Workaround for error 'Argument isn't numeric in scalar assignment at IO/Socket/ line 716.'

Problem Details


Applicable Error Code

Argument "\0\0\0\0\0\0^CJ\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0M-^D\0\0^F\0\0\0▒\0^E\0..." isn't numeric in scalar assignment at IO/Socket/ line 716.

Affected Versions


Affected Platforms



The issue above is related to the Perl component, which is not fully compatible with the IPv6 protocol on AIX. 


With the help of a variable no-ipv6, you can remove this warning. Add a variable to the script that you use to start a process or a dbvisit console. See example below how to modify a script:

EXEC="/u03/dbvisit/AIX/replicate/dbvrep" $EXEC --daemon --no-ipv6 --ddcfile /u03/dbvisit/fispoc/fispoc-MINE.ddc $*