
On Linux/Unix, the processes are started using the parameter --daemon:

$ ./dbvrep --ddcfile LINA.ddc --daemon start MINE

The --daemon parameter causes the process to detach from the console and run in the background. The script generated by the setup wizard creates the scripts you will use to start the processes this way, i.e. the --daemon parameter is included (see the scripts listed at the end of the script in its Nextsteps section).


On Windows, processes are registered as services and started by Windows automatically. Configuration scripts created by the -all.bat script will delete any old service for the process/ddc and create a new one (see *win_services*.bat script) and start it (see *run*.bat script).

set EXEC="D:\DBVisit\Replicate\dbvrep.exe"
%EXEC% --ddcfile d:\dbvisit\replicate\config\capi6-MINE.ddc delete service MINE
%EXEC% --ddcfile d:\dbvisit\replicate\config\capi6-MINE.ddc create service MINE


set EXEC="D:\DBVisit\Replicate\dbvrep.exe"
%EXEC% --ddcfile d:\dbvisit\replicate\config\capi6-MINE.ddc start_service MINE

The start_service command does exactly the same as pressing start button in Services console or using standard Windows utility "NET START".