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Table of Contents

1.  Introduction

In this section, we will cover how to deploy Dbvisit Standby on an Oracle Standard Edition High Availability (SEHA) cluster. SEHA is a feature replacing RAC which is no longer available on Standard Edition starting with 19c version.


Volume C:\dbvisit is not shared between both clusters, it's shared between two nodes on local cluster only (Volume is not shared between primary and standby).

1.1  Different types of Oracle SEHA configurations

Dbvisit Standby MP handles Oracle SEHA deployment similar to Oracle RAC Cluster with few differences. There are two types of possible SEHA cluster configurations:


This includes configurations where for example Oracle database instance A and B run on SEHA node 1 and database instance C runs on node 2. Such deployment is currently NOT supported by Dbvisit Standby. Dbvisit Standby can be active only on one of the SEHA cluster nodes, not on both.

1.2  Oracle RAC

For deployment to Oracle RAC clusters, follow the same steps as mentioned below. There is only cosmetic difference when creating DDC configuration in the GUI at the end of the process.


From 19c onwards, RAC is Enterprise Edition (EE) option only and is not certified with Dbvisit Standby, please contact Dbvisit Support if you wish to deploy Dbvisit to such RAC environment.

1.3  Prerequisites

To deploy Dbvisit Standby on SEHA cluster following prerequisites are needed:


Code Block
C:\Users\Administrator>acfsutil info storage
Diskgroup      Consumer      Space     Size With Mirroring  Usable Free  %Free   Path
ACFS                         19.65              19.65           0.54        2%
                DBVISIT      19.00              19.00          18.22       95%   C:\dbvisit
CRS                           4.99               4.99           4.64       92%
DATA                         39.29              39.29          39.18       99%
FRA                          19.65              19.65          17.88       91%
unit of measurement: GB
  • Make sure the Oracle Grid Infrastructure is deployed as per Oracle documentation. The group membership for oracle and grid users needs to be correct. Dbvisit supports cluster role separation (oracle and grid user) as well as simple configuration (oracle user only)

  • Verify that the primary oracle database is SEHA enabled:



Unless otherwise stated all commands in following chapters were executed as “Administrator” user

2.  Dbvisit Software Setup on Primary Cluster

2.1  Creating Dbvisit Dedicated VIP Address

Before starting with Dbvisit Installation we need to create dedicated VIP address mentioned in the "1.3 Prerequisites". In our example the pre-allocated VIP for our SEHA cluster is "" and we decided to assign DNS name "dbvisit-vip34". To create new VIP address you need to execute:


Code Block
C:\Users\Administrator>crsctl status resource dbvisit-vip34

C:\Users\Administrator>crsctl start resource dbvisit-vip34
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'dbvisit-vip34' on 'w19ora19seha3'
CRS-2676: Start of 'dbvisit-vip34' on 'w19ora19seha3' succeeded

2.2  Installing Dbvagentmanager on Primary Cluster


Before starting installation make sure to provision shared ACFS volume to your SEHA cluster. The size needs to be at least 15GB. In this example our shared volume is created as C:\dbvisit


Code Block
[SC] SetServiceObjectSecurity SUCCESS

2.3  Creating Cluster Action script for dbvagentmanager

To enable SEHA failover for dbvagentmanager we recommend to integrate them into Oracle Grid by using action script. Here is single action script for dbvagentmanager and for dbvcontrol:TBD

View file

Dbvcontrol will not be installed on primary cluster, but same action script will be used for dbvagentmanager and dbvcontrol on standby cluster.


You need to receive correct output for each command (service is stopped, started etc ..)

