How to add CDC/Audit (Event Streaming) replication on the table which is already a part of the replication

Problem Description

 The Change Data Capture(CDC)/Audit function will be renamed to Event Streaming in 2.9.02


Source server

Target server




OS type



Database SID



Replicated table



You have a running replication on some list of tables

dbvrep> list prepare List of prepared schemas: none List of prepared tables: DBVREPX4.DBRSCOMMON_HEARTBEAT -> DBVREPX4 (schema rename) DBVREPX4.DBRSOBJ$ -> DBVREPX4 (schema rename) DBVREPX4.DBRSUSER$ -> DBVREPX4 (schema rename) SCOTT.ZD9304 (DDL) dbvrep> list progress Progress of replication X4: total/this execution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOTT.ZD9304: 100% Mine:1/1 Unrecov:0/0 Applied:1/1 Conflicts:0/0 Last:31/05/2016 21:31:57/OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 table listed.


Steps Performed

Backup you current configuration

dbvrep> show SCRIPT *.SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH = APPLY.SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH = /home/oracle/X4 MINE.SETUP_SCRIPT_PATH = /home/oracle/X4

On source

oracle@dbvlin216[/home/oracle]: tar -czf X4.tar.gz ./X4

On target

Add tns alias to tnsnames.ora on both source & target

Shutdown MINE & APPLY

Re-run setup wizard in dbvrep console, accept current settings and add 3rd database configured in tnsnames.ora

Now add 2nd replication pair

Leave the list of replicated tables empty for 2nd replication pair.

Reuse MINE and configure APPLY1


Confirm and let setup wizard generate files.

Do not run * and exit from dbvrep console

Edit * and delete/comment lines affecting SRCDB and TGTDB.

From this

To this

Edit config/*-setup.dbvrep script and delete lines working with MINE-APPLY pair (keep MINE-APPLY1 only)

It will look like

Now execute *

Connect to target database and grant necessary grant to create triggers

Connect as repository owner 

CDC* columns are used by CDC/Audit (Event Streaming) replication

Now you create trigger modifying columns you want to collect by CDC/Audit (Event Streaming) replication


Generate cdc.dbvrep script file which will prepare CDC/Audit (Event Streaming) on your tables 

Run created cdc.dbvrep script

Review APPLY1.sql and execute it against target database

Copy configuration files across your environment and start replication

On target

On source


Now it is done