Step 4 - Process configuration ======================================== The fourth step is to configure the replication processes for each replication. Although most options have reasonable defaults, manual input is required. Following processes are defined: 1: MINE on orcl reptest1 Not configured. 2: APPLY on test11202 reptest2 Not configured. 3: MINE1 on test11202 reptest2 Not configured. 4: APPLY1 on orcl reptest1 Not configured. Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [1] Fully qualified name of the server for the process (usually co-located with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher): [rac11202node1] Enable email notifications about problems with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher): [dbvldemo101] Server type (Windows/Linux/Unix): [Linux] Enable email notifications about problems (yes/no)? [YES] NO n Enable SNMP traps/notifications about problems (yes/no)? [NO] Directory with DDC file and default where to create log files etc. (recommended: same as global setting, if possible)? [/home/oracle/ orclreptest1] Following settings were pre-filled with defaults or your reloaded settings: ---------------------------------------- [MINE_ LISTENREMOTE_INTERFACE]: Network listen remote interface: rac11202node1 dbvldemo101:7901 [MINE_DATABASE]: Database TNS: orcl reptest1 [TNS_ADMIN]: tnsnames.ora path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin [MINE_USER]: Dbvisit Replicate database username: dbvrep [MINE_PASSWORD]: Dbvisit Replicate database password: ********* [ORACLE_HOME]: ASM ORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid [MINE_PLOG]: Filemask for generated plogs: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/mine/%S.%E (%S is sequence, %T thread, %F original filename (stripped extension), %P process
type, %N process name, %E default extension) [LOG_FILE]: General log file: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/dbvrep_%N_%D.%E [LOG_FILE_TRACE]: Error traces: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/trace/dbvrep_%N_%D_%I_%U.%E Checking that these settings are valid... Do you want change any of the settings? [no] Following processes are defined: 1: MINE on orcl reptest1 Host: rac11202node1 dbvldemo101, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 2: APPLY on test11202 reptest2 Not configured. 3: MINE1 on test11202 reptest2 Not configured. 4: APPLY1 on orcl reptest1 Not configured. Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [2] <usually Fully qualified name of the server for the process (usually co-located with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher): [] Enable email notifications about problems mine is offloaded using fetcher): [dbvldemo102] Server type (Windows/Linux/Unix): [Linux] Enable email notifications about problems (yes/no)? [YES] NO n Enable SNMP traps/notifications about problems (yes/no)? [NO] Directory with DDC file and default where to create log files etc. (recommended: same as global setting, if possible)? [/home/oracle/ orclreptest1] Following settings were pre-filled with defaults or your reloaded settings: ---------------------------------------- [APPLY_ LISTENREMOTE_INTERFACE]: Network listen remote interface: dbvldemo102:7902 [APPLY_DATABASE]: Database TNS: test11202 reptest2 [TNS_ADMIN]: tnsnames.ora path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin [APPLY_USER]: Dbvisit Replicate database username: dbvrep [APPLY_PASSWORD]: Dbvisit Replicate database password: ********* [APPLY_STAGING_DIR]: Directory for received plogs: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/apply [LOG_FILE]: General log file: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/dbvrep_%N_%D.%E [LOG_FILE_TRACE]: Error traces: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/trace/dbvrep_%N_%D_%I_%U.%E Checking that these settings are valid... Do you want change any of the settings? [no] Following processes are defined: 1: MINE on orcl reptest1 Host: rac11202node1 dbvldemo101, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 2: APPLY on test11202 reptest2 Host:, dbvldemo102, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 3: MINE1 on test11202 reptest2 Not configured. 4: APPLY1 on orcl reptest1 Not configured. Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [3] <usually Fully qualified name of the server for the process (usually co-located with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher): [dbvldemo102] Server type (Windows/Linux/Unix): [ dbvisit400.dbvisit.comLinux] Enable email notifications about problems (yes/no)? [YES] NO n Enable SNMP traps/notifications about problems (yes/no)? [NO] Directory with DDC file and default where to create log files etc. (recommended: same as global setting, if possible)? [/home/oracle/ orclreptest1] Following settings were pre-filled with defaults or your reloaded settings: ---------------------------------------- [MINE_ LISTENREMOTE_INTERFACE]: Network listen remote interface: dbvldemo102:7903 [MINE_DATABASE]: Database TNS: test11202 reptest2 [TNS_ADMIN]: tnsnames.ora path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin [MINE_USER]: Dbvisit Replicate database username: dbvrep [MINE_PASSWORD]: Dbvisit Replicate database password: ********* [MINE_PLOG]: Filemask for generated plogs: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/mine1/%S.%E (%S is sequence, %T thread, %F original filename (stripped extension), %P process
type, %N process name, %E default extension) [LOG_FILE]: General log file: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/dbvrep_%N_%D.%E [LOG_FILE_TRACE]: Error traces: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/trace/dbvrep_%N_%D_%I_%U.%E Checking that these settings are valid... Do you want change any of the settings? [no] Following processes are defined: 1: MINE on orcl reptest1 Host: rac11202node1 dbvldemo101, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 2: APPLY on test11202 reptest2 Host:, dbvldemo102, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 3: MINE1 on test11202 reptest2 Host:, dbvldemo102, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 4: APPLY1 on orcl reptest1 Not configured. Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [4] Fully qualified name of the server for the process (usually co-located with the database, unless mine is offloaded using fetcher): [dbvldemo101] Server type (Windows/Linux/Unix): [ rac11202node1Linux] Enable email notifications about problems (yes/no)? [YES] NO n Enable SNMP traps/notifications about problems (yes/no)? [NO] Directory with DDC file and default where to create log files etc. (recommended: same as global setting, if possible)? [/home/oracle/ orclreptest1] Following settings were pre-filled with defaults or your reloaded settings: ---------------------------------------- [APPLY_ LISTENREMOTE_INTERFACE]: Network listen remote interface: rac11202node1 dbvldemo101:7904 [APPLY_DATABASE]: Database TNS: orcl reptest1 [TNS_ADMIN]: tnsnames.ora path: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin [APPLY_USER]: Dbvisit Replicate database username: dbvrep [APPLY_PASSWORD]: Dbvisit Replicate database password: ********* [APPLY_STAGING_DIR]: Directory for received plogs: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/apply1 [LOG_FILE]: General log file: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/dbvrep_%N_%D.%E [LOG_FILE_TRACE]: Error traces: /home/oracle/ orclreptest1/log/trace/dbvrep_%N_%D_%I_%U.%E Checking that these settings are valid… valid... Do you want change any of the settings? [no] Following processes are defined: 1: MINE on orcl reptest1 Host: rac11202node1 dbvldemo101, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 2: APPLY on test11202 reptest2 Host:, dbvldemo102, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 3: MINE1 on test11202 reptest2 Host:, dbvldemo102, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO 4: APPLY1 on orcl reptest1 Host: rac11202node1 dbvldemo101, SMTP: NO, SNMP: NO Enter number of process to modify it, or "done": [done] |