2.4  Creating dbvagentmanager service on 2nd SEHA node

On 2nd SEHA node, we need to manually create the Windows service, set it’s startup mode to manual and change password (use an actual password):



Do NOT start the service on 2nd node

2.5  Creating dbvagentmanager Cluster Resource

Make sure dbvagentmanager service is stopped on both SEHA nodes. Now we can finally create dbvagentmanager action script and test VIP + dbvagentmanager relocation:


This step concludes the installation and setup of Dbvisit on primary SEHA cluster

3.  Dbvisit Software Setup on Standby Cluster

3.1  Creating Dbvisit Dedicated VIP Address

Same as on primary SEHA cluster, Before starting with Dbvisit Installation we need to create dedicated VIP address mentioned in the "1.3 Prerequisites". Our pre-allocated VIP for our standby SEHA cluster is "" and we decided to assign DNS name "dbvisit-vip12". To create new VIP address you need to execute:


Code Block
C:\Users\Administrator>crsctl status resource dbvisit-vip12

C:\Users\Administrator>crsctl start resource dbvisit-vip12
CRS-2672: Attempting to start 'dbvisit-vip12' on 'w22ora19seha1'
CRS-2676: Start of 'dbvisit-vip12' on 'w22ora19seha1' succeeded

3.2  Installing Dbvagentmanager on Standby Cluster

Installation of Dbvisit software on standby cluster is completely the same as on primary - the only difference is that we’ll install dbvcontrol component in addition to dbvamanager. We need first to create directory which will contain Dbvisit installation DBVISIT_BASE:


Code Block
[SC] SetServiceObjectSecurity SUCCESS

3.3  Installing Dbvcontrol on Standby Cluster

You can skip this chapter if you will deploy controlcenter elsewhere.


Code Block

3.4  Creating Cluster Action Script for dbvagentmanager and dbvcontrol

We will use the exactly the same action script as on primary cluster, so . Download from sectio 2.3  Creating Cluster Action script for dbvagentmanager and copy it from there into C:\dbvisit\app\bin Upload the script to directory C:\dbvisit\app\binon standby cluster.

Code Block
cd C:\Temp
cp dbvcrs.bat C:\dbvisit\app\bin


You need to receive correct output for each command (service is stopped, started etc ..) - do the same for dbvcontrol

3.5  Creating dbvagentmanager and dbvcontrol service on 2nd SEHA node

On 2nd SEHA node, we need to manually create the Windows service, set it’s startup mode to manual and change password (use an actual password):



Do NOT start the services on the 2nd node

3.6  Creating dbvagentmanager and dbvcontrol Cluster Resources

Skip the dbvcontrol part is dbvcontrol isn’t installed. Make sure dbvagentmanager service is stopped on both SEHA nodes. Now we can finally create dbvagentmanager action script and test VIP + dbvagentmanager relocation:


This step concludes the installation and setup of Dbvisit on standby SEHA cluster

4.  Creating Dbvisit Database Configuration (DDC) with GUI


In our example we use Dbvcontrol Center on standby SEHA cluster w22ora19seha1 and w22ora19seha2. You can install Dbvcontrol Center there or on any other machine separated from SEHA clusters.


Finalize by setting DDC name, license key and click on “Create Configuration”:


6.  Setup Disaster Recovery Database

Once the configuration is created you can create SEHA standby database.


Code Block
C:\Users\Administrator>srvctl config database -d TEST01
Database unique name: TEST01
Database name:
Oracle home: C:\app\oracle\product\\dbhome_1
Oracle user: nt authority\system
Spfile: +DATA/TEST01/parameterfile/spfiletest01.ora
Password file: +DATA/TEST01/password/PWDTEST01.ORA
Start options: mount
Stop options: abort
Database role: PRIMARY
Management policy: AUTOMATIC
Server pools:
Disk Groups: FRA,DATA
Mount point paths:
Database instance: TEST01
Configured nodes: w22ora19seha1,w22ora19seha2
CSS critical: no
CPU count: 0
Memory target: 0
Maximum memory: 0
Default network number for database services:
Database is administrator managed

6. Perform Graceful Switchover

Primary Server: dbvisit-vip12


Step 2: Primary and Standby server roles are swapped


Step 3: Switchback:


7.  Summary

Standby cluster now hosts SEHA standby database which is also registered within OCR. you can check by executing the command below on primary and standby cluster:
