The following settings are available in "Step 1 - Describe databases" of the setup wizard.
What type of database is this? (Oracle/MySQL/MSSQL/Oracle AWS RDS/Hadoop/CSV):
Select the database type. The choices are:
- Oracle (can be source and target database)
- MySQL (can only be target database)
- Microsoft SQL Server (can only be target database)
- Amazon Web Service RDS (can only be target database)
- Hadoop (can only be target database)
- Comma Separated Value (can only be target)
Please enter database TNS alias
A Dbvisit Replicate repository will be created in this database. This is the database username that will own this repository.
Please enter password for this user: [dbvpasswd]
Specify the password for the Dbvisit Replicate repository user.
Enter the password for the MySQL administrator (MySQL only)
Enter the database user to log into apply database: [root]
Enter the username that logs into the target or apply database.
Enter name of the MS SQL database where the replicated tables reside.