This environment will be using ASM for database storage
Primary Server: kiwi701
Standby Server: kiwi702
Primary Database Name: DEVTEST01
Primary Database Unique Name: DEVTEST01
Standby Database Unique Name and SID will be the same: DEVTEST01
Dbvnet will be used for network communication
Dbvnet default PORT of 7890 will be used
Dbvisit Standby ARCHSOURCE location on the primary server: /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_archdest/DEVTEST01
Dbvisit Standby ARCHDEST location on standby server: /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_archdest/DEVTEST01
The Dbvisit Base directory is /usropt/dbvisit dbvisit
Dbvisit Standby is already installed on both the primary and standby servers
Both Primary and Standby database servers are running Grid Infrastructure 12Infrastructure and have an ASM instance named +ASM
3. Setting up Disaster Recovery Database
Code Block |
[ |
oracle@kiwi701 oracle]$ ./dbvctl - |
o |
setup |
========================================================= Dbvisit Standby Database Technology |
( |
11. |
3. |
0) |
=>dbvctl only needs to be run on the primary server.
Is this the primary server? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
The following Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file(s) found on this
1) Create New DDC
2) Cancel
Please enter choice [] : 1
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Dbvisit Standby setup begins.
The following Oracle instance(s) have been found on this server:
=== ===========
1) TEST01 /u01/app/oracle/
Please enter choice [] : 1
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
=>ORACLE_SID will be: TEST01
=>ORACLE_HOME will be: /u01/app/oracle/
Enter the primary server name.
Note: The hostname is case sensitive on UNIX based systems.
=>SOURCE is [kiwi701]:
Your input: kiwi701
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is kiwi701
Please enter a filesystem directory that Dbvisit Standby use to store (archive)
log files. This directory is not the same as the database recovery area or
archive destinations and should not be located in these areas.
The ARCHSOURCE directory is located on the primary server and will become the
ARCHDEST location when the primary database is converted to a standby database
during a Graceful Switchover operation.
This directory will ONLY contain (archive) log files related to this database.
It should not contain any other (non archive log) files.
Please ensure that this directory exists on
=>ARCHSOURCE is [/u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01]:
Your input: /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01
Specify the DBVNET port number on the primary server. If unsure leave at
=>NETPORT is [7890]:
Your input: 7890
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is 7890
Enter the standby database hostname.
If the standby database will be Oracle RAC enabled:
Enter the the Virtual Hostname (linked to a Virtual IP) for standby database.
This virtual hostname is attached to a VIP that will be able to move between
the RAC nodes. Dbvisit Standby will only run on the server where this virtual
hostname (VIP) resource is running.
The Virtual Hostname (and VIP) should be configured as a resouce in clusterware
and must be enabled and started on one of the nodes before yo continue with the
setup. If you are not using a Virtual Hostname (Highly Recommended), Dbvisit
Standby can only be configured to run on one dedicated node in the RAC
configuration - specify the hosts name here if you do not have a Virtual
Hostname (attached to VIP) for the cluster configured.
For non-RAC configurations specify the standby database server name here.
=>DESTINATION is []: kiwi702
Your input: kiwi702
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is kiwi702
Specify the DBVNET port number on the standby server. If unsure leave at
=>NETPORT_DR is [7890]:
Your input: 7890
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is 7890
Enter Dbvisit Standby installation directory on the standby server
=>DBVISIT_BASE_DR is [/opt/dbvisit/standbymp]:
Your input: /opt/dbvisit/standbymp
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is /opt/dbvisit/standbymp
Enter ORACLE_HOME directory on the standby server
=>ORACLE_HOME_DR is [/u01/app/oracle/]:
Your input: /u01/app/oracle/
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is /u01/app/oracle/
Enter DB_UNIQUE_NAME on the standby server
Your input: TEST01
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is TEST01
Please enter the directory where Dbvisit Standby will transfer the (archive)
log files to on standby server. This directory is not the same as the
database recovery area or archive destinations and should not be located in
these areas.
This directory should ONLY contain (archive) log files related to this
database. It should not contain any other (non archive log) files.
