08 - Configure Swingbench

08 - Configure Swingbench

Create the initial Swingbench tables and load them with data. This takes about 25 minutes to run. This is using the command line version of Swingbench (-cl).

1. Logon as oracle (password is oracle).

su - oracle

2. Run the swingbench command to create and load the tables.

The command is:

/u01/oracle/swingbench/bin/oewizard -cl -create -cs //source-int/pdb1 -scale 1 -u oe -p oe -ts users -tc 7 -v -dba system -dbap oracle

The "scale" factor is used to indicate the size of the data set that is created. If a smaller dataset is required, then decrease the scale. For example: "-scale 0.5"


The output is:

SwingBench Wizard
Author  :	 Dominic Giles
Version :
Running in Lights Out Mode using config file : oewizard.xml
Connecting to : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//source-int/pdb1                        
Starting run                                                               
Starting script ../sql/soedgdrop2.sql                                      
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 1 second(s) 755 millisecond(s)   
Starting script ../sql/soedgcreatetables2.sql                              
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 549 millisecond(s)   
Starting script ../sql/soedgviews.sql                                      
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 62 millisecond(s)    
Starting script ../sql/soedgsqlset.sql                                     
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 184 millisecond(s)   
Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_750000                                 
Inserting data into table ADDRESSES_1                                      
Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_1                                      
Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_714895                               
Inserting data into table CUSTOMERS_500000                                 
Inserting data into table ORDERS_714895                                    
Inserting data into table ORDERS_1                                         
Inserting data into table ORDER_ITEMS_1                                    
Completed processing table ADDRESSES_750000 in 0:02:31                     
Completed processing table ADDRESSES_1 in 0:02:36                          
Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_750000                              
Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_500000 in 0:03:48                     
Inserting data into table CARD_DETAILS_1                                   
Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_750000 in 0:01:15                  
Inserting data into table LOGON_1191492                                    
Completed processing table CUSTOMERS_1 in 0:04:04                          
Inserting data into table LOGON_1                                          
Completed processing table LOGON_1191492 in 0:01:01                        
Inserting data into table PRODUCT_INFORMATION                              
Inserting data into table INVENTORIES                                      
Completed processing table PRODUCT_INFORMATION in 0:00:00                  
Completed processing table CARD_DETAILS_1 in 0:01:14                       
Inserting data into table PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS                             
Completed processing table PRODUCT_DESCRIPTIONS in 0:00:01                 
Inserting data into table WAREHOUSES                                       
Completed processing table WAREHOUSES in 0:00:00                           
Completed processing table LOGON_1 in 0:01:00                              
Completed processing table INVENTORIES in 0:00:34                          
Completed processing table ORDERS_714895 in 0:07:28                        
Completed processing table ORDERS_1 in 0:07:29                             
Completed processing table ORDER_ITEMS_714895 in 0:07:31                   
Connection cache closed                                                    
Starting script ../sql/soedganalyzeschema2.sql                             
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 346 millisecond(s)   
Starting script ../sql/soedgconstraints2.sql                               
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 51 second(s) 162 millisecond(s)  
Starting script ../sql/soedgindexes2.sql                                   
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 1 minute(s) 19 second(s) 941 millisecond(s)  
Starting script ../sql/soedgsequences2.sql                                 
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 3 second(s) 61 millisecond(s)    
Starting script ../sql/soedgpackage2_header.sql                            
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 724 millisecond(s)   
Starting script ../sql/soedgpackage2_body.sql                              
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 558 millisecond(s)   
Starting script ../sql/soedgsetupmetadata.sql                              
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 2 second(s) 262 millisecond(s)   

The username is: oe
The password is: oe
The tablespace is: users

3. At the end there is a summary of the tables that have been loaded.

|           Datagenerator Run Stats        |
Connection Time                        0:00:00.017
Data Generation Time                   0:07:32.026
DDL Creation Time                      0:02:20.771
Total Run Time                         0:09:52.828
Rows Inserted per sec                       26,782
Data Generated (MB) per sec                    2.2
Actual Rows Generated                   13,006,584
Connecting to : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//source-int/pdb1                        
Post Creation Validation Report
The schema appears to have been created successfully.
Valid Objects
Valid Code : 'ORDERENTRY'
Schema Created

4. Run Swingbench to test that it is working. This is using the command line version of Swingbench called Charbench.

The command is:

/u01/oracle/swingbench/bin/charbench -v users,tps,trans -cs //source-int/pdb1  -u oe -p oe -uc 5 -min 1 -max 200 -rt 0:10 -a 

The output is:

Author  :	 Dominic Giles
Version :
Results will be written to results.xml.
17:09:28	[0/5]	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:29	[5/5]	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:30	[5/5]	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:31	[5/5]	5	1	0	3	1	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:32	[5/5]	9	4	0	7	3	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:33	[5/5]	5	5	0	10	4	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:34	[5/5]	7	5	0	13	8	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:35	[5/5]	9	6	2	18	9	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:36	[5/5]	5	6	2	20	12	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:37	[5/5]	3	6	2	21	14	0	0	0	0	0
17:09:38	[5/5]	9	7	3	25	16	1	0	0	0	0
17:09:39	[5/5]	8	9	3	27	19	1	1	0	0	0
17:09:40	[5/5]	8	9	4	31	21	2	1	0	0	0
17:09:41	[5/5]	5	9	4	35	22	2	1	0	0	0
17:09:42	[5/5]	6	10	4	37	25	2	1	0	0	0
17:09:43	[5/5]	10	12	4	41	28	3	1	0	0	0
17:09:44	[5/5]	5	13	4	43	29	3	2	0	0	0

This will run for about 1 minutes, you can stop any time by hitting ctrl-c.