Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In the above output of the Replication Console the line numbers are shown for reference and each line number relates to the following explanation:

  1. Shows the version number and the edition, edition of the software (LTD, XTD, or MAX), and the type of license. 
  2. Shows the MINE process is running. Which PLOG sequence (which is the same as the redo log sequence) and SCN the MINE is processing and the database time related to the SCN
  3. Shows the APPLY process is running. Which PLOG sequence and SCN the APPLY is processing and the (source) database time related to the SCN
  4. Name of the replication
  5. Separator
  6. Replication statistics for table OEREPOE.CUSTOMER. The replication is at 99%98%. 1138 56 records have been mined. 1133 55 records have been applied. There are 0 conflicts.
  7. Replication statistics for table OEREPOE.ADDRESSES. The replication is at 99%100%. 1138 55 records have been mined. 1133 55 records have been applied. There are 0 conflicts.
  8. Replication statistics for table OEREPOE.CARD_DETAILS. The replication is at 99%100%. 1008 47 records have been mined. 1005 47 records have been applied. There are 0 conflicts.
  9. Replication statistics for table OEREPOE.ORDER_ITEMS. The replication is at 99%95%. 7615 235 records have been mined. 7596 224 records have been applied. There are 0 conflicts.
  10. Replication statistics for table OEREPOE.ORDERS. The replication is at 99%93%. 6143 195 records have been mined. 6127 182 records have been applied. There are 0 conflicts.
  11. Replication statistics for table OEREPOE.INVENTORIES. The replication is at 99%95%. 7468 228 records have been mined. 7450 217 records have been applied. There are 0 conflicts.
  12. Replication statistics for table OEREPOE.LOGON. The replication is at 99%97%. 7567 265 records have been mined. 7534 259 records have been applied. There are 0 conflicts.
  13. Separator
  14. Number of tables listed in the command console. 
  15. The Replication Console command prompt.


If the Dbvisit Replicate console is not running then:

  1. Connect to the souce server as oracle.

  2. Cd to the correct directory.

    No Format
    cd ~oracle/dbvrep_XE
  3. Start the Replication console:

    No Format
  4. The console can also be started on the target server *. The manual command to start the console is:

    No Format
    dbvrep --ddcfile /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/dbvrep_XE-APPLY.ddc

    * The console can be started on any server that has a TNS connection to both the source and target database, and has the Dbvisit Replicate software installed (including Windows or the host machine). You will need to copy either the MINE ddc or APPLY ddc file to the server you are running the console from. This is to connect the console to the replication.



If there are many tables in the replication, then only a certain number of tables will be shown in the console.

The number of active tables shown in the console is configurable with setting "STATUS_BAR_ACTIVE_TABLES".

To get a list of all the tables in the replication, use the command:

No Format
dbvrep> list progress

The list progress report can be emailed automatically if notification is setup. The schedule when this report is sent is controlled by "NOTIFY_DAILY_LIST_PROGRESS_TIME24"



The statistics of the replication can be viewed with the following commands:

No Format
dbvrep> list stats
dbvrep> list stats all
dbvrep> list stats REPOE.ORDER_ITEMS
