In this section, we will show you how to import or re-import existing Oracle DDC file into dbvcontrol dashboard. DDC file contains complete configuration for a pair of Primary and Standby Oracle database synchronization.
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DDC file contains all settings needed for Oracle Synchronization. When doing import, you must ensure that all settings stored inside the DDC file are correct (for example primary and standby server roles). Do not perform import if you’re not sure that all DDC file variables are correct. Instead, create DDC file from scratch instead. |
Table of Contents | ||
You should be able to directly enable / continue synchronization with automated standby update as described here:
Post Tasks - Automated Automatic Standby Update (ASU)
5. Recreating DDC repository
The DDC is always accompanied by sqlite repository file which has format <db_name>.env, so for example:
Code Block |
/usr/dbvisit/standbymp/oracle/conf/slash.env |
this DDC sqlite repository is automatically created an maintained by dbvisit. DDC sqlite repository can be common for more DDC files, if they share same primary database db_name parameter.
DDC sqlite repository is only relevant on primary server, on standbyserver its existence is not important.
In some cases it may be needed to manually recreate this file. For example due to corruption when disk gets full. In such case, do following:
(prerequisite is that valid DDC file dbv_<DDC>.env) must exist in the standbymp/oracle/conf/directory
A. Delete manually existing sqlite repository file on primary and standby server
Code Block |
rm standbymp/oracle/conf/slash.db |
B. Run following command on primary:
Code Block |
cd standbymp/oracle
./dbvctl -o setup |
The command will automatically detect DDC file and provide you with possibility to install the repository from the scratch.
Check below example output and note that we selected “2” to create sqlite repository for existing DDC file.
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