Variable Name | Variable Description | Possible Values | Notes | ||||
LICENSE_KEY | License key value | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Not recommended to edit | ||||
DDC_VERSION | DDC Version. | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Not recommended to edit | ||||
ORATAB | Location of oratab file on the system | /etc/oratab | Not supported to edit | ||||
COMPRESS | Specifies whether compression method is used to compress the (archive) log files and online redo file during switchover. Enable only if network speed isn’t sufficient for transferring archivelogs generated by your primary database in time to sync the standby database. The COMPRESS and UNCOMPRESS variables should both be configured to same compression values. Note: It is recommended to disable any other compression routines used outside Dbvisit Standby that compress the Oracle (archive) log files. | N (default = disabled) dbvisit /bin/gzip Note: This option is Linux (Unix) only.
| Enable only in slow network environments | ||||
UNCOMPRESS | See COMPRESS Description | N | Enable only in slow network environments | ||||
ZIP_EXTENSION | The extension of the compressed file. This depends on the compression method used. | .gz (default) | Not recommended to edit | ||||
DB_NAME | db_name of your primary database as shown by “SQL> sho parameter db_name;”. Primary and standby db_name must always match. | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
OS | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
PATH | Default Path value for Linux and Windows | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Not supported to edit | ||||
DBVISIT_BASE | Installation path of Dbvisit StandbyMP software on primary host. Typically /usr/dbvisit or C:\Program Files\Dbvisit | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Edit with care | ||||
SOURCE | Hostname of PRIMARY server. The value must exactly match with “HostAddress” parameter in dbvagentmanager.ini on the host | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Edit with care | ||||
ORACLE_SID | ORACLE_SID of your primary database instance Note that incorrect setting may cause Dbvisit to not recognize the database | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
ORACLE_HOME | ORACLE_HOME on your primary server | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
ORACLE_SID_ASM | ORACLE_SID of your primary ASM instance, empty if no ASM is used and empty for SEHA/RAC deployments | +ASM, +ASM1 | |||||
NETPORT | Port for dbvagentmanager transfer, as specified by FileTransferListenPort in dbvagentmanager.ini on primary server | 7890 | |||||
ARCHSOURCE | Staging archivelog location on primary server used for archivelog transfer to standby. For example when copying archivelogs from ASM to local filesystem. All files are deleted after the transfer is finished. As result, this directory should be always empty on primary server | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
LOGSWITCH | Determines if a database log switch - "alter system switch logfile" should be performed every time Dbvisit Standby ASU run is executed (defined by ASU interval) on primary database Example: LOGSWITCH = N | N (default) Dbvisit Standby will perform a database log switch ONLY when there are no new archive logs to transfer. If Dbvisit Standby is executed and an Archive log was generated since the last run, no log switch will be performed and the already created archive log will be transferred to the standby database. If no archive logs have been created since the last Dbvisit Standby execution, a log switch will be forced to start the generation of an archive log to be transferred. Y I | |||||
DB_UNIQUE_NAME | This parameter must match Oracle database parameter db_unique_name set in the primary database. Note that incorrect setting may cause Dbvisit to not recognize the database. | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
BCKDIR | When adding new PDB on primary (and while PDB_SYNC is set to Y) this parameter defines in which directory Dbvisit will create PDB backup which is used for synchronizing the PDB to standby database. | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/backup | |||||
RAC1,2,3,4,5 | Defines structure of primary Oracle Cluster. Hostnames of RAC or SEHA node as shown in oracle grid together with oracle instance, thread number and corresponding ASM Instance: thread_num:host name:oracle sid:oracle sid asm Example for 2 node RAC ASM database: RAC1 = 1:proddb1:PROD1:+ASM1 RAC2 = 2:proddb2:PROD2:+ASM2 SEHA ACFS database example: RAC1 = 1:proddb1:PROD1: RAC2 = 1:proddb2:PROD1: NEVER use IP addresses. | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Edit with care | ||||
OS_DR | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
PATH_DR | Default Path value for Linux and Windows | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Not supported to edit | ||||
DBVISIT_BASE_DR | Installation path of Dbvisit StandbyMP software on standby host. Typically /usr/dbvisit or C:\Program Files\Dbvisit | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Edit with care | ||||
