5. In VirtualBox Import the file. Go to File > Import Appliance.
6. Select the Oracle_Developer_Day.ova file that was downloaded and click on Continue.
7. Select "Reinitialize the MAC address of all the network cards".
8. Ensure the path to the Virtual Disk Images are correct.
9. Click on Import and click Agree to accept the Oracle Developer Days license agreement.
10. The image will now import.
11. Once the files are imported, the VirtualBox Manager will show the VM.
12. Rename the VM. Click on settings and change the name to dbv01 and version to Oracle (64 bit).
13. Click on Advanced and make sure the Snapshot Folder is correct.
14. Click on Network. Set Adapter 1 to NAT Network and select the NATNetwork as the Name.
15. Click on System and change the memory to 2380MB and unclick CD/DVD.
16. Click on Ports and then USB. Disable the USB controller. The VM may not be able to start if USB support is turned on.
17. Click on OK.
17. Click on Start to start the VM.Each virtual machine is configured by default with 2Gb of memory. If you have a host machine with more than 6Gb of memory, you can increase the virtual machine's performance by increasing the --memory parameter for each machine in the machine_setup script prior to executing it. The recommended value for each VM is 1/3 of the physical memory or 4Gb, whatever is smaller.
Edit the machine_setup file and adjust the --memory parameter for the VBoxManage import command for BOTH machines if you have more than 6 Gb of memory. The --memory parameter is expressed in Mb.
No Format |
VBoxManage import "<Machine Name>.ova" <other_options> --memory 2380