Upgrade Dbvisit Standby

Upgrade Dbvisit Standby

1.  Introduction

The Dbvisit Standby upgrade process in Version 8 will be similar to the process in earlier versions.  There are a number of pre-requisites before upgrading:

  • Dbvisit Standby version to be upgraded MUST be at least version 7 (latest update recommended).
  • The Operating System and Database Version requirements are met.  

Prior to performing any upgrades, it is recommended to make sure you have sufficient backups.  

This can easily be done by just backing up the DBVISIT_BASE folder prior to installing the new version.

Before starting the upgrade process, please make sure all Dbvisit Standby schedules are stopped.

The rest of this section will take you through the upgrade process from Dbvisit Standby version 7.0.x to 8.0.x

On this page:

Important Notes:

  1. If you are using Dbvisit Standby version 5 or 6, you can either first install version 7 and then upgrade to version 8, or install a new version 8 (in a separate location) and re-create your DDC configurations. You will not be required to recreate standby databases. 
  2. When upgrading from 8.0.0x to 8.0.06 and above, we recommend you stop Dbvserver, Dbvnet and Dbvagent and remove all old log files located in their respective "log" subdirectories (dbvisit/dbvserver/log/, dbvisit/dbvnet/log/, dbvisit/dbvagent/log/)
  3. IMPORTANT: Before performing the upgrade process it is important to make sure that all pre-requisite checks were performed and met. Ignoring these can lead to Dbvisit Standby version 8 installation failure as well as Dbvisit Standby not behaving as expected. For more detail please see Installation Prerequisites
  4. If you are upgrading from version 7.0.x in an Oracle RAC configuration, please note the following:
    1. Dbvisit Standby version 8 now handles Oracle RAC configurations different.
    2. You MUST create a new DDC file from scratch - you cannot perform an upgrade as when using version 8 in an Oracle RAC configuration, the RAC settings in the DDC file is totally different. The upgrade process will not upgrade these old DDC files to the correct format - you must run the NEW DDC file creation.
    3. In Version 8, Dbvisit Standby is more Oracle RAC aware and it is recommended to run Dbvisit Standby from only one node in the RAC cluster instead of running it on each of the nodes.
    4. There is no more RAC_TAKEOVER or RAC_TAKEOVER_FORCE settings in the DDC File and if set they will be ignored.
    5. Dbvisit Standby version 8, will detect all Threads in the cluster and ship all archive logs, no need to set the takeover settings or have Dbvisit Standby run on both RAC nodes.
    6. We recommend the use of shared storage for the Dbvisit Standby installation - example the use of ACFS, which is then shared between the RAC nodes. This will allow Dbvisit Standby components such as Dbvnet, Dbvserver and Dbvagent to be added as cluster resources.
    7. If you do not have the option to create shared storage, you will have to use local storage. This does have some challenges, as if the node you are running on fail, you do not have shared storage that can fail over. To accommodate this, you can use a tool such as "rsync" to sync this folder between the RAC nodes. Then in the case of failure on the one node, you have the other node where you can then start Dbvisit Standby - note that we still recommend the use of a Virtual IP to be used.
      For more detail on Oracle RAC configurations, please see this section in the documentationOracle RAC Configurations

For creating a new Oracle RAC DDC files see the examples here

  1. Oracle RAC primary to Single Instance standby - Creating the DDC File#2.5.CreateaDDCFile-OracleRACprimarytoSingleInstanceStandby
  2. Oracle RAC primary to Oracle RAC standby - Creating the DDC File#2.4.CreatingaDDC-OracleRACprimarytoOracleRACstandby

2.  Linux - Upgrade from Dbvisit Standby version 7.0.x

When upgrading from Dbvisit Standby version 7, it is important to take into account that Dbvisit Standby version 8 makes use of a central web-based user interface (GUI).  The GUI is no longer installed on each of the Database Servers being managed.


The upgrade process consists of two steps:

  1. Upgrade (install) the new version 8 software
  2. Upgrade the version 7 DDC files

2.1.  Stop Dbvnet and Dbvserver 

  • The example below shows that the Dbvisit Standby version 7 Dbvnet and Dbvserver are running on this host - their processes are identified using the "ps -ef|grep dbv" command.
  • We then navigate to the DBVISIT_BASE/dbvnet subfolder and execute the command "./dbvnetd stop"
  • The same process is then followed to stop the Dbvserver, but this is done from the DBVISIT_BASE/dbvserver subdirectory and using the command "./dbvserverd stop"
  • Once these commands complete, the "ps -ef|grep dbv" command is used again to confirm that these processes are now shut down (not running or visible) 

[oracle@dbv101 ~]$ ps -ef|grep dbv|grep -v grep
oracle     109     0  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvnetd start
oracle     111   109  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvnetd start
oracle     118     0  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvserverd start
oracle     119   118  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvserverd start
oracle     122   118  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvserverd start
oracle     123   109  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvnetd start
oracle     124   109  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvnetd start
oracle     125   109  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvnetd start
oracle     126   118  0 09:22 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvserverd start

[oracle@dbv101 ~]$ cd /usr/dbvisit/dbvnet

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvnet]$ ./dbvnetd stop

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvnet]$ cd ../dbvserver

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvserver]$ ./dbvserverd stop

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvserver]$ ps -ef|grep dbv|grep -v grep
[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvserver]$

2.2.  Upgrade Dbvisit Standby Software

The upgrade steps can be split into two tasks.

