Using archive logs only and not online redo logs with Dbvisit Replicate

Problem Description

We know that when a replication partnership falls behind that Dbvisit Replicate will look in the archive logs to find changes made on the source, instead of the online redo logs. But is it possible for Dbvisit Replicate to work with (parse) the archive logs only, without trying to open the online log?


Yes, this is possible, and is a feature that has been implemented in Dbvisit Replicate. So, to enable this, simply edit the MINE.ddc file and add set _EXIT_CONDITION=ARCHONLY.

In Dbvisit Replicate 2.7 we have made that parameter public and renamed it: REDO_READ_METHOD. The default is REDOFIRST which will read from redo logs and then archive logs if needed. ARCHONLY would be the choice to have the MINE process ONLY read archive logs.

Mike Donovan June 14, 2013 10:52