Please ensure that this directory exists on the standby server
=>ARCHDEST is [/u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01]:
Your input: /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01
Enter ORACLE_SID on the standby server
Your input: TEST01
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is TEST01
Enter ASM instance name on the standby server, if your standby is using ASM.
If you are not using ASM on the standby or standby is ACFS leave the value
Your input: +ASM
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is +ASM
Please specify the name of the Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file.
The DDC file is a plain text file that contains all the Dbvisit Standby
=>ENV_FILE is [TEST01]:
Your input: TEST01
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is TEST01
Provide license key.
=>LICENSE_KEY is []: 4jo70-qwp4l-7gplh-g1ehy-icjxm-2199s-330al
Your input: 4jo70-qwp4l-7gplh-g1ehy-icjxm-2199s-330al
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is 4jo70-qwp4l-7gplh-g1ehy-icjxm-2199s-330al
Below are the list of configuration variables provided during the setup
Configuration Variable Value Provided
====================== ==============
ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/
SOURCE kiwi701
ARCHSOURCE /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01
DBVISIT_BASE_DR /opt/dbvisit/standbymp
ORACLE_HOME_DR /u01/app/oracle/
ARCHDEST /u01/app/oracle/dbvisit_arch/TEST01
LICENSE_KEY 4jo70-qwp4l-7gplh-g1ehy-icjxm-2199s-330al
Are these variables correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
>>> Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file TEST01 created.
>>> Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) TEST01 created.
Repository Version 11.0
Software Version 11.0
Repository Status VALID
>>> Created a matching configuration in the Control Center.
TRACE:dbvisit_install.log |
3. Setting up Disaster Recovery Database
3.1 Creating a Standby Database for filesystem-based Storage
Code Block |
[oracle@dbvel81 oracle]$ ./dbvctl -d TEST01 --csd
*** Dbvisit Standby license will expire in 3 days. Please contact Dbvisit Standby
(www.dbvisit.com) to obtain license.
>>> Running pre-checks please wait... done
What would you like to do:
1 - Create standby database (and optionally save settings in template)
2 - Help
3 - Terminate processing
Please enter your choice [1]: 1
=>Do you want to use TRANSPORTABLE MEDIA to transfer the database backup to the
standby server? Transportable media is an external device such as a USB drive
that is first plugged into the primary server and then manually transferred to
the standby site and plugged into the standby server to continue the process.
It can be used for large databases or slow networks.
Specifying No means the network will be used to transfer the database backup.
Your input: N
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
=>Do you want to use SHARED SPACE to backup the database? Shared space is a
location accessible on both SOURCE and DESTINATION. Backup will not need to be
transfered from SOURCE to DESTINATION. [N]:
Your input: N
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
=>Do you want to perform backup, transfer and restore operations in parallel
when possible? [Y]:
Your input: Y
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
=>Do you want to ship archive logs from the primary database while creating the
standby database? [Y]:
Your input: Y
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
A temporary location must be specified on dbvel81 where the database will be
backed up to first.
This location must be big enough to hold RMAN backup of the whole database
=>Specify the location on this server: [/usr/tmp]:
Your input: /usr/tmp
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
A temporary location must be specified on dbvel82 where the database backup
will be copied to before moving to specified locations.
