The pre-requisites have been completed. The replication can now be started.
1. On the source server, as oracle, in the $HOME/dbvrep_XE directory, start the MINE process.
cd ~oracle/dbvrep_XE/ |
./ Initializing......done DDC loaded from database (346 variables). Dbvisit Replicate version 2.7. Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited. All rights reserved. DDC file /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/dbvrep_XE-MINE.ddc loaded. Starting process MINE...Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/ddc_backup Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/log/trace/ Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/mine/ started |
2. On the target server, start the APPLY process.
cd ~oracle/dbvrep_XE/ |
./ Initializing......done DDC loaded from database (346 variables). Dbvisit Replicate version 2.7. Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited. All rights reserved. DDC file /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/dbvrep_XE-APPLY.ddc loaded. Starting process APPLY...Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/ddc_backup Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/log/ Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/log/trace/ Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/apply started |
3. On the source server, as oracle, in the $HOME/dbvrep_XE directory, execute the script to start the Replication console and view the replication.
./ Initializing......done DDC loaded from database (349 variables). Dbvisit Replicate version 2.7. Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited. All rights reserved. |
4. The console will be displayed. Please leave the Replication console open as it is used in the following stages.
/ Dbvisit Replicate 2.7.(MAX edition) - Evaluation License expires in 30 days MINE IS running. Currently at plog 132 and SCN 3190128 (08/01/2014 05:56:07). APPLY IS running, initialization NOT yet complete. Currently at plog 131 and SCN 3142985 (08/01/2014 04:46:37). Progress of replication dbvrep_XE:MINE->APPLY: total/this execution (stale) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 tables listed. dbvrep> |
Replication's a bit boring without anything happening, so let's use SwingBench to generate some activity in the source database and see what happens.