To configure rsh the .rhosts file is created under the home directory of the Unix or Linux user that is running Dbvisit Standby. For a normal installation this will be oracle. Ensure that rsh is installed and is running as part of the inetd or xinetd service.
On the primary server:


[oracle@avisit01]$cd $HOME 
[oracle@avisit01]$vi .rhosts



[oracle@avisit01]$cd $HOME 
[oracle@avisit01]$vi .rhosts

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server

Add the name of the standby server. Add the alias as well as the fully qualified name. oracle
avisit03 oracle

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server

Exit out of vi and change the permission on the .rhosts file to rw for the owner only:

[oracle@avisit01]$chmod 600 .rhosts

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server

On the standby server:

[oracle@avisit03]$cd $HOME 
[oracle@avisit03]$vi .rhosts

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server 

Add the name of the standby server. Add the alias as well as the fully qualified name. oracle 
avisit01 oracle

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server

Exit out of vi and change the permission on the .rhosts file to rw for the owner only:

[oracle@avisit03]$chmod 600 .rhosts

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server

To test the rsh execute the following command on the standby server:

[oracle@avisit03]$rsh avisit01 ls 

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server

To test the rsh execute the following command on the primary server:

[oracle@avisit03]$rsh avisit01 ls 

In this example avisit01 is the primary server and avisit03 is the standby server 

RSH is now setup and configured. For more information on rsh, please consult the man pages in Unix or Linux.