  1. Remove the current Dbvserver installation (We assume that a new central system will be used for the Web-Based Interface - GUI)
  2. Install the Dbvisit Standby Core Components - Dbvagent, Dbvnet and Dbvisit Standby CLI
  3. We select option to upgrade the core components.

The following example highlights the steps:

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ ls -al
total 72212
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall     4096 Aug 30 11:47 .
drwx------ 4 oracle oinstall     4096 Aug 30 09:02 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 73933964 Aug 30 11:47 dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ unzip dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip
Archive:  dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip
  inflating: dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.tar

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ ls -l
total 275324
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 207994880 Aug 30 09:13 dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall  73933964 Aug 30 11:47 dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ tar xf dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.tar

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ ls -l
total 275340
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall        37 Aug 30 09:13 INSTALL.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall      3811 Aug 30 09:13 README.txt
drwxr-x--- 7 oracle oinstall      4096 Aug 30 09:13 dbvisit
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 207994880 Aug 30 09:13 dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall  73933964 Aug 30 11:47 dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ cd dbvisit

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit]$ ls -l
total 20
drwxr-x---  6 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 09:13 dbvagent
drwxr-x---  5 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 09:13 dbvnet
drwxr-x---  5 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 09:13 dbvserver
drwxr-xr-x  2 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 09:13 installer
drwxr-x--- 10 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 09:13 standby

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit]$ cd installer/

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit/installer]$ ls -l
total 2772
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 2837448 Aug 30 09:13 install-dbvisit

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit/installer]$ ./install-dbvisit

    Welcome to the Dbvisit software installer.

    It is recommended to make a backup of our current Dbvisit software
    location (Dbvisit Base location) for rollback purposes.

>>> Please specify the Dbvisit installation directory (Dbvisit Base).

    The various Dbvisit products and components - such as Dbvisit Standby,
    Dbvisit Dbvnet will be installed in the appropriate subdirectories of
    this path.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [/usr/dbvisit]:
     > /usr/dbvisit
    DBVISIT_BASE = /usr/dbvisit

    Component      Installer Version   Installed Version
    dbvnet        7
    dbvagent        not installed
    dbvserver        7


    What action would you like to perform?
       1 - Install component(s)
       2 - Uninstall component(s)
       3 - Terminate

    Your choice: 2

    Which component do you want to install?
       1 - Core Components (Dbvisit Standby Cli, Dbvnet, Dbvagent)
       2 - Dbvisit Standby Core (Command Line Interface)
       3 - Dbvnet (Dbvisit Network Communication)
       4 - Dbvagent (Dbvisit Agent)
       5 - Dbvserver (Dbvisit Central Console)
       6 - Exit Installer

    Your choice: 5
    Component dbvserver uninstalled. 

    Component      Installer Version   Installed Version
    dbvnet        7
    dbvagent        not installed
    dbvserver        not installed


    What action would you like to perform?
       1 - Install component(s)
       2 - Uninstall component(s)
       3 - Terminate

    Your choice: 1

    Which component do you want to install?
       1 - Core Components (Dbvisit Standby Cli, Dbvnet, Dbvagent)
       2 - Dbvisit Standby Core (Command Line Interface)
       3 - Dbvnet (Dbvisit Network Communication)
       4 - Dbvagent (Dbvisit Agent)
       5 - Dbvserver (Dbvisit Central Console)
       6 - Exit Installer

    Your choice: 1

    Summary of the Dbvisit STANDBY configuration
    DBVISIT_BASE /usr/dbvisit

    Press ENTER to proceed to continue

    About to configure DBVISIT DBVNET

>>> Please specify the Local host name to be used by Dbvnet on this server.

    Dbvnet will be listening on the local IP Address on this server which
    resolve to the host name specified here.
    If using a cluster or virtual IP make sure the host name or alias
    specified here resolve to the IP address local to where dbvnet is installed.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [dbv101]:
     > dbv101

>>> Please specify the Local Dbvnet PORT to be used.

    Dbvnet will be listening on the specified port for incomming connections
    from remote dbvnet connections.  Please make sure that this port is not
    already in use or blocked by any firewall.  You may choose any value
    between 1024 and 65535, however the default of 7890 is recommended.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [7890]:
     > 7890

>>> Please specify the Remote host name to be used by Dbvnet.

