As you should see from the Replication Console, the target database is only a few records (usually a small number of seconds) behind the source database.
While SwingBench is still running in the other terminal window, on the source machine, as oracle, in the $HOME/replicate directory, execute the record_count.bash.bash
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./record_count.bash TABLE_NAME TTORCL_SRC TTORCL_TRG ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ADDRESSES 750684 750672 CARD_DETAILS 750645 750638 CUSTOMERS 500631 500623 INVENTORIES 900131 900131 LOGON 1196213 1196135 ORDERENTRY_METADATA 4 4 ORDERS 716549 716536 ORDER_ITEMS 2148121 2148103 PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS 1000 1000 PRODUCT_INFORMATION 1000 1000 WAREHOUSES 1000 1000 11 rows selected. Sum of orders TTORCL_SRC TTORCL_TRG ------------- ------------------ ------------------ ORDERS $3,584,875,457.00 $3,585,393,081.00 |
The numbers won't be the same as in the output above but you should see only a few records difference between the source and target. .
When the SwingBench process stops after 10 minutes (or you can interrupt it with Ctrl C).
After a couple of seconds, the Replication Console will report 100% replication for all tables. Re-execute the record_count.bash script.
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./record_count.bash TABLE_NAME TTORCL_SRC TTORCL_TRG ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ADDRESSES 750816 750816 CARD_DETAILS 750760 750760 CUSTOMERS 500760 500760 INVENTORIES 900131 900131 LOGON 1196958 1196958 ORDERENTRY_METADATA 4 4 ORDERS 716839 716839 ORDER_ITEMS 2148955 2148955 PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS 1000 1000 PRODUCT_INFORMATION 1000 1000 WAREHOUSES 1000 1000 11 rows selected. Sum of orders TTORCL_SRC TTORCL_TRG ------------- ------------------ ------------------ ORDERS $3,586,575,013.00 $3,586,575,013.00 |
To confirm that the data is replicated the following query can be run on both the source and the target database.
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This record_count.bash script |
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This queries should give the approximately the same number numbers on the source and target database when the replication is < 100%. Run You can run the queries script several times to see that the numbers are updating on both the source and target database. If the replication is at 100% then the numbers should be the same. |
Fantastic! you have completed a simple one-way replication with Dbvisit Replicate.