This section will show you an example of creating a standby database. This Create Standby Database process (setup) is also referred to as CSD.
Windows only:
Start the "Dbvisit Standby command console" from the Start Menu ->Programs -> Dbvisit -> Standby.
This will start a Command Line with your session already in the DBVISIT_BASE/standby directory.
Note |
When running a primary database using ASM and you are looking at creating a standby database using a normal Filesystem based storage, you need to make sure you review the following parameters:
When using ASM these values can be set to specific ASM disk groups on the primary server. But when you are creating the standby database, you need to update these parameters to reflect the standby filesystem structure. Example, this is the parameters on a primary database using ASM:
Now when creating the standby database, you will lets say use d:\oracle\oradata as your primary datafile location (the database files will be created in d:\oracle\oradata\DB_NAME example d:\oracle\oradata\prod where prod is the database name). And with regards to the Flash/Fast recovery area you might be using d:\oracle\fast_recovery_area. The following adjustments to the db_create_file_dest and db_recovery_file_dest should be made:
If you have the db_create_online_log_dest_n values set you have to adjust them as well.
Step 9:
It is possible to use TRANSPORTABLE MEDIA for very large databases or slow networks. When using this option, a backup of the primary database will be created on local storage (can be attached storage such as an external drive, but this must be mounted/made available by the system administrator). Once the backup is complete, it can be shipped (courier or other methods) to the standby site where it is then attached to the standby server. Once attached you can restart the Dbvisit Standby creation to complete the creation of the standby using this backup. This method is recommended for very large databases as well as when there is an extremely slow network between the primary and standby servers.