1. Linux

1.1 Shutdown Oracle instances

CAUTION: Any version 11.0 users upgrading to 11.1 must contact Dbvisit Support before upgrading.

For a minority of 11.0 customers, a shutdown of the Oracle Standby database for any existing configurations, as well as the primary databases that have previously been involved in switchover operations will be required.  Dbvisit will provide free upgrade support for any affected customers. Please note, this issue has been resolved in version 11.1 and only affects the upgrade from version 11.0.

This issue mainly affects customers running the 11.0 on Linux Platform. To check if you are affected by this issue. Please run the below command as root and if you see that the database internal processes (Pmon,SMON, ARCH,DBWR etc..) run as a child process to the dbvagentmanager process, then you are affected. If you don’t see any child database process you should be fine with upgrading from 11.0 to 11.1.

[root@dbvel71 ~]# systemctl status dbvagentmanager
● dbvagentmanager.service - The Dbvisit StandbyMP Agent provides connectivity to databases on this computer. This Agent is used & managed by the Dbvisit StandbyMP Control Center.
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dbvagentmanager.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-27 11:48:39 NZST; 1h 6min ago
Main PID: 2898 (dbvagentmanager)
CGroup: /system.slice/dbvagentmanager.service
├─ 2898 /usr/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvagentmanager
├─ 2977 /usr/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvhelper -agentManagerId oxi8hgri8rm5 -directorId 29e9059s6oyzg -hostAddress dbvel71.oraclekiwi.co.nz -natsAddress -natsPort 5533 -configurationType Oracle -helper...
├─13338 ora_pmon_orcl21c
├─13342 ora_clmn_orcl21c
├─13346 ora_psp0_orcl21c
├─13350 ora_vktm_orcl21c
├─13356 ora_gen0_orcl21c
├─13362 ora_mman_orcl21c

This step is not required when upgrading from v11.1 or higher.

You need to execute the step 1.1 before step 1.2

1.2 Stop and uninstall all services

1.2.1 Stop services

  1. sudo ./dbvagentmanager service stop

  2. sudo ./dbvcontrol service stop

Ensure that all "dbv_" processes are killed, i.e. run ps -ef | grep dbv and ensure nothing comes up.

1.2.2 Uninstall services

Upgrading from v11.0 -> v11.1 requires all services to be manually uninstalled.

This step is not required when upgrading from v11.1 or higher.

  1. sudo ./dbvagentmanager service uninstall

  2. sudo ./dbvcontrol service uninstall

1.3 Upgrade the software

Please upgrade the Control Center first. Once done, upgrade the Agents.

1.3.1 Upgrading the Control Center

[oracle@ora-lin2 ~]$ ./install-control-v11.1.0RC2-17-g17054b1f
|          ____  _                  _ _           __  __ ____          |
|         / ___|| |_ __ _ _ __   __| | |__  _   _|  \/  |  _ \         |
|         \___ \| __/ _' | '_ \ / _' | '_ \| | | | |\/| | |_) |        |
|          ___) | || (_| | | | | (_| | |_) | |_| | |  | |  __/         |
|         |____/ \__\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_.__/ \__, |_|  |_|_|            |
|          Copyright 2022                   |___/   By Dbvisit         |

Welcome to Dbvisit StandbyMP setup version v11.1.0RC2-17-g17054b1f.

? Please carefully read the end-user license agreement at https://dbvisit.com/eula. Do you agree to the terms of this agreement? Yes
? Which directory should the software be installed into? /opt/dbvisit
? Upgrade Dbvisit StandbyMP Control Center from: v11.0.0 to v11.1.0RC2-17-g17054b1f? Yes

- - - You are now configuring the Dbvisit StandbyMP Control Center - - -

The Control Center will listen on the following discovered addresses:
? Control Center Web Server Port: 4433
? Agent Communications Port: 5533
Certificates exist, skip generating new certificates.

- - - Dbvisit StandbyMP Control Center configuration finished - - -

- - - Ready to perform installation - - -

? Do you wish to proceed with the setup using the supplied configuration options? Proceed with setup

- - - Performing installation - - -

Copying software files to '/opt/dbvisit'...
Writing Control Center configuration file '/opt/dbvisit/standbymp/conf/dbvcontrol.ini'...