    By default Dbvnet will use this remote hostname for any remote
    connections.  Dbvnet must be installed and configured on the specified
    remote host. If using a cluster or virtual IP make sure the host name or alias
    specified here resolve to the IP address local to where dbvnet is installed.
    If you are unsure about the remote host name during installation, use the
    default value which will be the current local hostname.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [dbv101]:
     > dbv102

>>> Please specify the Remote Dbvnet PORT to be used.

    Dbvnet will connect to the remote server on this specified port.
    On the remote host Dbvnet will be listening on the specified port for incomming
    connections. Please make sure that this port is not already in use or blocked
    by any firewall.  You may choose any value between 1024 and 65535, however the
    default of 7890 is recommended.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [7890]:
     > 7890

>>> Please specify the Dbvnet Passphrase to be used for secure connections.

    The passphrase provided must be the same in both the local and remote Dbvnet
    installations.  It is used to establish a secure (encrypted) Dbvnet connections

    Enter a custom value:
     > kiwi123

    Summary of the Dbvisit DBVNET configuration
    DBVISIT_BASE /usr/dbvisit

    Press ENTER to proceed to continue

    About to configure DBVISIT DBVAGENT

>>> Please specify the host name to be used for the Dbvisit Agent.

    The Dbvisit Agent (Dbvagent) will be listening on this local address. If you are
    using the Dbvserver (GUI) - connections from the GUI will be established to the
    Dbvisit Agent. The Dbvisit Agent address must be visible from the Dbvserver (GUI)
    If using a cluster or virtual IP make sure the host name or alias
    specified here resolve to the IP address local to where dbvnet is installed.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [dbv101]:
     > dbv101

>>> Please specify the listening PORT number for Dbvagent.

    The Dbvisit Agent (Dbvagent) will listening on the specified port for incomming
    requests from the GUI (Dbvserver).  Please make sure that this port is not
    already in use or blocked by any firewall.  You may choose any value
    between 1024 and 65535, however the default of 7891 is recommended.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [7891]:
     > 7891

>>> Please specify passphrase for Dbvagent

    Each Dbvisit Agent must have a passpharse specified.  This passphrase does not have
    to match between all the servers.  It will be used to establish a secure connection
    between the GUI (Dbvserver) and the Dbvisit Agent.

    Enter a custom value:
     > kiwi123

    Summary of the Dbvisit DBVAGENT configuration
    DBVISIT_BASE /usr/dbvisit

    Press ENTER to proceed to continue

    About to install Dbvisit STANDBY
    Component standby installed.

    Press ENTER to continue

    About to install Dbvisit DBVNET
    Component dbvnet installed.

    Press ENTER to continue

    About to install Dbvisit DBVAGENT
    Component dbvagent installed.

    Press ENTER to continue

    Component      Installer Version   Installed Version
    dbvserver        not installed


    What action would you like to perform?
       1 - Install component(s)
       2 - Uninstall component(s)
       3 - Terminate

    Your choice: 3
>>> Install log /tmp/dbvisit_install.log.201608301147

2.3.  Review New Directory Structure

Once the installation is complete, you can review the new directory structure.  

Notice that due to the removal of the Dbvserver component as part of the installation (upgrade) process, it was removed and the subdirectory does not exist anymore.

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit/installer]$ cd /usr/dbvisit

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ ls
dbvagent  dbvnet  standby

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ ls -l
total 12
drwxr-x---  6 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 11:48 dbvagent
drwxr-x---  6 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 11:48 dbvnet
drwxr-x--- 10 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 30 11:48 standby

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ tree -d .
|-- dbvagent
|   |-- conf
|   |-- doc
|   |-- log
|   `-- tmp
|-- dbvnet
|   |-- conf
|   |-- doc
|   |-- log
|   `-- tmp
`-- standby
    |-- conf
    |-- doc
    |-- gs
    |-- lib
    |-- log
    |-- pid
    |-- tmp
    `-- trace

19 directories

2.4.  Update Dbvisit Standby Configuration File (DDC)

This section will show you the steps to upgrade the Dbvisit Standby Configuration (DDC) file.  


IMPORTANT: Before you upgrade any DDC files - please make sure that you have upgraded both the Primary and Standby Dbvisit Standby software and that if you are using Dbvnet and the Dbvagent components that you start them prior to performing the upgrade.

To test the status of network connectivity please see this section - Dbvisit Standby Networking - Dbvnet#Dbvnet-5.TestingDbvnetCommunication

In Dbvisit Standby version 8, the repository which used to be inside the Oracle database is now outside the database - stored in an SQLite database.  The default location for the SQLite database is DBVISIT_BASE/standby/conf and it has the format <DB_NAME>.db

There will be one SQLite database per primary database - meaning if you have one Primary database and multiple standby databases for the same primary database, there will only be one SQLite database and the name will be the <DB_NAME>.db

The upgrade process will ask a few questions regarding the environment, backup the current DDC file, and create a new Dbvisit Standby version 8 DDC file.

