Install with Dbvisit OS User & ASM Upgrade

Install with Dbvisit OS User & ASM Upgrade


  • Oracle RDBMS with Oracle e-Business suite clone (per e-Business process).

  • Upgraded source database ASM only from 11 to 12c.

  • Dbvisit Replicate 2.7 was installed as dbvisit OS user separate from oracle OS user but with group permissions on oinstallasmadmindba.


  • Source database server to run FETCHER.

  • Intermediary server to run MINE.

  • Target host to run APPLY.


FETCHER failed to start on source server.


As the environment configuration is using separate OS accounts to manage the Grid Infrastructure (GI_HOME) and the oracle RDBMS ORACLE_HOME, the RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle binary must be able to access the ASM disks. This is accomplished by permitting the RDBMS oracle binary access using the following command as GI user:

  1. Shutdown database.

  2. Run:

    sudo su - grid
  3. Execute:

    /e01/app/12.1.0/grid/bin/setasmgidwrap -o=/e02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/oracle
  4. Startup database.

Once the modification is applied, dbvisit (which has access to the oracle binaries) is able to access the redo logs.

NOTE: Due to the above modification, the archive log generation owner/group changed from oracle:oinstall to oracle:asmadmin. You still have to add the asmadmin group to dbvisit with read/copy permissions on the archive logs. See the following Oracle support documents for further details:

  • 1054033.1

  • 1084186.1

Donna Zehl April 09, 2015 04:41

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