- - - Installation successful! - - -

To enable the installed Dbvisit StandbyMP components to run as system services, you will need to execute some commands as the "root" user in order to complete the setup.

Stop services
To install the system service(s), you can run, substituting the name of the user to run as if it is different from the current user:
        sudo /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvcontrol service install --user oracle
To start the system service(s), you can run:
        sudo /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvcontrol service start

- - - Configuration Summary - - -

Install Directory:              /opt/dbvisit
Control Center Web Server Port: 4433
Agent Communications Port:      5533

- - - Installation Summary - - -

The following actions have been performed:
 -  Installed Dbvisit StandbyMP Control Center software into: /opt/dbvisit/standbymp
 -  Control Center settings are available in the configuration file: /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/conf/dbvcontrol.ini
 -  Used existing security certificates


1.3.2 Upgrading the Agent

[oracle@project-7061 ~]$ ./install-agent-v11.1.0RC2-22-gdc9bb37a
|          ____  _                  _ _           __  __ ____          |
|         / ___|| |_ __ _ _ __   __| | |__  _   _|  \/  |  _ \         |
|         \___ \| __/ _' | '_ \ / _' | '_ \| | | | |\/| | |_) |        |
|          ___) | || (_| | | | | (_| | |_) | |_| | |  | |  __/         |
|         |____/ \__\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_.__/ \__, |_|  |_|_|            |
|          Copyright 2022                   |___/   By Dbvisit         |

Welcome to Dbvisit StandbyMP setup version v11.1.0RC2-22-gdc9bb37a.

? Please carefully read the end-user license agreement at https://dbvisit.com/eula. Do you agree to the terms of this agreement? Yes
? Which directory should the software be installed into? /opt/dbvisit
? Upgrade Dbvisit StandbyMP Agent Manager from: v11.0.0 to v11.1.0RC2-22-gdc9bb37a? Yes

- - - You are now configuring the Dbvisit StandbyMP Agent - - -

The Agent will listen on the following discovered addresses:
? Agent File Transfer Port: 7890
? Fully Qualified Domain Name for this host: project-7061.qadev.cz
? Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Control Center: windowsoracle2.qadev.cz
? Agent Communications Port: 5533
Certificates exist, skip generating new certificates.

- - - Dbvisit StandbyMP Agent configuration finished - - -

- - - Ready to perform installation - - -

? Do you wish to proceed with the setup using the supplied configuration options? Proceed with setup

- - - Performing installation - - -

Copying software files to '/opt/dbvisit'...
Writing Agent configuration file '/opt/dbvisit/standbymp/conf/dbvagentmanager.ini'...

- - - Installation successful! - - -

To enable the installed Dbvisit StandbyMP components to run as system services, you will need to execute some commands as the "root" user in order to complete the setup.

Stop services
Uninstall services
To install the system service(s), you can run, substituting the name of the user to run as if it is different from the current user:
	sudo /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvagentmanager service install --user oracle
To start the system service(s), you can run:
	sudo /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/bin/dbvagentmanager service start

- - - Configuration Summary - - -

Install Directory:                                  /opt/dbvisit
Fully Qualified Domain Name for this host:          project-7061.qadev.cz
Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Control Center: windowsoracle2.qadev.cz
Agent Communications Port:                          5533
Agent File Transfer Port:                           7890

- - - Installation Summary - - -

The following actions have been performed:
 -  Installed Dbvisit StandbyMP Agent software into: /opt/dbvisit/standbymp
 -  Agent settings are available in the configuration file: /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/conf/dbvagentmanager.ini
 -  Used existing security certificates


1.4 Install and start the services

1.4.1 Install services

Upgrading from v11.0 -> v11.1 requires all services to be manually uninstalled and then installed again.

This step is not required when upgrading from v11.1 or higher.

  1. sudo ./dbvcontrol service install --user oracle

  2. sudo ./dbvagentmanager service install --user oracle

1.4.2 Start services

  1. sudo ./dbvagentmanager service start

  2. sudo ./dbvcontrol service start

1.5 Startup Oracle instances

Upgrading from v11.0 -> v11.1 will require a shutdown of the Oracle standby database for any existing Configurations, as well as any primary databases that have previously been involved in a Switchover operation!

