The sessions used by apply can access various information pertaining to the data being applied. See also Triggers.
- is_dbreplicate_session: set to true in apply session.
xid, sid, serial, cuser, luser, cliinfo, osuser, machine, osterm, osproc, osprog, scn, datetime: audit information from the source. Identical to values described in CDC/Audit for real-time Data Warehousing. By default, this is set on transaction start and before execution of PL/SQL conflict handler.
- conflict_sqlerrm: error message of last conflict. Updated before execution of PL/SQL conflict handler.
Only flag to identify that the sessoin was spawned by apply process is available: @is_dbreplicate_session is set to 1.
Only flag to identify that the sessoin was spawned by apply process is available: context_info is set to 1.