The upgrade command is:   "./dbvctl -d <ddc> -o upgrade"

An example of an upgrade process is shown below:

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o upgrade
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology ( (pid 1605)
dbvctl started on dbv101: Tue Aug 30 22:37:55 2016

>>> DDC file DEV version: 7 or less

Enter ORACLE_HOME path on the standby server
=>ORACLE_HOME_DR is [/u01/app/oracle/product/]: /u01/app/oracle/product/
Your input: /u01/app/oracle/product/

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: Yes
Choice is /u01/app/oracle/product/

Enter DB_UNIQUE_NAME for the standby database
Your input: DEV

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: Yes
Choice is DEV

Enter ORACLE_SID for the ASM instance on the standby server. If the standby database does not use ASM storage, leave empty

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]: Yes
Choice is null

>>> DDC file DEV upgraded to version

>>> Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) DEV created.

dbvctl ended on dbv101: Tue Aug 30 22:39:12 2016

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/standby]$ ls -al conf/
total 148
drwxr-x---  2 oracle oinstall  4096 Aug 30 22:39 .
drwxr-x--- 10 oracle oinstall  4096 Aug 30 11:48 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 oracle oinstall 22535 Aug 30 22:39 dbv_DEV.env
-rw-r--r--  1 oracle oinstall 41460 Aug 30 11:06 dbv_DEV.env.201608302237
-rwxr-xr-x  1 oracle oinstall 41912 Aug 30 09:21 dbv_ORACLE_SID.env
-rw-r--r--  1 oracle oinstall 25600 Aug 30 22:39 dev.db

3.  Linux - Upgrade from Dbvisit Standby version 8.0.x

When upgrading from Dbvisit Standby version 7, it is important to take into account that Dbvisit Standby version 8 uses a central web-based user interface (GUI).  


The upgrade process consists of two key steps:

  1. Upgrade (install) the new version 8 software.
  2. Upgrade the version 8 DDC files and repository to reflect the latest release.

The GUI is no longer installed on each of the Database Servers being managed.

When upgrading from version 8.0.x to a later version of 8.0.x the upgrade process is easy and should only take a few minutes.

The high level recommended steps are:

  1. Stop your Dbvisit Schedules if you have any running.
  2. Stop or wait for any Dbvisit processes that might still be executing.
  3. Backup the Dbvisit Base location where your software is installed.
  4. Download the latest version from www.dbvisit.com
  5. Extract the install files into a temporary folder, example /home/oracle/8.0
  6. Start the Installer and select to install the required components.
  7. Once the update is complete, you can remove the temporary install folder where the installer was extracted.
  8. It is recommended to run a manual send/apply of logs once an upgrade is complete.
  9. Re-enable any schedules

The section below will show you a detailed example of the upgrade process.

3.1.  Example 1 - Upgrading Dbvisit Standby Core Components

The first example shows the upgrade process for the Dbvisit Standby version 8 core components which include - Dbvnet, Dbvagent and the Standby Core CLI.

The steps followed below are:

3.1.1.  Prerequisite Steps

  1. Stop all schedules if used - on Unix systems if schedules are used it would be via the UNIX "CRON" schedule.  You can use the "crontab -l" command to list any schedules and if you want to edit them use "crontab -e
  2. Stop Dbvagent:

    The Dbvisit Agent is located under the DBIVIST_BASE/dbvagent subdirectory.  To review if it is running on Unix, you can use the "ps -ef|grep dbvagent|grep -v grep" command.  The Example shows that a process is running:

    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ ps -ef|grep dbvagent|grep -v grep
    oracle    3839     0  0 21:16 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvagent -d start
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$

    The next step is to stop the agent, which can be done using the "./dbvagent -d stop"  command. The example below will show how we first navigate to the dbvagent subdirectory and then execute the stop command.  Once done, we confirm the process is stopped using the "ps -ef" command.  

    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ cd dbvagent/
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvagent]$
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvagent]$ ./dbvagent -d stop
    dbvagent attempt to stop pid: 3839
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvagent]$
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvagent]$ ps -ef|grep dbvagent|grep -v grep
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvagent]$
  3. Stop Dbvnet:

    The next step will be similar to the above process followed for stopping the Dbvisit Agent (dbvagent).  First, we confirm if the process is running, if it is we stop it using the "./dbvnet -d stop", followed by confirming no dbvnet processes are running.