=>Specify location on remote server: [/usr/tmp]:
Your input: /usr/tmp
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
The following oracle database parameters will be set in the standby database pfile or spfile:
* audit_file_dest /u01/app/oracle/admin/TEST01/adump
* compatible 21.0.0
* control_files /u02/app/oracle/oradata/TEST01/control01.ctl,/u02/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TEST01/control02.ctl
* db_block_size 8192
* db_name TEST01
* db_recovery_file_dest /u02/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area
* db_recovery_file_dest_size 5368709120
* db_unique_name TEST01
* diagnostic_dest /u01/app/oracle
* enable_pluggable_database true
* instance_mode READ-WRITE
* nls_language AMERICAN
* nls_territory AMERICA
* open_cursors 300
* pga_aggregate_target 804257792
* processes 320
* remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE
* sga_target 2412773376
* spfile OS default
* undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1
What would you like to do:
1 - Proceed with creating the standby database
2 - Edit oracle database parameters for the standby database pfile/spfile
3 - Terminate processing
Please enter your choice [1]: 1
Validating oracle database parameters... please wait
=>Create standby database template for TEST01 using provided answers? [Y]:
Your input: Y
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
=>Continue with creating a standby database? (If No processing will terminate,
the saved template will be available for future use) [Y]:
Your input: 1
Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
>>> We will now run a pre-flight check before standby database creation. An attempt will be
made to create a standby (s)pfile using Oracle standby database parameters, followed by
trying to start the standby instance. If this step fails, then please double-check the
following items before re-running dbvctl again:
1) Review the standby database parameters you have supplied and provide valid values
unless a template is used.
2) Recreate the template to provide valid values for standby database parameters if a
template is used.
>>> Running pre-flight check for standby creation, please wait... done
>>> Creating standby control file... done
WARNING: FORCE_LOGGING is disabled in the primary database!
>>> Total database size for TEST01 is 3.58GB
>>> Started logship process (pid 37810)
>>> Backing up primary database...
Backing up datafile 1... done
Backing up datafile 3... done
Backing up datafile 4... done
Backing up datafile 5... done
Backing up datafile 6... done
Backing up datafile 7... done
Backing up datafile 8... done
Backing up datafile 9... done
Backing up datafile 10... done
Backing up datafile 11... done
Backing up datafile 12... done
>>> Transferring backup from dbvel81 to dbvel82...
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_1_051pbtoq_5_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_3_071pbtqb_7_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_4_091pbtqt_9_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_5_0b1pbtr2_11_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_6_0d1pbtrk_13_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_7_0f1pbtrv_15_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_8_0h1pbts4_17_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_9_0j1pbts8_19_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_10_0l1pbtsq_21_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_11_0n1pbtt5_23_1_1.RMAN... done
Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_12_0p1pbtt9_25_1_1.RMAN... done
>>> Starting standby database TEST01 on dbvel82 mount... done
>>> Restoring datafiles on dbvel82...
Restoring datafile 1... done
Restoring datafile 3... done
Restoring datafile 4... done
Restoring datafile 5... done
Restoring datafile 6... done
Restoring datafile 7... done
Restoring datafile 8... done
Restoring datafile 9... done
Restoring datafile 10... done
Restoring datafile 11... done
Restoring datafile 12... done
>>> Renaming standby redo logs and tempfiles on dbvel82... done
>>> Completing standby database creation... done
>>> Standby database created.
>>> Performing checkpoint and archiving logs... done
>>> Synchronising standby... done
PID:37335 |
Automatic standby update gets enabled automatically
Code Block |
[oracle@dbvel81 oracle]$ ps -ef | grep dbv
oracle 14173 1 0 19:40 ? 00:00:03 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvagentmanager service run
oracle 14295 14173 0 19:40 ? 00:00:02 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvhelper -agentManagerId 3p2hxo81yz3le -directorId 2ysxxuki73qm3 -hostAddress dbvel81.qadev.cz -natsAddress dbvel82 -natsPort 5533 -configurationType Oracle -helperProcessKey oracle:3p2hxo81yz3le
oracle 39705 14295 0 20:44 ? 00:00:01 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/oracle/dbvctl -d TEST01 --listener start --mode GUI
oracle 40306 14295 0 20:55 ? 00:00:02 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/oracle/dbvctl -d TEST01 -D run --mode GUI
