If the command works directly with an MINE, APPLY or FETCHER process (not by process name), choose the process by using the “choose” command.
Command | Description | ||
CREATE SERVICE process_name | Create Windows service for the process. | ||
DELETE SERVICE process_name | Delete Windows service for the process. | ||
START SERVICE process_name | Start Windows service for the process (=equal to pressing the start button in Windows Services console). | ||
ENGINE SETUP {MINE|APPLY} CREATE DICTIONARY | Create MINE|APPLY dictionary in database (structure only). | ||
ENGINE SETUP {MINE|APPLY} LOAD DICTIONARY | Create MINE|APPLY dictionary in database (data only). | ||
ENGINE SETUP {MINE|APPLY} DROP DICTIONARY | Drops MINE|APPLY dictionary in database. | ||
ENGINE SETUP MINE DELETE DICTIONARY | Delete data in dictionary in database, just for current DDC_ID. | ||
ENGINE SETUP PAIR MINE AND APPLY | Register target database in MINE metadata, must be executed after you load/create MINE and APPLY dictionary. | ||
ENGINE SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING TABLE schema.table_name {ENABLE|DISABLE} PRIMARY KEY | Enables/disables supplemental logging on table for its primary key. This is mandatory on source for replicate tables. (This is done automatically by PREPARE commands.) It is also mandatory to enable supplemental logging at database level. This is done automatically during ENGINE SETUP MINE LOAD DICTIONARY. | ||
ENGINE SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING SCHEMAschema {ENABLE|DISABLE} PRIMARY KEY | Enables/disables supplemental logging on all table in the schema for their primary key. This is mandatory on source for replicate tables. (This is done automatically by PREPARE commands.) It is also mandatory to enable supplemental logging at database level. This is done automatically during ENGINE SETUP MINE LOAD DICTIONARY. | ||
ENGINE DUMP MESSAGES | Dumps buffer of debug messages that were suppressed by DEBUG_LEVEL setting. (Dumps about last 400kB.)ENGINE CLEAR SCN | Forget the SCN remembered for single-scn. Finish the instantiation (some operations on dictionary are done in batches instead for each table, this command finishes all pending work needed). | |
ENGINE DDL_CHECK ddlopid ddltext | Check whether the given DDL text would be replicated with DDL replication. Ddlopid is Oracle DDL operation id. | ||
ENGINE DUMP ALL | Runs both ENGINE DUMP MESSAGES and ENGINE DUMP MEMORY_ACCOUNTING commands. This command can be also invoked by sending SIGUSR2 (kill -12) to the process (not available on Windows). | ||
ENGINE DUMP MEMORY_ACCOUNTING | Dumps memory accounting info – number of allocations, memory used, etc. Each allocation point (=malloc call in C code) has it’s own id and this is equal to error code that is raised if the malloc fails – so refer to error code list to find out where is the memory allocated. | ||
ENGINE DUMPALLRuns both ENGINE DUMP MESSAGES and ENGINE DUMP MEMORY_ACCOUNTING commands. This command can be also invoked by sending SIGUSR2 (kill -12) to the process (not available on Windows).MESSAGES | Dumps buffer of debug messages that were suppressed by DEBUG_LEVEL setting. (Dumps about last 400kB.) | ||
ENGINE ENCRYPT string | Encrypts/decrypts given string. To be used when setting passwords. | ENGINE SWITCH_REDOLOG | Do a log switch on the database. |
ENGINE LOCK RELEASE ALL | Runs both ENGINE LOCK RELEASE LOCKS and ENGINE CLEAR SCN. This is kept for compatibility only (used before 2.3.14, when the locks were released only after PREPARE statements were executed and no caching of PREPARE statements was used). | ||
ENGINE LOCK RELEASE LOCKS | Release the locks held. | ||
ENGINE LOCK {TABLES|SCHEMAS} list of tables | Lock the listed tables/schemas in share exclusive mode and remember the SCN. This is used for single-scn instantiation. | ||