    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ ps -ef|grep dbvnet|grep -v grep
    oracle    3859     0  0 21:24 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvnet -d start
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ cd dbvnet
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvnet]$ ./dbvnet -d stop
    dbvnet attempt to stop pid: 3859
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvnet]$
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvnet]$ ps -ef|grep dbvnet|grep -v grep
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/dbvnet]$

  4. Backup the Dbvisit Standby installation directory (optional - but recommended)

    In this example, we will backup the /usr/dbvisit directory using the "tar" command to create a backup in a backup folder called /backup.  You can use the "du -sh" command to confirm the /usr/dbvisit directory size prior to backup.  The "tar" command used in this case will use the -z option to enable compression.

    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ du -sh
    190M   	.
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ tar czf /backups/usr_dbvisit.tar.gz .
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$ ls -al /backups/usr_dbvisit*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 67849101 Sep  5 21:29 /backups/usr_dbvisit.tar.gz
    [oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit]$

If you have a regular backup schedule the above backup process might not be required.

Backing up the full directory is not strictly required, the most important files are located in /usr/dbvist/standby/conf/ which is the DDC files and their respective repositories. It is recommended to have at minimum at least a backup of this folder.

Now that the required process is stopped and a backup is created, you can continue with the upgrade process.

3.1.2.  Start The Upgrade Process

  1. Download the latest installation package and placed it in /home/oracle/8.0 folder - which was empty 
  2. A listing of the install file is shown
  3. The install package is then extracted using the "unzip <package-name>.zip" command followed by the extracting of the archive file with the command "tar -xf <package-name>.tar"
  4. You will now have a subfolder called dbvisit with the install files located inside.
  5. Navigate to the dbvisit/installer subdirectory with cd dbvisit/installer 
  6. The installer is then started with the command: ./install-dbvisit 
  7. The first question that will be asked is the destination installation path also known as the Dbvisit Base directory, in the example, the default is used "/usr/dbvisit" as this is where the previous version was installed, that we want to upgrade.
  8. The next screen will display a summary of the options installed as well as the new installer version.  (The major or minor version numbers may be different)
  9. You will be asked to confirm if you want to Install, Uninstall components or Terminate the installer.  In this case, we want to select "Install" which is option "1"
  10. The following menu option will display the 6 possible options.  In this case, we have the Core components installed - dbvnet, dbvagent and standby (CLI) and we would like to upgrade them.  We select option "1" to continue upgrading these 3 components.
  11. The installer will now start updating the Standby Core (CLI) first, followed by Dbvnet and then the Dbvisit Agent (dbvagent).  
  12. Once the update is complete, you will be presented with a menu showing you the installed components and their versions.
  13. Select option "6" to Terminate the installer as we are not complete with this step.

The example below shows you the steps as discussed above:

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ ls
[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ unzip dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip
Archive:  dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip
  inflating: dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.tar
[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ tar xf dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.tar
[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ ls
INSTALL.txt  README.txt  dbvisit  dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.tar  dbvisit-standby8.0.01-el7.zip
[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0]$ cd dbvisit
[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit]$ cd installer
[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit/installer]$ ls

[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit/installer]$ ./install-dbvisit

    Welcome to the Dbvisit software installer.

    It is recommended to make a backup of our current Dbvisit software
    location (Dbvisit Base location) for rollback purposes.

>>> Please specify the Dbvisit installation directory (Dbvisit Base).

    The various Dbvisit products and components - such as Dbvisit Standby,
    Dbvisit Dbvnet will be installed in the appropriate subdirectories of
    this path.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [/usr/dbvisit]:
     > /usr/dbvisit
    DBVISIT_BASE = /usr/dbvisit

    Component      Installer Version   Installed Version
    dbvserver        not installed


    What action would you like to perform?
       1 - Install component(s)
       2 - Uninstall component(s)
       3 - Terminate

    Your choice: 1

    Which component do you want to install?
       1 - Core Components (Dbvisit Standby Cli, Dbvnet, Dbvagent)
       2 - Dbvisit Standby Core (Command Line Interface)
       3 - Dbvnet (Dbvisit Network Communication)
       4 - Dbvagent (Dbvisit Agent)
       5 - Dbvserver (Dbvisit Central Console)
       6 - Exit Installer

    Your choice: 1

    Summary of the Dbvisit STANDBY configuration
    DBVISIT_BASE /usr/dbvisit

    Press ENTER to proceed to continue

    About to install Dbvisit STANDBY
    Component standby installed.

    Press ENTER to continue

    About to install Dbvisit DBVNET
    Executable dbvnet updated.

    Press ENTER to continue

    About to install Dbvisit DBVAGENT
    Executable dbvagent updated.

