1. Introduction

Dbvisit Standby can be scheduled on both the primary and standby servers.

When scheduling Dbvisit Standby there are a few key factors to take into account such as the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of your environment.

This is a business decision, but certain factors play a key role. These are:

  • Speed of the network
  • Activity on the database
  • Speed of the disks
  • Compression method chosen and CPU power to compress and uncompress archive log files.

A good recommended time frame is to schedule Dbvisit Standby every 5-15 minutes on both the primary and standby servers. 

In the Dbvisit Standby version 8.0.02 initial release there is only one way to schedule Dbvisit to send and apply logs on Windows Based systems, and this is using the Windows Scheduler.

From Dbvisit Standby Version 8.0.04 there is a Windows service for each DDC which will then run as a kind of "background" process, which will then monitor the Oracle database if a primary and if logs are generated they will be detected and send to the standby. On the Standby a service will be created per DDC and when started, will review the ARCHDEST locations and if new logs arrive, they will automatically be applied. See section 4.2.  Windows Based Systems for step by step procedure to use the Windows service option in sending and applying the archivelogs.

Values will be configurable via the DDC file.
This new feature is available in Linux based installations from 8.0.02 (see dbvctl -d <DDC> -D start|stop|status) and is included in Windows from version 8.0.04

2.  Using the UNIX CRON to schedule 

To schedule Dbvisit Standby, add a cron entry to the Oracle software owner on both the primary and standby server. 

This entry will run 24x7 and every 5-10 minutes. It is recommended that the standby cron is scheduled a little later than the primary cron. This ensures there are log files to be applied when Dbvisit Standby executes on the standby server.

On this page:

2.1.  Example CRON schedule

To edit the cron type in crontab -e. Below are two example schedules, one on the primary server, the second one on the standby server.

On the Primary Server:

# Dbvisit Standby Schedule 
00,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * cd /usr/dbvisit/standby; ./dbvctl -d PROD >>/dev/null 2>&1

On the Standby Server:

# Dbvisit Standby Schedule 
05,15,25,35,45,55 * * * * cd /usr/dbvisit/standby; ./dbvctl -d PROD >>/dev/null 2>&1

Where PROD is the name of the database (DDC Name) and Dbvisit Standby is installed in the /usr/dbvisit/standby directory.

3.  Creating a Windows Schedule

When using Dbvisit Standby on Windows based systems, the Windows Schedular must be used.

This section will provide you with an overview of creating a Windows schedule.

The command that should be scheduled is:  "dbvctl -d <DDC>" 

This command if executed on the primary system will send logs to the standby server, and if executed on the standby server, will apply logs to the standby database.

Using Windows scheduler is not required from Dbvisit Standby Version 8.0.04 , We can use the Windows service option discussed in  4.2.  Windows Based Systems . Please Note that you have to use only one of these options to schedule the archive send and apply i.e either you can use the windows scheduler or use the Windows service option introduced in version 8.0.04

3.1.  Creating a new Schedule

The screenshots below provide you with an example of creating a schedule in Windows 2012 R2.

3.2.  Disabling a schedule

To disable a schedule select the task, right click and select "Disable"

4. Running Dbvisit Standby in the Background

This is also known as running the Dbvisit Standby Daemon process - which is executed per DDC.
This is the new feature introduced in Dbvisit Standby version 8, which allows you to run Dbvisit Standby in the background.
The feature was first introduced on the Linux based environments and was made available on Windows based platforms from update 8.0.06

Note : The daemon processes must be stopped and restarted after a Daylight Saving Clock change.  Failure to restart these processes after such a time change can result in Log Gap reports run by the daemon e.g. the Daily Status report displaying the size of log gap incorrectly. 

4.1.  Linux Based Systems

The commands that can be used are listed blow:

dbvctl -d <ddc> -D start|stop|status

The options are:

  • -d <ddc> which indicates the DDC for which the background process will be started
  • -D indicates the following commands are executed specific for the Daemon (background) process, which is "start", "stop" or "status"

Example to start Dbvisit Standby version 8 for a particular DDC, let's say DEV, to automatically ship or apply logs as they become available is:

4.1.1.  Example: Starting a DDC Daemon Process

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -D start
Starting Dbvisit Daemon...
Started successfully.

