Create Standby Database using Dbvisit Multiplatform
Dbvisit need needs a /etc/oratab entry for ASM instance in order to correctly detect the ASM instance running on the machines. Add similar entry to this one, with correct grid ORACLE_HOME to /etc/oratab:
Choose your standby machine as a target of the replication:
Then fill in following values:
Staging directory, where the archived logs will be stored before sending to standby side
Unique database name: It is the unique database name from the OCI GUI, of the standby database system:
Choose a Staging directory, where the archived logs will be stored on standby side
Check the switch, that the standby database will use ASM
Insert the name of the ASM instance on the standby side: +ASM1
Choose a Configuration name. Usually name of the database is a good choice: Eg. TEST01
Enter the Dbvisit license key
Press Create Configuration button
At this moment you have a configuration, that puts together information about machines and database involved in the standby database installation.
Before you can continue with standby database creation, you need to create directories, that will be used by Dbvisit to create and backup of the primary database. On both machines run following commands:
Code Block |
[opc@machine1 u01]$ sudo mkdir /u01/dbvisit_backup
[opc@machine1 u01]$ sudo chown oracle:oinstall /u01/dbvisit_backup |
Now you need to Create Standby Database. Click on the Setup Now link:
After some short time of gathering system information you need to fill in following fields:
make sure, that the checkbox to register standby database as clusterware resource is set to No. See chapter: Register Standby Database with Clusterware for more information.
make sure, that the checkbox to send newly created archived logs from the beginning of the primary database backup are sent to standby side
make sure, that the checkbox that you want to send and apply backups one by one in “parallel”
Fill in /u01/dbvisit_backup to both Source and Target Temp location. This will be the location, where the backups will be stored
Press the Manage Oracle Parameters Button
Update all standby database spfile parameters, that differ from between both databases. Mainly “audit_file_dest” and “wallet_root”, that do not match the correct db_unique_name parameter
Make sure, that the checkbox Automated Standby Update is set to Yes
Disable observer for now, you can always enable it later after the Standby database is created
Press Create Standby Database button
After some time, the standby database gets created:
Register Standby Database to Oracle Clusterware
It is advised to
Code Block |
srvctl add database -db TEST01 -dbname TEST01 -instance TEST01_492_IAD -dbtype "SINGLE" -diskgroup "DATA,RECO" -domain "sub06141618210.vcnoci2oci.oraclevcn.com" -node "machine2" -oraclehome "/u01/app/oracle/product/" -pwfile "+DATA/TEST01_492_IAD/password/pwdtest01_492_iad.277.1172143349" -spfile "+DATA/TEST01_492_IAD/parameterfile/spfileTEST01.ora" -startoption "MOUNT" -stopoption "ABORT" |