    Press ENTER to continue

    Component      Installer Version   Installed Version
    dbvserver        not installed


    What action would you like to perform?
       1 - Install component(s)
       2 - Uninstall component(s)
       3 - Terminate

    Your choice: 3
>>> Install log /tmp/dbvisit_install.log.201609052104
[oracle@dbv101 ~/8.0/dbvisit/installer]$

3.1.3.  Upgrade The DDC File


Before you upgrade any DDC files - please make sure that you have upgraded both the Primary and Standby Dbvisit Standby software and that if you are using Dbvnet and the Dbvagent components that you start them prior to performing the upgrade. To test the status of network connectivity please see this section Dbvisit Standby Networking - Dbvnet#Dbvnet-5.TestingDbvnetCommunication


If you are not using ASM, then please make sure, that ASM parameters in your DDC file are not set. The parameters should look as follows when ASM is not used:



The reason is, that In Dbvisit Standby v7 the default value when ASM was not used was set to +ASM, which would cause an error later.

The next step is to update the Dbvisit Standby Configuration (DDC) files which are located in DBVISIT_BASE/standby/conf directory.

During this upgrade process, the original DDC file will automatically be backed up with a date-timestamp suffix.

The command to upgrade the DDC files is:  ./dbvctl -d <DDC> -o upgrade

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o upgrade
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology ( (pid 4466)
dbvctl started on dbv101: Mon Sep  5 22:30:42 2016

>>> DDC file DEV version: 7 or less

Enter DB_UNIQUE_NAME for the standby database
Your input: DEV

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is DEV

Enter ORACLE_SID for the ASM instance on the standby server. 
If the standby database does not use ASM storage, leave empty

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
Choice is null

>>> DDC file DEV upgraded to version

>>> Dbvisit Database repository (DDR) DEV created.

dbvctl ended on dbv101: Mon Sep  5 22:30:53 2016

[oracle@dbv101 /usr/dbvisit/standby]$ ls -l conf
total 140
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 22515 Sep  5 22:30 dbv_DEV.env
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 41464 Sep  5 22:15 dbv_DEV.env.201609052230
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 25600 Sep  5 22:30 dev.db

3.2.  Example 2 - Upgrade Central Console (Dbvserver)

This section will show you the upgrade process for the Dbvisit Standby version 8 Central Console (Dbvserver).  

The process is similar to the upgrading of the core components, but in this case, the Dbvserver component will be selected for installation (upgrade).

Prior to upgrading the Dbvserver component, it is required to first stop Dbvserver if it is already running followed by a backup of the installation destination (Dbvisit Base). 

3.2.1.  Prerequisite Steps

The steps are similar to what we have used earlier for Dbvnet and Dbvagent, the steps for Dbvserver is shown below:

  1. Stop Dbvserver:

    First, we confirm if the process is running, if it is we stop it using the "./dbvserver -d stop", followed by confirming no dbvserver processes are running.

    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$ pwd
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$ ps -ef|grep dbvserver|grep -v grep
    oracle   26664     0  0 22:25 ?        00:00:00 ./dbvserver -d start
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$ cd dbvserver
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvserver]$ ./dbvserver -d stop
    dbvserver attempt to stop pid: 26664
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvserver]$
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvserver]$ ps -ef|grep dbvserver|grep -v grep
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvserver]$

  2. Backup the Dbvisit Standby installation directory (optional - but recommended)

    In this example, we will backup the /usr/dbvisit directory using the "tar" command to create a backup in a backup folder called /backup.  You can use the "du -sh" command to confirm the /usr/dbvisit directory size prior to backup.  The "tar" command used in this case will use the -z option to enable compression.

    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$ pwd
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$ tar czf /backups/usr_dbvisit.tar.gz .
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$ ls -al /backups/usr_dbvisit*
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 3755257 Sep  5 22:27 /backups/usr_dbvisit.tar.gz
    [oracle@dbv103 dbvisit]$

3.2.2.  Upgrade Dbvserver

We are now ready to perform the upgrade of the Central Console (Dbvserver).

Below are the example steps followed to upgrade the Dbvserver component:

[oracle@dbv103 installer]$ ./install-dbvisit

    Welcome to the Dbvisit software installer.

    It is recommended to make a backup of our current Dbvisit software
    location (Dbvisit Base location) for rollback purposes.

>>> Please specify the Dbvisit installation directory (Dbvisit Base).

    The various Dbvisit products and components - such as Dbvisit Standby,
    Dbvisit Dbvnet will be installed in the appropriate subdirectories of
    this path.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [/usr/dbvisit]:
     > /usr/dbvisit
    DBVISIT_BASE = /usr/dbvisit

    Component      Installer Version   Installed Version
    standby        not installed
    dbvnet        not installed
    dbvagent        not installed


    What action would you like to perform?
       1 - Install component(s)
       2 - Uninstall component(s)
       3 - Terminate

    Your choice: 1

    Which component do you want to install?
       1 - Core Components (Dbvisit Standby Cli, Dbvnet, Dbvagent)
       2 - Dbvisit Standby Core (Command Line Interface)
       3 - Dbvnet (Dbvisit Network Communication)
       4 - Dbvagent (Dbvisit Agent)
       5 - Dbvserver (Dbvisit Central Console)
       6 - Exit Installer

    Your choice: 5

    About to install Dbvisit DBVSERVER
    Executable dbvserver updated.