DESTINATION | Hostname of STANDBY server. The value must exactly match with “HostAddress” parameter in dbvagentmanager.ini on the host | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Edit with care | ||||
ORACLE_SID_DR | ORACLE_SID of your standby database instance | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
ORACLE_HOME_DR | ORACLE_HOME on your standby server | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
ORACLE_SID_ASM_DR | ORACLE_SID of your standby ASM instance, empty if no ASM is used and empty for SEHA/RAC deployments | +ASM, +ASM1 | |||||
NETPORT_DR | Port for dbvagentmanager transfer, as specified by FileTransferListenPort in dbvagentmanager.ini on primary server | 7890 | |||||
ARCHDEST | Staging archivelog location on standby server which hold archivelogs transferred by Dbvisit StandbyMP from primary server. | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
LEAVE_COMPRESS_DR | Specifies whether the archive log files should be left compressed or not on the standby server AFTER being applied on the standby database. This variable is effective only with COMPRESS and UNCOMPRESS parameters set Example: LEAVE_COMPRESS_DR = Y | Y N (default) | |||||
DB_UNIQUE_NAME_DR | This parameter must match Oracle database parameter db_unique_name set in the standby database Note that incorrect setting may cause Dbvisit to not recognize the database. | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | |||||
BCKDIR_DR | When adding new PDB on primary (and while PDB_SYNC is set to Y) this parameter defines in which directory Dbvisit will receive the PDB backup on standby | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/backup | |||||
RAC1,2,3,4,5_DR | Defines structure of standby Oracle Cluster. See “PRIMARY RAC SETTINGS” | Automatically Specified During DDC creation | Edit with care | ||||
| |||||||
SEND_MAIL_FLAG | Enables additional Dbvctl Mail Notifications from primary server. Dbvctl Notifications are additional module on top of notifications specified in dbvcontrol. Examples: SEND_MAIL_FLAG = Y | N (default) Y Enables sending additional Dbvctl Mail Notifications | |||||
SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR | Enables additional Dbvctl Mail Notifications from standby server. Dbvctl Notifications are additional module on top of notifications specified in dbvcontrol. Examples: SEND_MAIL_FLAG = Y | N (default) Y Enables sending additional Dbvctl Mail Notifications | |||||
SUCCESSMAIL | Defines whether dbvctl notification is set every time action is successful on primary server. If set to N, dbvctl notifications are sent only for failed actions | N Dbvctl Mail Notifications are sent for failed actions only Y (default) Dbvctl Mail Notifications are sent for all actions | |||||
SUCCESSMAIL_DR | Defines whether dbvctl notification is set every time action is successful on standby server. If set to N, dbvctl notifications are sent only for failed actions | N Dbvctl Mail Notifications are sent for failed actions only Y (default) Dbvctl Mail Notifications are sent for all actions | |||||
ADMINS | List of email addresses separated by comma, to receive dbvctl notifications. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_FROM | Specifies the FROM email address of the primary server. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_FROM_DR | Specifies the FROM email address of the standby server. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER | Specifies the SMTP server to send the email to We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_SMTP_SERVER_DR | Specifies the SMTP server to send the email to from standby server We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
| |||||||
EMAIL_LOG_GAP_REPORT | If user initiates log gap report (GUI, dbvctl, dbvcli) this variable controls whether email will be sent with log gap report summary. This variable controls whether summary of log gap report action initiated by the user | N Email with Log gap report summary is not sent after log gap report is initiated by the user. Y (Default value) Email with Log gap report summary is sent after log gap report is initiated by the user. | |||||
IGNORE_MAIL_ERROR | This variable set behavior which follows encountering error during sending of email (for example SMTP server is not reachable). With default value, any dbvctl process will stop & fail if there’s any problem with sending email. | N (Default value) Any email errors will cause processing to stop at the email processing step. Y Email errors will be ignored and just logged to trace file, instead of error out on email related errors - this ensures that processing can still continue even if there are issues with email configuration. | |||||
_MAILCFG_ALWAYS_ATTACH_TRACEFILE | This parameter is used to specify whether to attach trace files to all emails | N (Default) Tracefile is not attached to mail notification Y Tracefile is always attached to mail notification | |||||
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE | This parameter is used to specify whether to attach trace files to error emails | N Tracefile is not attached to mail notification Y (Default) Tracefile is always attached to mail notification | |||||
