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Simple DML operations:

Before we start, we should ensure, that replication is setup correctly and is running. Connec to dbvrep console using script on the source machine:

If everything went fine, you should see that MINE and APPLY processes are running and applying changes from PLOG files:

MINE IS running. Currently at plog 32 and SCN 573985 (01/22/2015 23:06:56).
APPLY IS running. Currently at plog 32 and SCN 573979 (01/22/2015 23:06:55)

Lets insert some simple row and check in console, how the replication worked.

We are going to insert a row to the table REPOE.CARD_DETAILS. We will create u unique value of CARD_TYPE column in order to be able to check, whether the row was replicated or not.

Check on target database that the row does not exist on the target:

Code Block
titleCheck if CARD_TYPE REPOE_TEST does exist on target database
select count(*) from REPOE.CARD_DETAILS where card_type='REPOE_TEST';

Now insert a row into REPOE.CARD_DETAILS table.

Open any SQL tool, connect as repoe/repoe@TTORCL_SRC to source database and run following query:

Code Block
titleSimple insert operation
[oracle@source ~]$ sqlplus repoe/repoe@TTORCL_SRC
REPOE@TTORCL_SRC> insert into REPOE.CARD_DETAILS (card_id, customer_id, card_type, card_number, expiry_date, is_valid, security_code)
2 values (CARD_DETAILS_SEQ.nextval, 1287, 'REPOE_TEST', 9102450385, sysdate, 'Y', 1000 );
1 row created.
Commit complete.

Now look at the dbvrep console, if the row was successfully replicated;

Code Block
titleOutput of dbvrep console
Progress of replication repoe:MINE->APPLY: total/this execution
REPOE.CARD_DETAILS:           100%  Mine:1/1             Unrecov:0/0         Applied:1/1         Conflicts:0/0       
Last:22/01/2015 23:23:54/OK

When we see in the console, that the row was sucessfully replicated to the target database, we can check, if it is correctly replicated. Connect to target database as user repoe/repoe and run following command:

Code Block
titleCheck if CARD_TYPE REPOE_TEST does exist on target database
select * from REPOE.CARD_DETAILS where card_type='REPOE_TEST';
---------- ----------- ------------------------------ ----------- ------------------ - -------------
    750005        1287 REPOE_TEST                      9102450385 22-JAN-15          Y          1000


Prepare sample schema to replicate