oracle 40444 15071 0 21:03 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dbv |
3.2 Creating a Standby Database for ASM-based Storage
Code Block |
[oracle@kiwi701 oracle]$ ./dbvctl -d TEST01 --csd *** Dbvisit Standby license will expire in 4 days. Please contact Dbvisit Standby (www.dbvisit.com) to obtain license. >>> Running pre-checks please wait... done What would you like to do: 1 - Create standby database (and optionally save settings in template) 2 - Help 3 - Terminate processing Please enter your choice [1]: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =>Do you want to use TRANSPORTABLE MEDIA to transfer the database backup to the standby server? Transportable media is an external device such as a USB drive that is first plugged into the primary server and then manually transferred to the standby site and plugged into the standby server to continue the process. It can be used for large databases or slow networks. Specifying No means the network will be used to transfer the database backup. [N]: Your input: N Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =>Do you want to use SHARED SPACE to backup the database? Shared space is a location accessible on both SOURCE and DESTINATION. Backup will not need to be transfered from SOURCE to DESTINATION. [N]: Your input: N Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =>Do you want to use SHARED SPACE to backup the database? Shared space is a location accessible on both SOURCE and DESTINATION. Backup will not need to be transfered from SOURCE to DESTINATION. [Nperform backup, transfer and restore operations in parallel when possible? [Y]: Your input: NY Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =>Do you want to ship archive performlogs backup,from transferthe andprimary restoredatabase operationswhile increating parallelthe whenstandby possibledatabase? [Y]: Your input: Y Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A temporary location must be specified on =>Do you wantkiwi701 where the database will be backed up to first. This location must be big enough to shiphold archiveRMAN logsbackup fromof the primarywhole database while creating the standby database? [Y(3.16GB). =>Specify the location on this server: [/usr/tmp]: Your input: Y/usr/tmp Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A temporary location must be specified on dbvel81kiwi702 where the database backup will be backed up to first. This location must be bigcopied enough to holdbefore RMANmoving backupto of the whole database (3.58GB).specified locations. =>Specify the location on thisremote server: [/usr/tmp]: Your input: /usr/tmp Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A temporary=>Do locationyou mustwant beto specifiedregister ona dbvel82newly wherecreated thestandby database backupwith willOracle be copied to before moving to specified locations. =>Specify location on remote server: [/usr/tmpRestart? [Y]: Your input: /usr/tmpY Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: The following oracle database parameters will be set in the standby database pfile or spfile: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SID NAME VALUE * audit_file_dest /u01/app/oracle/admin/TEST01/adump * compatible 2118.0.0 * control_files db_block_size /u02/app/oracle/oradata/TEST01/control01.ctl,/u02/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/TEST01/control02.ctl * 8192 * db_block_size db_create_file_dest 8192+DATA * db_name TEST01 * db_recovery_file_dest /u02/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area+FRA * db_recovery_file_dest_size 536870912021474836480 * db_unique_name TEST01 * diagnostic_dest /u01/app/oracle * dispatchers (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=TEST01XDB) * enable_pluggable_database true * instance_mode READ-WRITE * nls_language AMERICAN * nls_territory AMERICA * open_cursors 300 * pga_aggregate_target 804257792268435456 * processes 320 * remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE * sga_target 2412773376805306368 * spfile OS default+DATA * undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What would you like to do: 1 - Proceed with creating the standby database 2 - Edit oracle database parameters for the standby database pfile/spfile 3 - Terminate processing Please enter your choice [1]: 1 Validating oracle database parameters... please wait =>SUCCEEDED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =>Create standby database template for TEST01 using provided answers? [Y]: Your input: Y Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =>Continue with creating a standby database? (If No processing will terminate, the saved template will be available for future use) [Y]: Your input: 1 Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: >>> We will now run a pre-flight check before standby database creation. An attempt will be made to create a standby (s)pfile using