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES | This variable is used to specify a file size limit in bytes to attaching the trace file. | 768000 (Default) | |||||
MAILCFG_AUTH_USER | This parameter is used to specify a username required for SMTP authentication (username) on the primary server. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_AUTH_USER_DR | This parameter is used to specify a username required for SMTP authentication (username) on the standby server. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
_MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD | This parameter is used to specify a password required for SMTP authentication (username) on the primary server. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
_MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD_DR | This parameter is used to specify a password required for SMTP authentication (username) on the standby server. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_BCC | Specify email address you want to cc Dbvisit Standby email alerts to. | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_CC | Specify email address you want to bcc Dbvisit Standby email alerts to. | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_DEBUG | Turn on smtp debug messages in the dbvctl trace files. Possible values are 0 (default) or 1 (enable debug). Usually only set after Dbvisit Support instructions. | 0 (Default) No debug in the trace for sent mails 1 debug information of SMTP Server communication is written to the trace | |||||
MAILCFG_PORT | This parameter allows you to specify SMTP port on the primary server. We recommend to NOT change this value | 25 (Default) | Not recommended to edit | ||||
MAILCFG_PORT_DR | This parameter allows you to specify SMTP port on the standby server. We recommend to NOT set this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
MAILCFG_FORMAT | Specifies the format of mail messages sent by dbvctl notifications We recommend to NOT change this value | HTML (Default) Mails are sent in new HTML format introduced in Dbvisit version 10 TEXT Mails are sent in text format | Not recommended to edit | ||||
MAILCFG_FORMAT_DR | Specifies the format of mail messages sent by dbvctl notifications We recommend to NOT change this value | HTML (Default) Mails are sent in new HTML format introduced in Dbvisit version 10 TEXT Mails are sent in text format | Not recommended to edit | ||||
MAILCFG_TIME_OUT | This parameter allows the option to specify SMTP timeout in seconds. We recommend to NOT change this value | 60 (Default) | Not recommended to edit | ||||
MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT | This variable can be used to set a prefix for the email subject line. This can then be used to set filtering rules for emails. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_HEARTBEAT is for the Dbvisit Standby heartbeat email. Example: MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT=51 The result will be: "51 - Dbvisit report for PRODB: Transfer log gap: 0 Archive log gap: 0" | ||||||
MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_SUCCESSFUL | This variable can be used to set a prefix for the email subject line. This can then be used to set filtering rules for emails. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_SUCCESSFUL is for the Dbvisit Standby Succesful email. Example: MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT=53 | ||||||
MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_HEARTBEAT | This variable can be used to set a prefix for the email subject line. This can then be used to set filtering rules for emails. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_HEARTBEAT is for the Dbvisit Standby Log Gap Report email. Example: MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT=52 | ||||||
SUCCESS_MAILTO | This is used to separate the success emails from the failure emails. If set, then all successful Dbvisit Standby emails will be sent to this email address. Failure or unsuccessful emails will be sent to the email address specified by ADMINS. If not set, then all emails will go to ADMINS. We recommend to NOT change this value | Not recommended to edit | |||||
| |||||||
ARCHSOURCE_MANAGEMENT | This wholly disables or enables AMM module on primary. By default AMM on primary is disabled. | N (Default) Y | |||||
DAYS_TO_KEEP_ARCHSOURCE | Specify the number of days to keep the archive log files on the primary server. If this value (in days) is reached, the archive log files will be removed from the server. If you are not sure, set it to 1. Ensure that enough disk space is available to store the archive logs. | whole numbers, 0 to disable | |||||
NUM_ARCHSOURCE_TO_KEEP | Specifies the number of archive log files to keep on the primary server. Archive log files greater than this number will be removed (oldest first). If you are not sure, set it to 0 (disable). | whole and decimal numbers (use . character), 0 to disable | |||||
