Create Configuration File (DDC)

Create Configuration File (DDC)

Standby Database synchronization is managed by Dbvisit StandbyMP according to Dbvisit Database Configuration (DDC) file. DDC file can be created in dbvcontrol, dbvctl command line, dbvcli command line and API. On this page, we’ll describe location and specifics of DDC file and show you how to use dbvcontrol to create DDC file.

1. DDC File Concept

DDC file contains all variables necessary for synchronization and operation of standby database. DDC file is located in following directory on primary standby server and has following name:


Primary server contains master DDC file, standby server only contains DDC file copy which is automatically overwriten by DDC from primary in case any difference is detected during archivelog transfer.

DDC file always includes repository file which is automatically created and managed:


For correct fucntionality, this file must be always present on primary. On standby it can be missing.

2. Creating DDC file in dbvcontrol

To create DDC file in dbvcontrol, you need to select NEW CONFIGURATION and click on “Start With Oracle”:


Continue by selecting primary server from the dropdown menu:


If you don’t see host in the list, it means that dbvagentmanager on that host is either down or cannot connect to dbvcontrol (for example because of firewall)

After you select primary host, you will need to select primary database:

The database list reflects your /etc/oratab file contents on Linux, or Oracle Home Registry entries on Windows

Once you select database, last step is to select standby server from the dropdown menu which appears after selection:

This is the last screen in the guided process where you enter all necessary settings according to which DDC file will be generated:

Explanation of individual settings:



Setting Explanation

DDC File Variable



Setting Explanation

DDC File Variable


Dbvisit Archivelog staging location on Source Host

This is staging location on primary server for transferring archived logs. It is used for example when your primary archivedlogs are on ASM. After the archivedlog is transferred, it is immediately deleted from this location. As result, this directory will be empty at all times on primary server. This directory must be placed completly out of existing database file directory structure, it is Dbvisit specific.



Oracle SID

desired ORACLE_SID of your future standby database. We recommend leaving it the same as primary, if you want to change it, we recommend for it to match Unique Database name



Oracle_Home Directory on Standby

Oracle home location on your standby server



Unique database name

desired db_unique_name of your future standby database. We recommend leaving it the same as primary, if you want to change it, we recommend for it to match Unique Oracle SID



Dbvisit Archivelog staging location on Standby Host

This is staging location on standby server for transferring archived logs from primary. All transferred archivedlogs will be stored here. It is possible to enable housekeeping (Dbvisit AMM) . Choose directory with free space corresponding to your intended archived log retention. This directory must be placed completly out of existing database file directory structure, it is Dbvisit specific.



Standby Dbvisit base directory

Dbvisit installation directory on standby server



Would you like to use Automatic Storage Management?

Enable only if you would like to have your standby database placed on ASM. You need to have oracle grid installed & running on standby server.


As last step, you will need to enter DDC name (3). We recommend to keep it as suggested. Next, you will need to enter valid license key (2) and submit the form (3):

If everything was correctly done, you will be able to see the configuration on the DASHBOARD:

You can now proceed to create standby database.

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