Dbvisit Replicate supports the following functionality.
Functionality included:
- Full 1-way replication (master to slave).
- Full 2-way replication (master to master or active - active). Oracle to Oracle only.
- Full 3-tier architecture which includes the offloading of the mine process to another server (using the Fetcher process).
- Replication of whole databases, schemas, tables or columns.
- Multiple Mine, Apply and Fetcher processes in the same replication.
- Full logging and tracing.
- Automatic setup of network transportation parameters depending on WAN or LAN network.
- Network encryption and security.
- Full ASM support.
- bequeath connection to ASM (without listener)
- Oracle RAC support.
- CDC/Audit to capture changes in source system to enable real time loading of data warehousing or BI. This loads a Dbvisit Replicate created staging table with old and new values plus all the auditing information such as transaction id, changed date, logon user, operation, machine name etc.
- Parallel apply threads for performance.
- Easy to use Setup wizard.
- One to many support.
- PL/SQL replication.
- MySQL target databases.
- MS SQL Server target databases.
- Windows service. On Windows Dbvisit Replicate runs as a service.
- Managing of the PLOG and log files. Deletes obsolete plogs and log files. (With fetcher, deletes obsolete redo logs delivered to mine as well.)
- Notifications and full alerting when thresholds are exceeded or errors occur.
- SNMP integration to allow for integration with existing monitoring infrastructure.
- Full support provided. Packing of log files to easily send to support services.