The thumb rule of replication is to identical source and target data before starting replication so no conflicts arise. Therefore, Execute script on target machine to sync target data with source before starting replication. is empty when source environment (schema/tables) has no data.
As indicated by the Nextsteps.txt , the replication can be started by following the steps that are listed above.
Starting the replication does the following:
- Starts the MINE and APPLY process in the background
- Creates the necessary log and plog directories.
- Once the APPLY and MINE process has been started, there is in INITIALIZATION process. This replicates the contents of the Dbvisit Replication repository from the source to the target database. The replication can not be started until this phase has been completed.
Starting the console
The dbvrep console can be started to monitor the real time status of the replication. The command to start the console is also shown in the Nextsteps.txt. In the above example it is:
/usr/bin/dbvrep --ddcfile /home/oracle/orcl/orcl-MINE.ddc
The console can be started on either the Mine server or the Apply server. It can also be started on an independent server as long as the following holds true:
- The Dbvisit Replicate software has been installed
- It has a copy of the DDC file
- There is a TNS connection to the Mine and Apply databases