ARCHSOURCE_BACKUP_COUNT | Specify the number of times an archive log has to be backed up by RMAN before Dbvisit Standby deletes it from the primary server. If this value is set to non-zero and archivelog is never backed up by RMAN, AMM will never delete the archivelog. | 0 (Default) | |||||
THRESHOLD_ARCHSOURCE | Specifies the threshold in percentage (%) of how much disk space may be taken up by the archive log files on disk before an alert is triggered on the primary server. A value of 80 means at 80% space threshold is reached, an alert will be triggered. Please specify the threshold as an integer. | percent, 0 to disable | |||||
FRA_THRESHOLD_ARCHSOURCE | Specifies the threshold in percentage (%) of how much FRA (flash/fast recovery area) space may be taken up by the archive log files on disk before an alert is triggered on the primary server. A value of 80 means at 80% FRA space threshold is reached, an alert will be triggered. Please specify the threshold as an integer. | percent, 0 to disable | |||||
DELETE_ARCHSOURCE_THRESHOLD | Specify if archive log files should be deleted once the percentage threshold (Threshold in % of how much disk space may be used) on the primary server is reached. Once the threshold is reached oldest archive log files are deleted first. By default, this is set as No and Multiplatform notification will send out an email or slack notification once this is reached if enabled. | N (Default) Y | |||||
| |||||||
ARCHDEST_MANAGEMENT | Specifies if the AMM module to manage the archive log files is turned on or off on the standby server. This is recommended to set to yes as it will manage the archive logs that are shipped from primary to standby’s Archive log destination location(ARCHDEST). | N (Default) Y | |||||
DAYS_TO_KEEP_ARCHDEST | Specifies the number of archive log files to keep on the standby server. Archive log files greater than this number will be removed (oldest first).To disable this setting, set to 0. If you are not sure, set to 0 (disable). | whole numbers, 0 to disable | |||||
NUM_ARCHDEST_TO_KEEP | Specifies the number of days to keep the archive log files on the standby server. After this, the archive log files will be removed from the server. This is specific to the archive log destination location in standby from which the archivelog is applied. | whole and decimal numbers (use . character), 0 to disable | |||||
THRESHOLD_ARCHDEST | Specifies the threshold in percentage (%) of how much disk space may be taken up by the archive log files on disk before an alert is triggered on the standby server. | percent, 0 to disable | |||||
DELETE_ARCHDEST_THRESHOLD | Specifies if the archive log files should be deleted once the percentage threshold (THRESHOLD_ARCHDEST) on the standby server is reached. Once the threshold is reached the oldest archive log files are deleted first. | N (Default) Y | |||||
DMN_DBVISIT_INTERVAL | This parameter specifies in seconds the synchronization interval for Automated Standby Update (ASU). This job triggers logswitch & transfers jobs (DMN_DBVISIT jobs) on primary if no new archivelog is generated by the primary database itself. Do not edit this value directly, instead use GUI, CLI or API to set ASU interval | 600 Whole Numbers | Not supported to edit | ||||
DMN_MONITOR_INTERVAL | This parameter specifies in seconds the interval of checks on primary database v$archived_log for newly generated archivelogs (DMN_MONITOR job). This interval should be always less than DMN_DBVISIT_INTERVAL. If there’s a new archivelog found by this DMN_MONITOR job, DMN_DBVISIT logswitch & transfer job is then triggered on primary. It is not supported to set this interval to 0 | 5 | Not recommended to edit | ||||
DMN_DBVISIT_TIMEOUT | Timeout for ASU DMN_DBVISIT_INTERVAL job to complete on primary in seconds | 3600 | Not recommended to edit | ||||
DMN_MONITOR_TIMEOUT | Timeout for ASU DMN_MONITOR_INTERVAL job to complete on primary in seconds | 60 | Not recommended to edit | ||||
DMN_MONITOR_LOG_NUM | Threshold of number of new archivelogs which will cause DMN_MONITOR job to trigger DMN_DBVISIT job. By default any new archivelog on primary is immediately transferred by DMN_DBVISIT job to standby (default value 1). Increasing this value to for example 3 would cause the DMN_DBVISIT jobh to be triggered only after 3rd new archivelog is generated. | 1 | Edit with care | ||||
DMN_MAX_FAIL_NOTIFICATIONS | Max number of email notifications sent by failure on Primary server | 3 | Not recommended to edit | ||||
DMN_BLACKOUT_STARTTIME | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
DMN_BLACKOUT_ENDTIME | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
DMN_DBVISIT_INTERVAL_DR | Unused | 600 | Not supported to edit | ||||
DMN_MONITOR_INTERVAL_DR | Unused | 5 | Not supported to edit | ||||
DMN_DBVISIT_TIMEOUT_DR | Unused | 3600 | Not supported to edit | ||||
DMN_MONITOR_TIMEOUT_DR | Unused | 60 | Not supported to edit | ||||
DMN_MONITOR_LOG_NUM_DR | Unused | 1 | Not supported to edit | ||||
DMN_MAX_FAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_DR | Unused | 3 | Not supported to edit | ||||
