The pre-requisites have been completed. The replication can now be started.

1. On the source server, as oracle, in the $HOME/dbvrep_XE directory, start the MINE process.

cd ~oracle/dbvrep_XE/
DDC loaded from database (346 variables).
Dbvisit Replicate version 2.7.
Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited.  All rights reserved.
DDC file /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/dbvrep_XE-MINE.ddc loaded.
Starting process MINE...Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/ddc_backup
Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/log/trace/
Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/mine/

2. On the target server, start the APPLY process.

cd ~oracle/dbvrep_XE/
DDC loaded from database (346 variables).
Dbvisit Replicate version 2.7.
Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited.  All rights reserved.
DDC file /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/dbvrep_XE-APPLY.ddc loaded.
Starting process APPLY...Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/ddc_backup
Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/log/
Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/log/trace/
Created directory /u01/app/oracle/dbvrep_XE/apply

3. On the source server, as oracle, in the $HOME/dbvrep_XE directory, execute the script to start the Replication console and view the replication.

DDC loaded from database (349 variables).
Dbvisit Replicate version 2.7.
Copyright (C) Dbvisit Software Limited.  All rights reserved.

4. The console will be displayed. Please leave the Replication console open as it is used in the following stages.

/ Dbvisit Replicate 2.7.(MAX edition) - Evaluation License expires in 30 days
MINE IS running. Currently at plog 132 and SCN 3190128 (08/01/2014 05:56:07).
APPLY IS running, initialization NOT yet complete. Currently at plog 131 and SCN 3142985 (08/01/2014 04:46:37).
Progress of replication dbvrep_XE:MINE->APPLY: total/this execution (stale)
0 tables listed.
  1. The message "initialization NOT yet complete" is shown during the start of the replication process. This process involves Dbvisit Replicate replicating its own internal tables before replicating user tables. To show the internal tables being replicated type the command list progress all at the dbvrep> prompt
  2. No tables are shown yet. The replicated tables will only be shown once DML is run against these tables.
  3. The cls command will clear the screen.

Replication's a bit boring without anything happening, so let's use SwingBench to generate some activity in the source database and see what happens.