    Press ENTER to continue

    Component      Installer Version   Installed Version
    standby        not installed
    dbvnet        not installed
    dbvagent        not installed


    What action would you like to perform?
       1 - Install component(s)
       2 - Uninstall component(s)
       3 - Terminate

    Your choice: 3
>>> Install log /tmp/dbvisit_install.log.201609052217

4.  Windows - Upgrading from Dbvisit Standby version 7.0.x to 8.0.x

Important: Prior to installing Dbvisit Standby version 8 on Windows, please make sure you have performed the pre-requisite steps prior to starting the installer - Installing Dbvisit Standby#2.5.WindowsEnvironmentPre-requisites

In this section, we will review the process to upgrade an existing Dbvisit Standby version 7 installation to the latest version 8.  It is recommended that before you perform the upgrade process that you have the Dbvisit Standby version 7 already at the latest version 7 update.  

When upgrading a Windows-based installation, there are only a few key steps to follow.  In summary, the installer will ask for the Dbvisit Base location to install the Dbvisit Software.  If you already have an installation, please make sure you select the existing installation folder as the destination.  The installer will detect that a version is already installed and will perform the upgrade - replacing the version 7 executable files with the new version 8.

4.1.   Prerequisites

The first step to stop any schedules if you have any configured.

The example below shows the disabling of a Windows scheduled task.  Select the task, right click and select disable.

4.2.  Step 1: Uninstall Dbvserver version 7 (optional)

Dbvisit Standby version 8 is introducing the new Central Console (Dbvserver) or also known as the new Web Based interface.  It is recommended that the Central Console be installed on its own system and not on the Primary or Standby Database servers.  The main reason for this is that the Central console will be able to manage multiple configurations and if it is installed on either the primary or standby systems and it becomes unavailable (Disaster strikes and primary or standby is not available) - your central console will not be usable. 

We recommend you uninstall Dbvisit Standby version 7 Dbvserver prior to installing the Dbvisit Standby version 8 components.

This can be done by selecting Uninstall from the Dbvserver Start menu.  The uninstaller will start and will execute two steps as shown below.

Once you have finished the above steps, navigate to the Dbvisit Base directory - C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit and remove the Dbvserver subdirectory.

4.3.  Step 2: Installing the latest version 8.0.x software

  1. Download the latest Dbvisit Standby version 8 software, the install file will be a compressed zip file, example:  Dbvisit-Standby8.0.01-win64.zip
  2. Extract the downloaded install file into a temporary folder, example D:\Software\Dbvisit-Standby8.0.01-win64.exe
  3. Make sure that you have stopped the Dbvisit Standby schedules and that you are not running any Dbvisit processes during the upgrade process.  Note - you do not have to stop the Dbvserver or Dbvnet services, they will be stopped and recreated as part of the upgrade process.
  4. Start the Installer by running (double click) the Dbvisit-Standby8.0.01-win64.exe file

The installer will start shortly - see the screenshots below:

The first screen that will be displayed is the welcome screen as seen below.

Click next to continue to the License Agreement.

Review the License Agreement and click "I Agree" to continue to the Component selection screen as seen below.

By default the installer will have the Dbvagent, Dbvnet and Standby CLI selected.  Note that the Dbvserver (Central Console) is not selected.  This is intentional as it is recommended to have the Dbvserver component installed on its own system.  However, if required you can install the central console as part of the installation, but be advised that this is not recommended.  If the primary or standby system running the Central Console is down due to a disaster, you will not be able to access the Dbvisit Standby version 8 GUI.

In this example, we select the three Core components and click on "Next" to continue.

The next screen being displayed is the selection of the Dbvisit Base directory.  This is the location where Dbvisit Standby is installed.  In this example, we are upgrading Dbvisit Standby version 7 which was installed originally into C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit

We click on Browse and make sure we select the path into which Dbvisit Standby version 7 is currently installed and click next to continue.

You will be presented with the screen below to enter the Windows user that will be used to run the Dbvagent and Dbvnet services.

It is recommended that this user be part of the ORA_DBA windows group.  The default value being displayed is the logged on user.

The following question that will be asked is the Windows user password.  

The Dbvagent Installation will start and a confirmation message will be displayed when complete.

Once the Dbvagent installation is complete, the Dbvnet installation will start.  A message will be displayed on completion.

The 3rd component that will be installed in the Dbvisit Standby command line interface (CLI).  During this process, the original commands (dbvisit, dbvisit_setup, dbv_functions, dbv_oraStartStop) will be removed and will be replaced with the new "dbvctl.exe" executable.