ENGINE MINE RESET TO PLOG sequence | Force MINE to forget generated PLOGS (after sequence or all of them). MINE will thus on next start go back in history to parse the redo logs again. Run when MINE is stopped. | ||
ENGINE PREPARE_DP SETUP CLEAR | Forget all tables for next instantiation script. | ||
ENGINE PREPARE_DP WRITE DP_NETWORKLINKDIRECTORY directory FILE fileDBLINK dblinkUSERID user/pass@db | Write data load script for network import (data pump). | ||
ENGINE PREPARE_DP WRITE DP_EXPDIRECTORY directory FILE fileMINE_USERID user/pass@db APPLY_USERID user/pass@db | Write data load script for file export/import (data pump). | ||
ENGINE PREPARE_DP WRITE EXP FILE file MINE_USERIDuser/pass@db APPLY_USERID user/pass@db | Write data load script for file export/import (pre-10g export/import). | ||
ENGINE PREPARE_DP WRITE DDL_FILE FILE file USERID user/pass@db | Write data load script – ddl create (just DDL, so it actually does not load the data). | ||
ENGINEDDL_CHECK ddlopid ddltext | Check whether the given DDL text would be replicated with DDL replication. Ddlopid is Oracle DDL operation id. | ||
ENGINE LOCK {TABLES|SCHEMAS} list of tables | Lock the listed tables/schemas in share exclusive mode and remember the SCN. This is used for single-scn instantiation. | ||
ENGINE LOCK RELEASE LOCKS | Release the locks held. | ||
ENGINE CLEAR SCN | Forget the SCN remembered for single-scn. Finish the instantiation (some operations on dictionary are done in batches instead for each table, this command finishes all pending work needed). | ||
ENGINE LOCK RELEASE ALL | Runs both ENGINE LOCK RELEASE LOCKS and ENGINE CLEAR SCN. This is kept for compatibility only (used before 2.3.14, when the locks were released only after PREPARE statements were executed and no caching of PREPARE statements was used). | ||
ENGINE MINE RESET TO PLOG sequence | Force MINE to forget generated PLOGS (after sequence or all of them). MINE will thus on next start go back in history to parse the redo logs again. Run when MINE is stoppedSETUP {MINE|APPLY} CREATE DICTIONARY | Create MINE|APPLY dictionary in database (structure only). | |
ENGINE SETUP {MINE|APPLY} LOAD DICTIONARY | Create MINE|APPLY dictionary in database (data only). | ||
ENGINE SETUP {MINE|APPLY} DROP DICTIONARY | Drops MINE|APPLY dictionary in database. | ||
ENGINE SETUP MINE DELETE DICTIONARY | Delete data in dictionary in database, just for current DDC_ID. | ||
ENGINE SETUP PAIR MINE AND APPLY | Register target database in MINE metadata, must be executed after you load/create MINE and APPLY dictionary. | ||
ENGINE SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING SCHEMAschema {ENABLE|DISABLE} PRIMARY KEY | Enables/disables supplemental logging on all table in the schema for their primary key. This is mandatory on source for replicate tables. (This is done automatically by PREPARE commands.) It is also mandatory to enable supplemental logging at database level. This is done automatically during ENGINE SETUP MINE LOAD DICTIONARY. | ||
ENGINE SUPPLEMENTAL LOGGING TABLE schema.table_name {ENABLE|DISABLE} PRIMARY KEY | Enables/disables supplemental logging on table for its primary key. This is mandatory on source for replicate tables. (This is done automatically by PREPARE commands.) It is also mandatory to enable supplemental logging at database level. This is done automatically during ENGINE SETUP MINE LOAD DICTIONARY. | ||
ENGINE SWITCH_REDOLOG | Do a log switch on the database. | ||
ENGINE TEST_CONNECTION_ORACLE | Tests to make sure you have a valid connection. | ||
ENGINE TEST_CONNECTION_ORACLE_AS_SYSDBA | Tests to make sure you have a valid connection as SYSDBA | ||
START SERVICE process_name | Start Windows service for the process (=equal to pressing the start button in Windows Services console). |