4.1.2.  Example: Stopping a DDC Daemon Process

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -D stop
Stopping Dbvisit Daemon...
Successfully stopped.

4.1.3.  Example: Status Check of a DDC Daemon Process

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -D status
Dbvisit Daemon process is not running.
[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -D start
Starting Dbvisit Daemon...
Started successfully.
[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -D status
Dbvisit Daemon process is running with pid 2209.

4.1.4.  Example: Listing running processes

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ps -ef|grep dbvctl|grep -v grep
oracle 2209 0 1 10:42 ? 00:00:00 ./dbvctl -d DEV -D start

4.2.  Windows Based Systems

On Windows based systems, the process will make use of Services.  Meaning for every DDC file you want to run the Daemon/Background process, you will need to create a service.

If you attempt to run the Linux way of starting the service with "dbvctl -d <DDC> -D start|stop|status" the process is run in the foreground and not as a service.

This is useful for testing, but not recommended for production systems.

Using the methods described below is recommended (using dbvsmgr)

This can be done via the Central Console - please see 5.2.ManagingtheDaemonforWindowsBasedsystems

On Windows Based systems a new Utility - dbvsmgr is used to manage the Dbvisit Standby services.  This includes Dbvnet, Dbvserver and Dbvagent as well as the new Background/Daemon process - which will be configured to run as a Windows Service.

Example, once the service is created you will see a new service for the DDC in the format of "dbvctl-DDCName" - in the example the DDC is QA so the service name is "dbvctl-QA"

When this service is started, the Daemon will run for this DDC.  The service can be started either direct from the Windows Services console or by using the Dbvsmgr utility which is located in DBVISIT_BASE/dbvsmgr folder.

4.2.1.  Manually Creating the Service using Dbvsmgr

The dbvsmgr utility have the following options:

Example Usage Output:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr

dbvsmgr tool, windows service tool:
  -c [ --install ] arg   Install service
                         (This option will require --account and --password)
  -r [ --uninstall ] arg Uninstall the service
  --start arg            Start the service
  --stop arg             Stop the service
  --status arg           Show status of service
  --mode arg             GUI
  -s [ --run ] arg       run
  -h [ --help ]          Using this parameter will show this help message
  -d [ --ddc ] arg       DDC (only for dbvctl)
  -V [ --version ]       This will display the Dbvsmgr Version
  --usercheck            Checks username and password
  -u [ --account ] arg   Windows account that will install and run the service
  -p [ --password ] arg  Password that will be used for the user that will run the service  Creating a DDC Service

Creating a Service for a DDC file requires a few parameters, these are:

--install dbvctl
-d <DDC>
--account <Windows User That will run Service>
--password <Windows User Password>

Example:  dbvsmgr --install dbvctl -d QA --account "dbvwin101\Administrator" --password "Abc123"

Important:  Before you run this command, you need to make sure that you have a Valid DDC and that the License key have been applied.  Otherwise the Service will be created, but will not be able to start.

Example Output:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --install dbvctl -d QA --account "dbvwin101\Administrator" --password "Abc123"
Service has been installed
Security Information has been updated
Policy 'Log on as a service' has been taken

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --status dbvctl-QA
Dbvnet service is not running

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --start dbvctl-QA
Starting Dbvnet service
Start Complete  Stop, Start, Status Checks for DDC Service

To Stop, Start and Check the status of the service is done using the --start, --stop and --status options.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --status dbvctl-QA
Dbvnet service is not running

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --start dbvctl-QA
Starting Dbvnet service
Start Complete

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --status dbvctl-QA
Dbvnet service is running

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --stop dbvctl-QA
Stopping Dbvnet service....................
Stop Complete

C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --status dbvctl-QA
Dbvnet service is not running  Removing the DDC Service

To remove the DDC service, you have to stop the service first, then run the dbvsmgr --uninstall <service-name> command.

In the example below we want to remove the dbvctl-QA service


C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit\dbvsmgr>dbvsmgr --uninstall dbvctl-qa
Dbvnet service uninstalled successfully.

4.3.  Configuration Options

Configuration options are specified in the particular DDC file.

