp            : Pre-datapump exp/imp with export datafile (
ddl_file       : DDL file created (APPLY.sql)
ddl_run        : DDL is automatically executed on target
load           : All replicated data is created and loaded automatically
(dp_networklink/dp_exp/exp/ddl_file/ddl_run/load/none) [dp_networklink]

Following replication pairs are now configured:
1: SOURCEDB (Oracle) ==> RDSTGT (Oracle AWS RDS), DDL: yes, fetcher: no, process suffix: (no suffix),
compression: no, encryption: no, network timeout: 60, prepare type: single-scn, dataload: dp_networklink

Enter number of replication pair to modify it, or "add", or "done": [done]
Following replication pairs are now configured:

Step 3 - Replicated tables
The third step is to choose the schemas and tables to be replicated. If the databases are reachable, the
tables are checked for existence, datatype support, etc., schemas are queried
for tables. Note that all messages are merely hints/warnings and may be ignored if issues are rectified
before the scripts are actually executed.

Following Note the following assumptions tables are madedefinedfor inreplication thispairs:
wizard1: SOURCEDB which can be modified by editing the resulting script:
1. All replicated tables have a primary key defined.
2. All columns of the tables and all tables of the specified schemas are replicated, and if DDL support is enabled, whenever a new column/table is added,
this should be replicate as well.
3. If an apply conflict arises, the default option is to try again repeatedly, until a different option is given or the underlying issue is resolved.
4. If an apply conflict arises, no more data will be replicated until the issue is resolved or ignored.

You can also specify some advanced options:
1. Rename schemas or tables.
2. Specify filtering conditions.
3. (Tables only) Configure Change Data Capture; this does not maintain a copy of the source table, but logs all operations as separate entries. This is
useful for ETL or as an audit trail. This usually requires adding of new columns (timestamps, old/new values etc.) to the target table. Dbvisit Replicate
can create the target table with the additional columns during setup by selecting "ddl_run" in the data copy section of Step 2.

Following tables are defined for replication pairs:
1: XE (Oracle) ==> AWSDB (Oracle), DDL: yes, suffix: (no suffix), prepare: single-scn
  No tables defined.
Enter number of replication pair to modify it, or "done": [1]

Please enter list of all individual tables to be replicated. Enter schema name(s) only to replicate all tables in that schema. Use comma or space to
delimit the entries.
Enter the tables and schemas: [] OE
Selected schemas: OE
Add more tables or schemas? (YES/NO) [NO] NO

To replicate changes of PL/SQL objects in schema(s), please enter the schemas to be replicated. Note that specifying any entry will cause additional
privileges to be granted to dbvrep. Enter through a comma or space-delimited list.
Enter the list of schemas (PL/SQL): []
(Oracle) ==> RDSTGT (Oracle AWS RDS), DDL: yes, suffix: (no suffix), prepare: single-scn
  No tables defined.
Enter number of replication pair to modify it, or "done": [1]

Please enter list of all individual tables to be replicated. Enter schema name(s) only to replicate all
tables in that schema. Use comma or space to delimit the entries.

Enter the tables and schemas:[] SCOTT
Selected schemas: SCOTT
Add more tables or schemas? (YES/NO) [NO]

To replicate changes of PL/SQL objects in schema(s), please enter the schemas to be replicated. Note
that specifying any entry will cause additional privileges to be granted to dbvrep.
Enter through a comma or space-delimited list.
Enter the list of schemas (PL/SQL): []

You can also specify some
advanced options:

1. Rename schemas or tables.
2. Specify filtering conditions.
3. (Tables only) Configure
Change Data Capture; this does not maintain a copy of the source table, but logs all operations as separate entries. This is useful for ETL or as an audittrail. This usually requires adding of new columns (timestamps, old/new values etc.) to the target table.