DMN_BLACKOUT_STARTTIME_DR | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
DMN_BLACKOUT_ENDTIME_DR | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
| |||||||
SYS_LOGON | The SYS_LOGON variable enables or disables whether password logon will be used for Dbvisit SYS user sessions. Possible values are Y or N (default). Enable only when using SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES set to NONE. | Blank (Default) Y Enables the SYS_LOGON feature N Disables SYS_LOGON feature (same as blank) | |||||
SYS_USER | Name of the user to logon to the database (eg: sys) when using SYS_LOGON = Y Example: SYS_USER = sys | Blank (Default) | |||||
_SYS_PASSWD | user password to logon as sys to the database when using SYS_LOGON = Y No quotes needed, password string will get encrypted inside DDC file after first usage. | Blank (Default) | |||||
SYS_LOGON_STRING | The logon string to the database. | as sysdba | Not supported to edit | ||||
This parameter can be used to specify an Archivelog Apply Delay between the primary and standby database in minutes. It is required that timezone on the Primary and Standby operating systems and databasse are exactly the same. Archive logs will be sent to the standby database as normal by ASU, but if this value is set the apply of archivelogs will be delayed. Dbvisit Standby will recover the standby database using an until time clause where the value specified for this parameter, is deducted from the current time minus the delay set by this parameter. Example: APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES = 50 Archivelogs will be transferred immediately from the primary, but apply will only recover the standby database until specific time: sysdate : 2022-11-09:10:03:11 | 0 (Default) | |||||
ARCHTMP | Specifies a temporary location on the primary server to copy archives from ASM before shipping them to the standby, in case of an ASM primary database. If empty, Defaults to ARCHSOURCE | blank | Not recommended to edit | ||||
ARCHIVE_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD | Dbvisit Standby will generate an alert if the archive log gap from the Dbvisit Standby "log gap report" exceeds this specified value. The archive log gap is defined as difference between last archived sequence on the primary and the last applied sequence on the standby. Log gap report is triggered by default duing each DMN_DBVISIT archivelog transfer job and can be run by user manually. Example: ARCHIVE_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD = 3 A dbvctl email notification alert will be sent if there are 3 or more unapplied archivelogs on standby database whenever log gap report is run. The archive log gap should be near 0 (except when APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES is used). | 0 (Default) When set to 0, off)this parameter is turned off. Set any whole number to enable it. | |||||
TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD | Dbvisit Standby will generate an alert if the transfer log gap from the Dbvisit Standby "log gap report" exceeds this specified value. The transfer log gap is defined as difference between last transferred sequence from the primary and the last archived sequence on the primary. Log gap report is triggered by default duing each DMN_DBVISIT archivelog transfer job and can be run by user manually. Example: TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD = 3 A dbvctl email notification alert will be sent if there are 3 or more un-transferred archivelogs on primary database whenever log gap report is run. The transfer log gap should be near 0 (except when APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES is used). | 0 (Default) When set to 0, off)this parameter is turned off. Set any whole number to enable it. | |||||
COMPARE_CHECKSUM | By default, Dbvisit Standby compares file size after network transfer which is fast way how to verify transfer was successfult. Additionally, it is possible force a checksum comparison on the file that has been transferred. If the checksum is not the same, Dbvisit Standby will alert and attempt to re-transfer the file (the re-transfer happens as well after failed file size check). Note that computing checksum required additional time & CPU especially for large archivelogs. | N (Default) File Transfer verification is done only by comparing size Y File Transfer verification is done by checksum | |||||
CP | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
RSH | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE | Specifies the number of days to keep Dbvisit Standby trace files. Trace files are generated every time Dbvisit Standby is executed. Trace files are only used for Dbvisit Standby support. Dbvisit Standby will delete trace files that are older than this variable value (in days). Works in conjunction with NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP Least restrictive setting applies between DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE and NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP (There is logical AND between criteria specified by these two variables) Tracefiles are deleted after each successful ASU DMN_DBVISIT job run on primary and after each ASU apply job on standby. | 4 (Default) | Not recommended to edit | ||||
NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP | Specifies the number of Dbvisit Standby trace files to keep. in days). Works in conjunction with DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE Example: NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP=1000 DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE=4 After successful ASU Transfer and ASU Apply job, tracefiles older than 4 days and exceeding the count of 1000 (oldest first) will be deleted. | 100 (Default) | Not recommended to edit | ||||
HOSTNAME_CMD | Filename of .sh or .cmd script on host with primary role which determines the server name on which this file is located. Used especially if Dbvisit Standby is part of a cluster and a different hostname should be used instead of the regular hostname returned by the current server Example In a SEHA cluster: HOSTNAME_CMD = dbvhost_slash.sh The above script will be then located in [DBVISIT_BASE]/oracle/dbvhost_slash.sh and contain: echo "dbvisit-vip1" Because Dbvisit works with dedicated VIP in SEHA cluster, we need to override local node hostname and use dbvisit-vip1 (which will be specified as our SOURCE variable) If variable is not specified or script is missing, Dbvisit will default to the output of “hostname” and “hostname -f” OS commands to determine current server name. | Automatically generated during DDC creation | Not recommended to edit | ||||
HOSTNAME_CMD_DR | filename of .sh or .cmd script on host with standby role which determines teh server name on which this file is located. Otherwise same purpose and description as HOSTNAME_CMD. | Automatically generated during DDC creation | Not recommended to edit | ||||
SEND_HEARTBEAT | Determines if a daily heart beat message is sent from primary server to ensure Dbvisit is still scheduled. Y = Dbvisit sends daily heartbeat email. Note that this heartbeat is completely indepentent on heartbeat set via dbvcli or in dbvcontrol GUI. | N (Default) disabled - no heartbeat is sent by dbvctl. Y enabled - heartbeat is sent aty specified times by dbvctl. | |||||
SEND_HEARTBEAT_DR | Determines if a daily heart beat message is sent from standby server to ensure Dbvisit is still scheduled. Y = Dbvisit sends daily heartbeat email. Note that this heartbeat is completely indepentent on heartbeat set via dbvcli or in dbvcontrol GUI. | N (Default) disabled - no heartbeat is sent by dbvctl. Y enabled - heartbeat is sent aty specified times by dbvctl. | |||||
SEND_HEARTBEAT_TIME24 | This variable will indicate the time of the day the Heartbeat (Email) will be sent. The Heartbeat is a daily email which tells you if Dbvisit Standby is active. This will be sent from the primary and standby server. The time is in 24-hour format and should be between 0000 and 2359 and must be 4 digits. If this variable is not present, an email will be sent at the start of each day (midnight). Multiple times separated by comma can be set. Example: SEND_HEARTBEAT_TIME24 = 0700 Example with multiple times specified: SEND_HEARTBEAT_TIME24 = 0700:1300:1800 | 0700 (Default) | |||||
APPLY_ARCHIVE_RMAN | By default, Dbvisit Standby is making use of sqlplus to perform standby database recovery (applying archivelogs). sqlplus is very effective and fast way when apply jobs run in bigger intevrvals (5+minutes) and when only single archivelog is applied during apply job run. On systems where large amount of archivelogs is generated and the apply jobs are applying several archivelogs at once (especially on RAC systems), sqlplus becomes ineffective. For applying bigger amount of archivelogs by single apply job, RMAN apply is more effective than sqlplus. RMAN apply is less effective than sqlplus for applying only single archivelog during apply job. If enabled, the archive logs will be catalogued in the controlfile and then applied using RMAN recovery commands. This process does require that the archive logs on the standby be uncompressed in the ARCHDEST | N (Default - ) If set to N, sqlplus recovery is used )Yfor applying archivelogs on standby database Y When set to Y, archivelogs are applied to standby database by RMAN recovery | |||||
CASCADE | Specifies whether the source database on primary server is a standby database. We don’t recommend to modify this parameter manually, you should rely on creating cascade DDC configuation from the scratch via GUI or dbvcli. | N Y | Edit with care | DBVISIT_DEBUG | Sets Dbvisit Disabled, source database is expected to have the primary role and be in R/W mode Y Enabled, source database is expected to have the standdby role and be in MOUNT mode | Edit with care | |
DBVISIT_DEBUG | Sets Dbvisit debug level. When set to 0 no tracefiles will be generated at all and in case you will encounter any issue, Dbvisit Support will have no information as of Why the error occured. | 1 (Default) Default tracing 0 Tracing turned off completely 2 extended tracing | Not recommended to edit | ||||
