2. Run the *-all.sh script. This script will create the replication environment and also create the Oracle Data Pump script for the objects to be replicated.
3. Start the Mine MINE process to start the replication on the source database.
5. Once the Oracle Data Pump load has been completed, the Apply APPLY process can be started on the target database.
Note | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. The order of the step 3 (starting MineMINE) or 4 (Data Pump) above is not important. Step 4 can be done before step 3. It is however important that step 5 (starting ApplyAPPLY) be done at the completion of step 4.
2. By default Dbvisit Replicate expects the replicated objects to exists on the target database when the prepare command is run. This may result in the following error:
In this case edit the *.dbvrep script and set:
After setting the ON_ERROR to skip, run the *-all script again.
3. The object grants on the target database may also error during Dbvisit Replicate setup:
This can be ignored as the Oracle Data Pump will create the necessary object grants as long as the same dbvrep user is used in both source and target databases. |
No Format | ||
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$ ./d112f-all.sh Setting up Dbvisit Replicate configuration Configure database d112f_dbvisit210... Configure database d112f_dbvisit230... Object grants for database d112f_dbvisit210... Object grants for database d112f_dbvisit230... grant select, update, insert, delete on SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS to dbvrep * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Setting up the configuration Initializing.....done WARN-1850: No DDC DB available, dictionary table does not exist. DDC loaded from database (0 variables). Dbvisit Replicate version Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited. All rights reserved. DDC file /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-onetime.ddc loaded. MINE: Cannot determine Dbvisit Replicate dictionary version. (no dictionary exists) APPLY: Cannot determine Dbvisit Replicate dictionary version. (no dictionary exists) dbvrep> set ON_WARNING SKIP Variable ON_WARNING set to SKIP for process *. dbvrep> set ON_ERROR EXIT Variable ON_ERROR set to EXIT for process *. dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP MINE DROP DICTIONARY 0 dictionary objects dropped. dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP MINE CREATE DICTIONARY dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP MINE LOAD DICTIONARY Supplemental logging on database set. Loading dictionary table DBRSCOL$ Loading dictionary table DBRSOBJ$ Loading dictionary table DBRSTAB$ Loading dictionary table DBRSUSER$ Loading dictionary table DBRSV_$DATABASE dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP APPLY DROP DICTIONARY 0 dictionary objects dropped. dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP APPLY CREATE DICTIONARY dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP APPLY LOAD DICTIONARY dbvrep> ENGINE PREPARE_DP SETUP CLEAR dbvrep> ENGINE SETUP PAIR MINE AND APPLY ID of mine proces is 98796642-23B7-11E1-BC5C-1BD78DA50EF3. If not using DDC in database, set MINE_UNIQUE_ID to this value. 1 applier SCN set. dbvrep> PREPARE OFFLINE SCHEMA AVI WARN-9083: Table AVI.AVI_TEST2 not found at apply. WARN-1645: No columns found for AVI.AVI_TEST2, check privileges for Dbvisit Replicate dictionary user at apply or create the target table if it does not exist - before you start the apply. WARN-9246: Column AVI.AVI_TEST2.DATESTAMP is not in table AVI.AVI_TEST2 on apply. WARN-9246: Column AVI.AVI_TEST2.ID is not in table AVI.AVI_TEST2 on apply. WARN-9246: Column AVI.AVI_TEST2.TEST2 is not in table AVI.AVI_TEST2 on apply. Table AVI.AVI_TEST2 instantiated at SCN 15652921 dbvrep> PREPARE OFFLINE TABLE SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS WARN-9083: Table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS not found at apply. WARN-1645: No columns found for SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS, check privileges for Dbvisit Replicate dictionary user at apply or create the target table if it does not exist - before you start the apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.CREATED is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.DATA_OBJECT_ID is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.EDITION_NAME is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.GENERATED is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.LAST_DDL_TIME is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.NAMESPACE is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.OBJECT_ID is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.OWNER is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.SECONDARY is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.STATUS is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.SUBOBJECT_NAME is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.TEMPORARY is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. WARN-9246: Column SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS.TIMESTAMP is not in table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS on apply. Table SCOTT.AVI_OBJECTS instantiated at SCN 15652952dbvrep> ENGINE PREPARE_DP WRITE DP_NETWORKLINK DIRECTORY DATA_PUMP_DIR FILE /home/oracle/d112f/APPLY.sh DBLINK d112f_dbvisit210 USERID SYSTEM/oracle@d112f_dbvisit230 Created Data Pump script /home/oracle/d112f/APPLY.sh, using network import. dbvrep> create ddcdb from ddcfile DDC loaded into database (156 variables). dbvrep> set ON_WARNING SKIP Variable ON_WARNING set to SKIP for process *. dbvrep> set ON_ERROR SKIP Variable ON_ERROR set to SKIP for process *. OK-0: Completed successfully. 1) Create the necessary directory(ies) on the servers: dbvisit210: /home/oracle/d112f dbvisit230: /home/oracle/d112f 2) Copy the DDC files to the server(s) where the processes will run: /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-APPLY.ddc /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-MINE.ddc 3) Review that path to dbvrep executable is correct in the run scripts: /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-run-dbvisit210.sh /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-run-dbvisit230.sh 4) Copy the run script to the server(s) where the processes will run: /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-run-dbvisit210.sh /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-run-dbvisit230.sh 5) Ensure firewall is open for listen interfaces dbvisit230:7902, dbvisit210:7901 used by the processes. 6) Make sure the data on apply are in sync as of time when setup was run. Scripts for Data Pump/export/DDL were created as requested: /home/oracle/orcl/APPLY.sh 7) Start the replication processes on all servers: /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-run-dbvisit210.sh /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-run-dbvisit230.sh 8) Start the console to monitor the progress: /usr/bin/dbvrep --ddcfile /home/oracle/d112f/d112f-MINE.ddc |
3. Start the Mine MINE process by running the d112f-run-dbvisit210.sh on the source server.
The target objects have now been created and the initial data has been loaded. The data is in sync for the Apply APPLY process to start applying the replicated data.
5. Start the Apply APPLY process on the target server by running the d112f-run-dbvisit230.sh script.