The parameters relating to the Daemon/Background process stars with DMN_ and is grouped together in the DDC file.

Example extract below - indicating Default Values

# 70 Daemon Settings
# DMN_DBVISIT_INTERVAL - interval in seconds for dbvisit schedule on source
# DMN_MONITOR_INTERVAL - interval in seconds for log monitor schedule on source
# DMN_DBVISIT_TIMEOUT - max seconds for a dbvisit process to complete on source
# DMN_MONITOR_LOG_NUM - number of logs to monitor on source
# DMN_DB_CONN_KEEP - keep or reopen db connections for each dbvisit run on source
# DMN_MAX_FAIL_NOTIFICATIONS - max number of emails sent on failure on source
# DMN_DBVISIT_INTERVAL_DR - interval in seconds for dbvisit schedule on destination
# DMN_MONITOR_INTERVAL_DR - interval in seconds for log monitor schedule on destination
# DMN_DBVISIT_TIMEOUT_DR - max seconds for a dbvisit process to complete on destination
# DMN_MONITOR_LOG_NUM_DR - number of logs to monitor on destination
# DMN_DB_CONN_KEEP_DR - keep or reopen db connections for each dbvisit run on destination
# DMN_MAX_FAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_DR - max number of emails sent on failure on destination

There are 4 key values that should be reviewed and adjusted to your requirements:


The Interval and Monitor Interval parameters indicates the frequency of checking for new logs (DMN_MONITOR_INTERVAL), and if no logs are generated during a specified period - Dbvisit Standby version 8 will force a log switch (DMN_DBVISIT_INTERVAL).

In most cases the default values should be sufficient.

Please note that logs will be shipped and applied sequentially.

Additional information can be found in our knowledge base document @@ https://support.dbvisit.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006499748-Dbvisit-Standby-Daemon-Variables

4.4 Daemon Blackout

The blackout feature will help in pausing the archive send/apply process for a particular timeframe.

If the blackout window is set for primary, during this window no archives would be sent , when set for  standby no archives would be applied for the particular window.

This can be done by editing the DDC file directly or can be set from Manage Configurations Menu in GUI.

Below are the configuration parameters for enabling a blackout window for Primary


Below are the configuration parameters for enabling a blackout window for Standby 


Example: In this example we have provided a blackout time frame for both primary and standby between 19:00 to 21:00hrs , if the entries are not removed the blackout will happen everyday during the particular time frame.


The Daemon Blackout parameter can be used only when Daemon process is used for sending and applying archivelogs.

5.  Start Background Process in Central Console

The new background process option where you can run Dbvisit Standby for each DDC in the background can be managed via the Central Console.

To get access to this option, you must already have a DDC configured and must be able to manually ship and apply logs prior to enabling this option.

  • When using Linux, the background process will be started using the -D option (dbvctl -d DDC -D start|stop|status) 
  • When using Windows, the background process will run as a Windows Service.  A Windows Service will be created on the primary and standby server for each DDC.

5.1.  Managing the Daemon for Linux Based systems

Step 1:  Navigate to the Database Actions Menu

Step 2:  For the particular DDC, select the Daemon Actions option which is the lightning bolt icon as shown blow. 

Step 3:  Select the Host on which you want to perform the action.  Note that you have to start the daemon on both hosts if you want to automate the log shipping and applying options.

Step 4:  Once the host is selected, the options available will be displayed: Status, Start, Stop - note for Windows there will be an install option which is to create the service.

Step 5:  The output windows below show you the output of the command options

Start Daemon output 

Stop Daemon output

Status check of the Deamon

5.2.  Managing the Daemon for Windows Based systems

If you are running Standby on a Windows environment, the available Daemon Control options are a little different.

In order to work with the Daemon, Dbvisit must first install a Windows Service to manage the communication.

You can check whether the required Service is installed and/or running by using the Status command [1].

This command will return whether the Service is (a) installed, and (b) running. The Service must be both installed and running to work.

If the Service is not installed, all other commands (Uninstall, Start, Stop) will fail, and may incorrectly report an error. Therefore, you should always run the Status command if in doubt over the status of the Daemon Service.

To install the Service, click the Install button [1].

Once the Service is installed, you may use the other commands at will exactly as you would as per section 5