NTF_TASKS_SHOW | Unused | Not supported to edit | |||||
DBV_PRE_POST_PROC_NAME | Pre and post processing script name. See following page for more detailed description of this variable and functionality: https://dbvisit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DSMPV12/pages/4446814283/Pre+Post+Processing | dbv_pre_post_processing | |||||
PDB_SYNC | Enables or disables automatic synchronization of newly added PDB on primary (by whichever means) to the standby database. It is enabled by default. | N PDB synchronization is disabled Y (Default) PDB synchronziation is enabled | |||||
| |||||||
SYS_EZCONNECT_ASM | EZConnect string for Primary Baremetal ODA instance used from your primary KVM DB host. Example: //, do not use +ASM1 Note that this string will be used (and must hence work) on primary AND standby KVM DB machine | Edit with care | |||||
SYS_EZCONNECT_ASM_DR | EZConnect string for Primary Baremetal ODA instance used from your primary KVM DB host. Example: //, do not use +ASM1 Note that this string will be used (and must hence work) on primary AND standby KVM DB machine | Edit with care | |||||
SYS_LOGON_ASM | Must be always set to Y | Not supported to edit | |||||
SYS_LOGON_ASM_DR | Must be always set to Y | Not supported to edit | |||||
SYS_LOGON_STRING_ASM | Must be always set to “as sysasm” | Not supported to edit | |||||
SYS_LOGON_STRING_ASM_DR | Must be always set to “as sysasm” | Not supported to edit | |||||
SYS_USER_ASM | Username for logging into Primary Baremetal ODA instance. You can modify the username, but the user needs to have sysasm privileges. We recommend to stick with “sys” | Edit with care | |||||
SYS_USER_ASM_DR | Username for logging into Standby Baremetal ODA instance. You can modify the username, but the user needs to have sysasm privileges. We recommend to stick with “sys” | Edit with care | |||||
_SYS_PASSWD_ASM | user password for SYS_USER_ASM No quotes needed, password string will get encrypted inside DDC file after first usage. | Edit with care | |||||
_SYS_PASSWD_ASM_DR | user password for SYS_USER_ASM_DR No quotes needed, password string will get encrypted inside DDC file after first usage. | Edit with care | |||||
GSDIR | Directory in Primary Baremetal ODA which is used to transfer online redo and other tasks during Graceful switchover. Defaults to [[ASM DISK GROUP]]/[[primary db_unique_name]]/GS Example: GSDIR = +DATA/PROD/GS | Edit with care | |||||
GSDIR_DR | Directory in Standby Baremetal ODA which is used to transfer online redo and other tasks during Graceful switchover. Defaults to [[ASM DISK GROUP]]/[[standby db_unique_name]]/GS Example: GSDIR = +DATA/PRODSTBY/GS GSDIR and GSDIR_DR must never be set to the same value and must point to ASM locations. | Edit with care |
Variable Name | Variable Description | Possible Values | Notes | ||||
WAIT_FOR_FILE_SEC | This variable defines timeout in seconds which dbvctl has for response for submitting SQL or RMAN command in primary or standby database. This includes tasks such as:
etc … Example: WAIT_FOR_FILE_SEC = 250 | 125 (Default) | Edit with care | ||||
| |||||||
RMAN_DBF_BACKUP_TYPE | The Create Standby Database process (CSD) is by default doing RMAN COMPRESSED BACKUPSET which favors environments with slow networks and low free disk space capacity. As result, compressed backup takes more time to be created and restored. If your network speed and free disk space are sufficient, we recommend to switch to “AS BACKUPSET” or “AS COPY” to decrease the time needed to create standby database. Windows platform has very poor performance for RMAN COMPRESSED BACKUPSET. You can always set the parameter before standby database creation. You may need to create standby database several times before finding optimal setting. | AS BACKUPSET RMAN backups done without compression RMAN backups are done as compressed backupset Direct Datafile copy is used for standby creation | |||||
APPLY_READ_ONLY | Specifies behavior for situation when archivelog apply job is run and standby database is found in READ ONLY mode. By default disabled, meaning standby database will stay in READ ONLY mode and apply job will fail. Enablig this variable (setting to Y) will forcefully restart standby database to MOUNT (recovery mode) if it is found in READ ONLY state during archivelog apply. Standby database will remain in MOUNT mode after archivelog is applied | N (Default) Standby database will remain in READ ONLY mode Y Force restart to MOUNT mode during apply | |||||
| |||||||
LOGDIR | Directory on primary host in which Dbvisit generates various small logfiles | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/log (Default) | |||||
LOGDIR_DR | Directory on standby host in which Dbvisit generates various small logfiles | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/log (Default) | |||||
TRCDIR | Directory on primary host in which Dbvisit generates dbvctl traces | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/trace (Default) | |||||