Oracle standby database parameters, followed by trying to start the standby instance. If this step fails, then please double-check the following items before re-running dbvctl again: 1) Review the standby database parameters you have supplied and provide valid values unless a template is used. 2) Recreate the template to provide valid values for standby database parameters if a template is used. >>> Running pre-flight check for standby creation, please wait... done >>> Creating standby control file... done ====================================================== WARNING: FORCE_LOGGING is disabled in the primary database! ====================================================== >>> Total database size for TEST01 is 3.16GB >>> Started logship process (pid 80634) >>> Backing up primary database... Backing up datafile 1... done Backing up datafile >>> Total database size for TEST01 is 3.58GB >>> Started logship process (pid 37810) >>>3... done Backing up datafile 4... done Backing up datafile 5... done Backing up primarydatafile database6... done Backing up datafile 17... done Backing up datafile 38... done Backing up datafile 49... done Backing up datafile 510... done Backing up datafile 611... done Backing up datafile 712... done >>> Transferring backup from Backing up datafile 8kiwi701 to kiwi702... Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_1_0g1qmg8u_1_1.RMAN... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_3_0i1qmga5_1_1.RMAN... done Backing up datafile 9Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_4_0k1qmgb1_1_1.RMAN... done Backing up datafile 10Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_5_0m1qmgb5_1_1.RMAN... done Backing up datafile 11Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_6_0o1qmgbn_1_1.RMAN... done Backing up datafile 12Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_7_0q1qmgck_1_1.RMAN... done >>> Transferring backup from dbvel81 to dbvel82... Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_1_051pbtoq8_50s1qmgco_1_1.RMAN... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_39_071pbtqb_70u1qmgcu_1_1.RMAN... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_410_091pbtqt101qmgdg_9_1_1.RMAN... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_511_0b1pbtr2121qmgec_11_1_1.RMAN... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_612_0d1pbtrk141qmgeg_13_1_1.RMAN...1_1.RMAN... done >>> Starting standby database TEST01 on kiwi702 mount... done >>> Restoring datafiles on kiwi702... Restoring datafile 1... done Restoring datafile 3... done Restoring datafile 4... done Restoring datafile 5... done Restoring datafile 6... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_7_0f1pbtrv_15_1_1.RMANRestoring datafile 7... done Restoring Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_8_0h1pbts4_17_1_1.RMANdatafile 8... done Restoring datafile 9... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_9_0j1pbts8_19_1_1.RMANRestoring datafile 10... done Restoring datafile 11... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_10_0l1pbtsq_21_1_1.RMAN... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_11_0n1pbtt5_23_1_1.RMAN... done Transferring /usr/tmp/DBV_TEST01_CSD_DBF_12_0p1pbtt9_25_1_1.RMAN...Restoring datafile 12... done >>> Renaming standby redo logs and tempfiles on kiwi702... done >>> Completing standby database creation... done >>> Starting standby database TEST01 on dbvel82 mountStandby database created. >>> Performing checkpoint and archiving logs... done >>> Restoring datafiles on dbvel82... Restoring datafile 1... done Restoring datafile 3... done Restoring datafile 4... done Restoring datafile 5... done Restoring datafile 6Synchronising standby... done PID:80077 TRACE:80077_dbvctl_csd_TEST01_202304280011.trc |
4. GracefulSwitchover
Code Block |
[oracle@dbvel81 oracle]$ ./dbvctl -d TEST01 -o switchover ============================================================= Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (11.3.0) (pid 50249) dbvctl started on dbvel81: Wed Apr 12 19:03:53 2023 ============================================================= >>> Starting Switchover between dbvel81 and dbvel82 Running pre-checks ... done =>Enter Custom User |
Script |
Automatic standby update gets enabled automatically
Code Block |