This step is not required when upgrading from v11.1 or higher.

You can startup MOUNT the instance(s) either using SQL*Plus or you can navigate to Actions > Start/Stop Database in the Control Center.

1.6 Upgrade the configuration files

1.6.1 Upgrade DDC file

After the above steps, you may need to run the upgrade command from primary. To find out whether the upgrade command is necessary, run the Log Gap Report first (using your configuration name instead of <DDC>)

 ./dbvctl -d <DDC> -i
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (11.2.1_0_g8a57214c) (pid 162299)
dbvctl started on kubasel1.qasupport.cz: Wed Nov 23 06:11:30 2022

<<<< Dbvisit Standby terminated >>>>

 Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file <DDC> is not up to date.
 Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file <DDC> version: 11.2.0
 Dbvisit Standby software version: 11.2.1_0_g8a57214c
 Please upgrade Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file <DDC>:
 dbvctl -d <DDC> -o upgrade

>>>> Dbvisit Standby terminated <<<<

If the above command fails, run the upgrade command suggested in the error message, i.e.:

[oracle@kubasel1 oracle]$ ./dbvctl -d <DDC> -o upgrade
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (11.2.1_0_g8a57214c) (pid 162682)
dbvctl started on kubasel1: Wed Nov 23 06:16:59 2022


     Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (11.2.1_0_g8a57214c)


=>dbvctl only needs to be run on the primary server.

Is this the primary server? <Yes/No> [Yes]:

>>> DDC file  version: 11.2.0

>>> DDC file <DDC> upgraded to version 11.2.1.

>>> Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) up to date, no upgrade required.

dbvctl ended on kubasel1.qasupport.cz: Wed Nov 23 06:17:03 2022

1.6.2 Upgrade Reporting Replica configuration

In case you had a Reporting Replica configured prior an upgrade, navigate to standbymp/oracle and upgrade the Reporting Replica config file:

$ ./dbvsnap -d <DDV> -D upgrade
Conf file /opt/dbvisit/standbymp/oracle/conf/dbvsnapd_<DDC>.conf: upgraded to version

2. Windows

2.1 Shutdown Oracle instances

Upgrading from v11.0 -> v11.1 will require a shutdown of the Oracle standby database for any existing Configurations, as well as any primary databases that have previously been involved in a Switchover operation!

This step is not required when upgrading from v11.1 or higher.

You need to execute the step 2.1 before step 2.2

2.2 Stop the windows services

  1. stop Dbvisit StandbyMP Agent service on both servers

  2. stop Dbvisit StandbyMP Control Center service on CC server

2.3 Upgrade the software

When upgrading Dbvisit installation older than 11.6 which was installed into non-default directory (other directory than C:\Program Files\Dbvisit\standbymp), you will need to create default empty directory C:\Program Files\Dbvisit\standbymp with user who will run the upgrade installer.

You can remove this empty directory after the upgrade is finished.

Please upgrade the Control Center first. Once done, upgrade the Agents.

2.3.1 Upgrading the Control Center

2.3.2 Upgrading the Agent

2.3 Restart the system

If asked restart both primary and standby server

2.4 Startup Oracle instances

Upgrading from v11.0 -> v11.1 will require a shutdown of the Oracle standby database for any existing Configurations, as well as any primary databases that have previously been involved in a Switchover operation!

This step is not required when upgrading from v11.1 or higher. You can startup MOUNT the instance(s) either using SQL*Plus or you can navigate to Actions > Start/Stop Database in the Control Center.

3. Post Upgrade Steps

After the upgrade is finished, make sure to check on standby server directory DBVISIT_BASE/standbymp/db. If this directory contains file (or files) equal or more than approximately 1GB of space, we recommend to perform task cleanup.

To cleanup tasks, please follow procedure described here:

Reset Repository

Choose only task level cleanup: --level tasks-events

It is sufficient to perform the cleanup task only on standby and dbvcontrol servers (excluding primary).