1. Resolve the conflict. There are different options to resolve the conflict. They can be viewed here: Resolving Current Conflict. In this case the update is going to be forced on the target so that both source and target will be in sync. The conflict handler is OVERWRITE. In this case the conflict ID is 724010046998
dbvrep> resolve conflict 724010046998 as OVERWRITE |
Use command "help resolve conflict" to view information about this command
2. The conflict will be resolved. The OVERWRITE removes the "AMOUNT_RECEIVED IS NULL" from the where clause to enable the update to proceed. The command console will no longer show the conflict. Note the Conflicts counter for table OE.SALES shows 1.
APPLY IS running. Currently at plog 724 and SCN 3144515 ... REPOE.SALES: 100% Mine:5/5 Unrecov:0/0 Applied:5/5 Conflicts:1/1 |
3. Compare both tables on source and target and verify that they are the same.
SQL> select * from sales; PROD_ID CUST_ID QUANTITY_SOLD AMOUNT_SOLD AMOUNT_RECEIVED SALES_STAT ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------- --------------- ---------- 101 201 233 1299 120 OVERDUE 102 301 30 1099 1099 PAID 103 401 30 120 120 PAID 104 401 40 160 OVERDUE |