TRCDIR_DR | Directory on standby host in which Dbvisit generates dbvctl traces | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/trace (Default) | |||||
| |||||||
RUN_INSPECT | By default, each time DMN_DBVISIT transfer archivelog job runs, log gap report is run as well. Log gap report always results in several network roundtrips and in environments with slow response networks, this can significantly prolong archivelog transfer. Set this value to N if you wish to skip the log gap report during transfer. This will affect ARCHIVE_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD and TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD notifications. | N No log gap report is run before transfer Y (Default)Edit with Log gap report is run before transfer. | Edit with care | ||||
SYNCH_DBVISIT_INSTALL | This variable ensures the default behavior that DDC file on standby is overwritten with DDC file from primary whenever differences occur. Setting this variable to N will cause the standby DDC file to never be overwritten, which can cause potential issues. This value is for example utilized for DR Test functionality on standby. You shouldn’t change this variable unless instructed by Dbvisit Support | N DDC file on standby will not be overwritten Y (Default) DDC file on standby will be overwritten by DDC from primary | Not supported to edit | ||||
DB_CONNECTION_MODE | Determines the type of SQLPLUS and RMAN connections Dbvisit Standby makes to the database on the standby server. By default in shared mode, the connection is persistent and will be re-used by Dbvisit tasks. Dedicated connection mode will force the disconnection and creation of new session each time Dbvisit will need to run sqlplus or RMAN session. | shared (default) dedicated | |||||
DB_CONNECTION_MODE_DR | same as DB_CONNECTION_MODE, but for standby database | shared (default) dedicated | |||||
LOG_SWITCH_WAIT_IN_SEC | Wait in seconds to allow log switch to occur. This timeout is defined from the moment the logswitch command is issued, till the completion (archivelog visible in v$archived_log). | 3 (default) | |||||
RETRIES_WAIT_IN_SEC | Time in seconds to wait before performing another transfer if a previous transfer failed. | 5 (default) | |||||
GSDIR | Directory on Primary server to transfer online redo and other tasks during Graceful switchover. default location is in [DBVISIT_BASE]. You should change this variable, if you online redo member size exceeds available free disk space in [DBVISIT_BASE] mountpoint | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/gs (Default) | Edit with care | ||||
GSDIR_DR | Directory on Standby server to transfer online redo and other tasks during Graceful switchover. default location is in [DBVISIT_BASE]. You should change this variable, if you online redo member size exceeds available free disk space in [DBVISIT_BASE] mountpoint | [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/gs (Default) | Edit with care | ||||
RECOVER_UNTIL_SCN_FILE | This variable defines file which (if exists), will halt the standby database recovery at the specified SCN. By default, the file specified by default value doesn’t exist. Example:
any archivelog apply job on standby database will then only recover standby database to specified time. Apply job will output:
| [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/log/recover_until_scn.txt (Default) | Edit with care | ||||
RECOVER_UNTIL_TIME_FILE | This variable defines file which (if exists), will halt the standby database recovery at the specified time in format YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS By default, the file specified by default value doesn’t exist. Example: When following file is created:
any archivelog apply job on standby database will then only recover standby database to specified time. Apply job will output:
| [DBVISIT_BASE]/standbymp/oracle/log/recover_until_time.txt (Default) | Edit with care | ||||
| |||||||
SEND_LOG_GAP_WITH_HEARTBEAT | TRCDIR | TRCDIR_DR | wait for redo? wait for file lock?Include the Dbvisit Standby log gap report in the daily heartbeat email that is sent from the primary server. | N Y (Default) | |||
SERVICE_USED | If your standby or primary database are registered with srvctl and has custom service, the value of this parameter has to be set to Y This will result in adding a -f/force flag to the srvctl "stop instance" command to avoid below error.
| N (Default) Y | |||||
SERVICE_USED_DR | set to Y if SERVICE_USED is set to Y | N (Default) Y | |||||
LOCK_MAX_TIME_SEC | If Dbvisit Standby detects a lock on a file that it is trying to process, this parameter specifies the maximum wait in seconds Dbvisit Standby will retry the lock. If the file is still locked after LOCK_MAX_TIME_SEC, then Dbvisit Standby will raise an alert. | 10 (Default) | |||||
LOCK_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC | If Dbvisit Standby detects a lock on a file that it is trying to process, this parameter specifies the wait in milliseconds before Dbvisit Standby will attempt to access the file again. On some platforms the minimum timeout time may be 1 second. | 500 (Default) | |||||