Upgrade Replicate 2.7 to 2.9

The steps in this article apply when you want to upgrade Dbvisit Replicate from version 2.7 to 2.9

Problem Details

Problem Statement

What is the correct process to upgrade from Replicate version 2.7 to 2.9

Applicable Error Code


Affected Versions

  1. 7

Affected Platforms




When upgrading Dbvisit Replicate 2.7 to 2.9, please make sure the following are done:

  1. Run the list obsolete redo command to check if the redo is not pointing to a redo which is way back.

  2. Run the list transactions command to check if there are any open transactions which is pointing to days older than the current date, if it is showing old transactions check below.

  1. Check for any open transactions in the source database which is still running , if so wait for the transactions to complete.

  1. If no open transactions are running in the source database , you can either commit or rollback the transactions from the dbvrep console.

  1. If is Recommended that MINE and APPLY are in sync , if the APPLY is lagging , pause the MINE process and wait for the APPLY to catchup before proceeding with the upgrade process.

  1. Login as privileged user and grant the below to dbvrep repository user

SQL> grant execute on dbms_system to dbvrep; In the above example dbvrep is the repository user.
  1. If your source or target is 12.2 linux please use Dbvisit Replicate versions for OEL6 and OEL7 when installing , the oracle 12.2 client libraries are included in this build .

Steps Performed

Status of replication running on version 2.7 / Dbvisit Replicate 2.7.22(MAX edition) - Evaluation License expires in 30 days MINE IS running. Currently at plog 58 and SCN 992266 (07/14/2017 11:11:24). APPLY IS running. Currently at plog 58 and SCN 992233 (07/14/2017 11:11:21). Progress of replication dbvrep_test:MINE->APPLY: total/this execution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST.DEPT: 100% Mine:1/1 Unrecov:0/0 Applied:1/1 Conflicts:0/0 Last:14/07/2017 11:11:15/OK TEST.EMP: 100% Mine:1/1 Unrecov:0/0 Applied:1/1 Conflicts:0/0 Last:14/07/2017 11:10:35/OK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 tables listed. dbvrep>
  1. Shutdown MINE and APPLY

    dbvrep> shutdown all Dbvisit Replicate APPLY process shutting down. Dbvisit Replicate MINE process shutting down. dbvrep>
  2. Install 2.9 on SOURCE and TARGET


  1. Start the Console - ./start_console

  1. Upgrade MINE and APPLY repository to 

  2. 9.00

  1. Exit the Console.

  1. Please remove the par directory (/tmp in unix environments and temp directories in windows) before starting the MINE and APPLY.

  1. Start the MINE and APPLY processes. 

  2. Start the Console - ./start_console