[oracle@dbvel81 oracle]$ ps -ef | grep dbv oracle 14173 1 0 19:40 ? 00:00:03 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvagentmanager service run oracle 14295 14173 0 19:40 ? 00:00:02 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvhelper -agentManagerId 3p2hxo81yz3le -directorId 2ysxxuki73qm3 -hostAddress dbvel81.qadev.cz -natsAddress dbvel82 -natsPort 5533 -configurationType Oracle -helperProcessKey oracle:3p2hxo81yz3le oracle 39705 14295 0 20:44 ? 00:00:01 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/oracle/dbvctlto run after Switchover is complete on dbvel81 (leave blank for no script): []: /home/oracle/scripts/switchover.sh =>Enter Custom User Script to run after Switchover is complete on dbvel82 (leave blank for no script): []: /home/oracle/scripts/switchover.sh =>Do you want to proceed with Graceful Switchover? [no]: yes Your input: 1 Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: Pre processing ... done Processing primary ... done Processing standby ... done Converting standby ... done Converting primary ... done Completing ... done Synchronizing ... done Post processing ... done >>> Graceful switchover completed. Primary Database Server: dbvel82 Standby Database Server: dbvel81 >>> Dbvisit Standby can be run as -dper TEST01normal: --listener start --mode GUI oracledbvctl -d TEST01 As 40306part of the 14295Switchover process, 0the 20:55primary ?and standby controlfiles have been exchanged.Unless you are 00:00:02 /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/oracle/dbvctl -d TEST01 -D run --mode GUI oracle 40444 15071 0 21:03 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dbv |
4. GracefulSwitchover
Code Block |
[oracle@dbvel81using RMAN catalog database, you may need to cross-check all backups and review RMAN settings using the SHOW ALL command on the new Primary/Standby databases. Confirm the path set for the SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO setting is valid on both sides. PID:50249 TRACE:50249_dbvctl_switchover_TEST01_202304121903.trc ============================================================= dbvctl ended on dbvel81: Wed Apr 12 19:07:09 2023 ============================================================= |
Code Block |
[oracle@kiwi701 oracle]$ ./dbvctl -d TEST01 -o switchover ============================================================= Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (11.3.0) (pid 5024983016) dbvctl started on dbvel81kiwi701: WedFri Apr 1228 1900:0321:5328 2023 ============================================================= >>> Starting Switchover between dbvel81kiwi701 and dbvel82kiwi702 Running pre-checks ... done =>Enter Custom User Script to run after Switchover is complete on dbvel81kiwi701 (leave blank for no script): []: /home/oracle/scripts/switchover.sh =>Enter Custom User Script to run after Switchover is complete on dbvel82kiwi702 (leave blank for no script): []: /home/oracle/scripts/switchover.sh =>Do you want to proceed with Graceful Switchover? [no]: yes Your input: 1 Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: Pre processing ... done Processing primary ... done Processing standby ... done Converting standby ... done Converting primary ... done Completing ... done Synchronizing ... done Post processing ... done >>> Graceful switchover completed. Primary Database Server: dbvel82kiwi702 Standby Database Server: dbvel81kiwi701 >>> Dbvisit Standby can be run as per normal: dbvctl -d TEST01 As part of the Switchover process, the primary and standby controlfiles have been exchanged.Unless you are using RMAN catalog database, you may need to cross-check all backups and review RMAN settings using the SHOW ALL command on the new Primary/Standby databases. Confirm the path set for the SNAPSHOT CONTROLFILE NAME TO setting is valid on both sides. PID:5024983016 TRACE:5024983016_dbvctl_switchover_TEST01_202304121903202304280021.trc ============================================================= dbvctl ended on dbvel81kiwi701: WedFri Apr 1228 1900:0728:0930 2023 ============================================================= |
Code Block |
[oracle@dbvel82 oracle]$ ./dbvctl -d TEST01 -o reinstate ============================================================= Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (11.3.0) (pid 42544) dbvctl started on dbvel82: Wed Apr 12 19:39:15 2023 ============================================================= >>> Running pre-checks please wait... >>> Validating backup of the standby database... done done ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standby Backup summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tag DBV_TEST01_41621 location /usr/tmp type backupset db_unique_name TEST01 server dbvel82 resetlogs_id 1090236030 resetlogs_time 2021-12-02:11:20:30 created_on 2023-04-12 19:34:26 created_on_utc 2023-04-12 23:34:26 status VALID Files: DBV_TEST01_41621_0v1pee68_31_1_1.bkp DBV_TEST01_41621_101pee7v_32_1_1.bkp DBV_TEST01_41621_111pee8o_33_1_1.bkp DBV_TEST01_41621_CONTROL.CTL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> Reinstating standby will result in permanent removal of all current database files. =>Proceed with reinstating? [no]: yes Your input: 1 Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: >>> Shutting down the database... done >>> Removing database files... done >>> Restoring standby control file... done >>> Starting standby database... done >>> Restoring standby database... done Standby database reinstated. ============================================================= dbvctl ended on dbvel82: Wed Apr 12 19:42:01 2023 ============================================================= |