The last step to be executed is the process to review all configuration files for Dbvnet, Dbvagent and request any input if required. 

The final process will open a command window in which the user will be asked to provide key information regarding the installed components.

These include the passphrase to be used by Dbvnet and the Agent as well as hostname details and port numbers that will be used.

We recommend that the default ports be used which is 7890 for Dbvnet and 7891 for the Agent (Dbvagent).  

The Dbvnet localhost (current system being installed) is requested as well as the remote hostname (the primary or standby server).  Using hostnames are recommended and not IP Address values (IPV6 is not supported).

The screen below shows a summary of the questions and answers being provided.

A full example of the output can be seen in the code blow below:

    Welcome to the Dbvisit software installer.

    Installing dbvnet dbvagent standby...

    About to configure DBVISIT DBVNET

>>> Please specify the Dbvnet Passphrase to be used for secure connections.

    The passphrase provided must be the same in both the local and remote Dbvnet

    installations.  It is used to establish a secure (encrypted) Dbvnet connections

    Enter a custom value:
     > kiwi123

>>> Please specify the Local host name to be used by Dbvnet on this server.

    Dbvnet will be listening on the local IP Address on this server which
    resolve to the host name specified here.
    If using a cluster or virtual IP make sure the host name or alias
    specified here resolve to the IP address local to where dbvnet is installed.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [dbvwin101]:
     > dbvwin101

>>> Please specify the Local Dbvnet PORT to be used.

    Dbvnet will be listening on the specified port for incoming connections
    from remote dbvnet connections.  Please make sure that this port is not
    already in use or blocked by any firewall.  You may choose any value
    between 1024 and 65535, however the default of 7890 is recommended.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [7890]:
     > 7890

>>> Please specify the Remote host name to be used by Dbvnet.

    By default Dbvnet will use this remote hostname for any remote
    connections.  Dbvnet must be installed and configured on the specified
    remote host. If using a cluster or virtual IP make sure the host name or alias
    specified here resolve to the IP address local to where dbvnet is installed.
    If you are unsure about the remote host name during installation, use the
    default value which will be the current local hostname.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [dbvwin101]:
     > dbvwin102

>>> Please specify the Remote Dbvnet PORT to be used.

    Dbvnet will connect to the remote server on this specified port.
    On the remote host Dbvnet will be listening on the specified port for incoming
    connections. Please make sure that this port is not already in use or blocked
    by any firewall.  You may choose any value between 1024 and 65535, however the
    default of 7890 is recommended.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [7890]:
     > 7890

    Summary of the Dbvisit DBVNET configuration
    DBVISIT_BASE C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit
    DBVNET_LOCAL_HOST dbvwin101
    DBVNET_REMOTE_HOST dbvwin102

    Press ENTER to continue

    About to configure DBVISIT DBVAGENT

>>> Please specify passphrase for Dbvagent

    Each Dbvisit Agent must have a passpharse specified.  This passphrase does not have
    to match between all the servers.  It will be used to establish a secure connection
    between the GUI (Dbvserver) and the Dbvisit Agent.

    Enter a custom value:
     > kiwi123

>>> Please specify the host name to be used for the Dbvisit Agent.

    The Dbvisit Agent (Dbvagent) will be listening on this local address. If you are
    using the Dbvserver (GUI) - connections from the GUI will be established to the
    Dbvisit Agent. The Dbvisit Agent address must be visible from the Dbvserver (GUI)
    If using a cluster or virtual IP make sure the host name or alias
    specified here resolve to the IP address local to where dbvnet is installed.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [dbvwin101]:
     > dbvwin101

>>> Please specify the listening PORT number for Dbvagent.

    The Dbvisit Agent (Dbvagent) will listening on the specified port for incoming
    requests from the GUI (Dbvserver).  Please make sure that this port is not
    already in use or blocked by any firewall.  You may choose any value
    between 1024 and 65535, however the default of 7891 is recommended.

    Enter a custom value or press ENTER to accept default [7891]:
     > 7891

    Summary of the Dbvisit DBVAGENT configuration
    DBVISIT_BASE C:\Program Files (x86)\Dbvisit

    Press ENTER to continue

Once the post-installation script is complete, the Installation process is complete and all the required services will be running.

Next Step:  Upgrade the DDC files using either the command line interface command: "dbvctl.exe -d <DDC> -o upgrade" or upgrade using the Central Console.

IMPORTANT:  Please make sure that you have upgraded both primary and standby Dbvisit Standby software prior to upgrading the DDC files.  This includes making sure Dbvnet is running on both systems.

For more detail on network communication please see - Dbvisit Standby Networking - Dbvnet#Dbvnet-5.TestingDbvnetCommunication

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