Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

As you should see from the Replication Console, the target database is only a few records (usually a small number of seconds) behind the source database.

While SwingBench is still running in the other terminal window, on the source machine, as oracle, in the $HOME/replicate directory, execute the record_count.bash.

No Format

------------------------------ ----------- -----------
ADDRESSES                      750684      750672
CARD_DETAILS                   750645      750638
CUSTOMERS                      500631      500623
INVENTORIES                    900131      900131
LOGON                          1196213     1196135
ORDERENTRY_METADATA            4           4
ORDERS                         716549      716536
ORDER_ITEMS                    2148121     2148103
PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS           1000        1000
PRODUCT_INFORMATION            1000        1000
WAREHOUSES                     1000        1000

11 rows selected.

Sum of orders         TTORCL_SRC         TTORCL_TRG
------------- ------------------ ------------------
ORDERS         $3,584,875,457.00  $3,585,393,081.00