Specify rename name or filter condition for any of the specified schemas (YES/NO): [no]

Following tables are defined for replication pairs:

1: XESOURCEDB (Oracle) ==> AWSDBRDSTGT (Oracle AWS RDS), DDL: yes, suffix: (no suffix), prepare: single-scn
Enter number of replication pair to modify it, or "done": [done]

Step 4 - Process configuration
The fourth step is to configure the replication processes for each replication. Although most options have reasonable defaults, manual input is required.

Following processes are defined:
1: MINE on XE
  Not configured.
  Not configured.
Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [1]
Fully qualified name of the server for the process (usually co-located with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher): [dbvrds01]
Server type (Windows/Linux/Unix): [Linux]
Enable email notifications about problems (yes/no)? [YES] NO
Enable SNMP traps/notifications about problems (yes/no)? [NO] NO
Directory with DDC file and default where to create log files etc. (recommended: same as global setting, if possible)? [/home/oracle/RDSPOC]

Following settings were pre-filled with defaults or your reloaded settings:
[MINE_REMOTE_INTERFACE]: Network remote interface: dbvrds01:7901
[TNS_ADMIN]: tnsnames.ora path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/network/admin
[MINE_USER]: Dbvisit Replicate database username: dbvrep
[MINE_PASSWORD]: Dbvisit Replicate database password: *********
[MINE_PLOG]: Filemask for generated plogs: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/mine/%S.%E (%S is sequence, %T thread, %F original filename (stripped extension), %P process
type, %N process name, %E default extension)
[LOG_FILE]: General log file: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/log/dbvrep_%N_%D.%E
[LOG_FILE_TRACE]: Error traces: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/log/trace/dbvrep_%N_%D_%I_%U.%E

Checking that these settings are valid...
Do you want change any of the settings? [no]

Following processes are defined:
1: MINE on XE
  Host: dbvrds01, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO
  Not configured.
Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [2]
<usually co-located with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher): [ip-10-143-181-189] dbvrds02
Server type (Windows/Linux/Unix): [Linux]
Enable email notifications about problems (yes/no)? [YES] NO
Enable SNMP traps/notifications about problems (yes/no)? [NO] NO
Directory with DDC file and default where to create log files etc. (recommended: same as global setting, if possible)? [/home/oracle/RDSPOC]

Following settings were pre-filled with defaults or your reloaded settings:
[APPLY_REMOTE_INTERFACE]: Network remote interface: dbvrds02:7902
[TNS_ADMIN]: tnsnames.ora path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/network/admin
[APPLY_USER]: Dbvisit Replicate database username: dbvrep
[APPLY_PASSWORD]: Dbvisit Replicate database password: *********
[APPLY_STAGING_DIR]: Directory for received plogs: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/apply
[LOG_FILE]: General log file: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/log/dbvrep_%N_%D.%E
[LOG_FILE_TRACE]: Error traces: /home/oracle/RDSPOC/log/trace/dbvrep_%N_%D_%I_%U.%E

Checking that these settings are valid...
Do you want change any of the settings? [no]

Following processes are defined:
1: MINE on XE
  Host: dbvrds01, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO
  Host: dbvrds02, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO
Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [done]
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-APPLY.ddc.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/RDSPOC-MINE.ddc.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/config/RDSPOC-setup.dbvrep.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/config/RDSPOC-dbsetup_XE.sql.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/config/RDSPOC-dbsetup_AWSDB.sql.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/config/RDSPOC-grants_XE.sql.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/config/RDSPOC-grants_AWSDB.sql.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/config/RDSPOC-onetime.ddc.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/Nextsteps.txt.
Created file /home/oracle/RDSPOC/

Dbvisit Replicate wizard completed

Script /home/oracle/RDSPOC/ created. This runs all the above created scripts. Please exit out of dbvrep, review and run script as current user
to setup and start Dbvisit Replicate.
Optionally, the script can be invoked now by this wizard.
Run this script now? (yes/no) [NO] NO
dbvrep> exit
