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This step can be skipped, if a standby database is already present. Dbvisit Standby can work with existing standby databases. To integrate Dbvisit Standby with an existing standby database, skip this section and go to section Dbvisit Standby commands (running or executing Dbvisit Standby). Dbvisit Standby does not distinguish between an existing standby database and a standby database created through Dbvisit Standby.Dbvisit Standby can automatically create the standby database. The standby database will reside on the standby server and is an exact binary copy of the primary database.The standby database only needs to be created once. After the standby database is created, Dbvisit Standby will automatically ensure the standby database is kept up to date with the primary database.Dbvisit Standby normally uses the network to transfer the primary database to the standby server to create the standby database. For slow networks or very large databases, use the transportable media creation method to create the standby database. The primary database will not be shutdown during standby database creation. Dbvisit Standby uses RMAN in most cases to make a backup of the primary database.

Perquisites for creating the standby database are:

  1. Oracle software must be installed on the standby server.
  2. Enough free space on the standby server must be available for the standby database.
  3. The Oracle background (cdump, udump, bdump etc. ) and admin directories are created.These directories can be created by Dbvisit if you choose the option to create missing filesystem directories automatically.

Dbvisit Standby allows the following options for creating the standby database:

a) Regular file system standby database with

i) Same structure as primary database or
ii) Different structure as primary database.

b) ASM standby database (for Oracle version 10.2 and higher) with

i) Same structure as primary database or
ii) Different structure as primary database.


The example below shows how to create an ASM standby database using a temporary location to create the initial backup. Creating a standby database is performed on the primary server (primary node).
For a complete overview of creating the standby database, please see Creating Standby Databases automatically with Dbvisit Standby


1. Image AddedHome > Setup > Create New Standby Database > select Database from drop-down menu

2. We are using ASM for the standby database, select Yes and press Continue.

3. Precondition is executing to ensure the standby server environment is correct. This process may take a while to complete.

4. Select the option as required below.

5. Select the temporary location on the primary and standby servers if required.

6. The standby database parameters can be edited if required.

7. The standby database file and online log locations are displayed and these can be edited if a different structure of the standby database is required.

8. The settings can be saved for future use. Click on Create Standby Database.

9. Standby database creation process will start and the output of the different steps will be shown in the browser window. This process can take a very long time depending on the size of the database and the network.

10. Standby database has now been created.

For more information about creation of standby database, please see Creating Standby Databases automatically with Dbvisit Standby.