The following settings are available in "Step 1 - Describe databases" of the setup wizard.
What type of database is this? (Oracle/MySQL/MSSQL):
Select the database type. The choices are:
- Oracle (can be source and target database)
- MySQL (can only be target database)
- Microsoft SQL Server (can only be target database)
Please enter database TNS alias
Specify the TNS alias used to connect to this database (Oracle only).
Please enter SYSDBA user name: [SYS]
Specify the sysdba user name (Oracle only).
Please enter password for this user
Specify the password for the SYSDBA user (Oracle only).
Please enter user with DBA role
Specify the DBA user name (Oracle only).
Enter the Dbvisit Replicate owner and apply user (this user will be created by this script): [dbvrep]
A Dbvisit Replicate repository will be created in this database. This is the database username that will own this repository.
Please enter password for this user: [dbvpasswd]
Specify the password for the Dbvisit Replicate repository user.
Please enter default permanent tablespace for this user
Specify the default tablespace of the Dbvisit Replicate repository user.
Please enter default temporary tablespace for this user
Specify the temporary tablespace of the Dbvisit Replicate repository user.
Does the database use ASM? (yes/no)
Does this database use the ASM filesystem (only ASM 10.2. or higher is supported).
(SESSION_TIMEZONE) - Database timezone: [+00:00]
Select the Database timezone if it is different. This is relevant only if columns of type TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE are replicated.
(NLS_LANG) - Database NLS settings: [AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8]
The NLS_LANG variable is set at the apply environment and behaves like the NLS_LANG evironment does: it sets the language, territory and character set of the apply session. The language and territory are not very important (they affect things like Oracle error messages shown), the character set must be set to the source database character set, so the any character strings applied are treated correctly according the character set they are in.
(NCHARSET) - Database national character set: [AL16UTF16]
This is the national character set of the source database. This is relevant only for NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 columns.
Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 values are supported; Oracle expects Unicode values to be specified in UTF16, so if the source database is using UTF8 (specified by this setting), apply does the necessary conversion to UTF16.
Any other (legacy) mutlibyte character sets are currently not supported.
Please enter database hostname: [localhost]
Enter the database hostname (MySQL only)
Please enter user name of an administrator: [root]
Enter the user name of the the administrator (MySQL only)
Please enter password for this user
Enter the password for the MySQL administrator (MySQL only)
Enter the user to log into apply database: [root]
Enter the username that logs into the target or apply database.
Enter the database (schema) to use for Dbvisit Replicate internal data (will be created in the script): [dbvrep]
A Dbvisit Replicate repository will be created in this database. This is the database username that will own this repository.
Microsoft SQL Server
Please enter database ODBC DNS
Enter the ODBC DNS (SQL Server only)
Please enter user name of an administrator: [SA]
Enter the user name of the the administrator (SQL Server only)
Please enter password for this user: [password]
Enter the password for the administrator
Enter the user to log into apply database: [SA]
Enter the username that logs into the target or apply database.
Please enter password for this user: [password]
Enter the password for this user
Enter the database to use: [dbvrep]
Name of the database to use.
Enter the schema the table are created by the user specified: [dbo]
Name of the schema that will hold the Dbvisit Replicate repository.