How to export/import current conflict handlers when you need to reconfigure Replicate

Problem Description

Your Replicate environment contains user-modified conflict handlers on table level and you need to re-run * for various reasons. * drops and re-creates dbvrep repositories so you lose your configuration by default but there is a way how to export & import conflict handlers settings.


Current configuration

dbvrep> list prepare List of prepared schemas: none List of prepared tables: DBVREPCH.DBRSCOMMON_HEARTBEAT -> DBVREPCHTGT (schema rename) DBVREPCH.DBRSOBJ$ -> DBVREPCHTGT (schema rename) DBVREPCH.DBRSUSER$ -> DBVREPCHTGT (schema rename) SCOTT.M1 -> SCOTT.M2 (table rename) (DDL) dbvrep> show_conflict_handlers for table scott.m1 The table called SCOTT.M1 on source is handled on apply (APPLY) as follows: The table is renamed to SCOTT.M2. UPDATE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG UPDATE (no_data): handler: RETRY logging: LOG UPDATE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (no_data): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG INSERT (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG TRANSACTION (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG

Let's change some conflict handler

dbvrep> set_conflict_handlers for table scott.m1 for update on no_data to overwrite nolog Connecting to running apply: [The table called SCOTT.M1 on source is handled on apply (APPLY) as follows: The table is renamed to SCOTT.M2. UPDATE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG UPDATE (no_data): handler: OVERWRITE logging: NOLOG UPDATE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (no_data): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG INSERT (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG TRANSACTION (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG] dbvrep> show_conflict_handlers for table scott.m1 The table called SCOTT.M1 on source is handled on apply (APPLY) as follows: The table is renamed to SCOTT.M2. UPDATE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG UPDATE (no_data): handler: OVERWRITE logging: NOLOG UPDATE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (no_data): handler: RETRY logging: LOG DELETE (too_many): handler: RETRY logging: LOG INSERT (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG TRANSACTION (error): handler: RETRY logging: LOG

Now shutdown processes

dbvrep> shutdown all Dbvisit Replicate APPLY process shutting down. Dbvisit Replicate MINE process shutting down. dbvrep> exit

Before you exetute *, you have to backup DBRSAPPLY_CONFLICT_HANDLERS residing in the target database

And you can proceed to run setup wizard and/or execute *

Once completed, start dbvrep console and prepare table if not already configured in setup wizard

You can verify that conflict handlers are set to their default values

Now import old DBRSAPPLY_CONFLICT_HANDLERS as temporary table

Connect as target repository owner and merge data

Now verify the settings in dbvrep console


We will add export/import of conflict handlers in next releases.