Advanced Settings
Variable Name | Meaning |
SUCCESS_MAILTO | This is used to separate the success emails from the failure emails. If set, then all successful Dbvisit Standby emails will be sent to this email address. Failure or unsuccessful emails will be sent to the email address specified by ADMINS. If not set, then all emails will go to ADMINS. |
Example: | | | |
DB_CONNECTION_MODE | Determines the type of connection Dbvisit Standby makes to the database on the primary server. |
Values are dedicated or shared. | |
Dedicated is the default. | |
- Dedicated | |
By default Dbvisit Standby connects with the dedicated connection mode. The dedicated connection mode initiates a database connection each time information is requested from the database. The connection is closed after each request. | |
- Shared | |
A database connection is opened once at the start of Dbvisit Standby. This connection is used (shared) for all information requested from the database. At the end of Dbvisit Standby processing, the connection is closed. | |
If the time taken to establish a database connection is too long, Dbvisit Standby may be optimised to improve performance by setting DB_CONNECTION_MODE = shared. The connection to the database is then only made once. | |
If you are not sure set to dedicated. | |
Example: | |
DB_CONNECTION_MODE_DR | Determines the type of connection Dbvisit Standby makes to the database on the standby server. |
Values are dedicated or shared. | |
Dedicated is the default. | |
- Dedicated | |
By default Dbvisit Standby connects with the dedicated connection mode. The dedicated connection mode initiates a database connection each time information is requested from the database. The connection is closed after each request. | |
- Shared | |
A database connection is opened once at the start of Dbvisit Standby. This connection is used (shared) for all information requested from the database. At the end of Dbvisit Standby processing, the connection is closed. | |
If the time taken to establish a database connection is too long, Dbvisit Standby may be optimised to improve performance by setting DB_CONNECTION_MODE_DR = shared. The connection to the database is then only made once. | |
If you are not sure set to dedicated. | |
Example: | |
IGNORE_ARCH_HIST | Default value: No |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Use Dbvisit Standby own internal mechanism to find the next available log to transfer. | |
No = Use Oracle controlfile information to find the next available log file. If this information is no longer available in the controlfile, default to using Dbvisit Standby’s own internal mechanism. | |
If you are not sure, set to No. | |
During initial Dbvisit Standby testing, setting this to Yes is useful, as the archive log file to transfer to the standby database is not always easily available in Oracle, especially if there has been a network outage and the standby database has not been updated for a while. | |
Example: | |
USE_STORE_ARCH_SEQ | Graceful Switchover only |
Set to Yes if during initial Graceful Switchover testing Oracle cannot find new archives to recover database. | |
Possible values: No, Yes | |
Example: | |
FLASH_ARCH_DIRNAME | Name of the directory used by Oracle for flash_recovery area for archive logs. |
Default value: archivelog | |
Example: | |
FLASH_ARCH_DIRNAME=archivelog | |
FLASH_DIR_NUM | How many days to go back to look for archive logs in flash recovery area. Each day will have a new directory in the flash recovery area. |
Default value: 40 | |
Example: | |
FLASH_DIR_FORMAT | Format of the archive log directory when using flash recovery area. Standard a directory will be created for every day to hold the archives. This variable dictates the date format of the day directory. |
Default value: YYYY_MM_DD | |
Example: | |
FORCE_FLASH_AREA | Force the use of the flash_area or DB_RECOVERY_FILE area. Only necessary when Dbvisit Standby does not recognize a flash area is in use. |
Yes = Force flash area. | |
No = Let Dbvisit Standby determine to use flash area or not. | |
Ignore = Ignore flash area when Dbvisit Standby has detected flash area. | |
Example: | |
FLASH_ARCHIVE_LOG_FORMAT | Default log_archive_format for when flash area is being used. |
The log_archive_format specified in v$parameter is ignored and a default is being used. This parameter allows tuning off the default parameter when Dbvisit Standby is not able to determine the default parameter. | |
Default value: *_%t_%s_%r.arc | |
Example: | |
FLASH_ARCHIVE_LOG_FORMAT=*_%t_%s_%r.arc | |
ARCHLOG_PREFIX | The archive log may be renamed by another process or in some cases Oracle prefixes the archive with the word "arch". If this happens, Dbvisit Standby may not be able to identify the archive log. Setting this parameter ensures that Dbvisit Standby can identify the archive log name. |
Default value: arch | |
Example: | |
RESYNCH_SEQ_OFFSET | This determines the archive log sequence offset when Dbvisit Standby resynchs with the standby database. A value of 1, means the standby sequence will be offset with -1 and the first sequence is resent. |
Default value: 1 | |
Example: | |
ALERT_ON_WARNING | Normally Dbvisit Standby will only alert on errors and then stop processing. Dbvisit Standby will not alert on warnings. |
Possible values: No, Yes | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will alert on warnings and stop processing. | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will alert on errors only and stop processing. Warnings will be displayed in the Dbvisit Standby log file. | |
Default value: No | |
Example: | |
IGNORE_RESETLOG_ID | Ignore the %r parameter in the log_archive_format. This may be used if Dbvisit Standby fails to recognize the log archive format, or Dbvisit Standby is unable to obtain the Resetlogs Id. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Default value: No. | |
Example: | |
THREAD_SOURCE | If set to Yes, the THREAD number from the instance is obtained to determine the next archive to send. This may be set to Yes if Dbvisit Standby fails to recognize the archive log sequence. |
Default value: No | |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
For RAC this is always set to Yes. | |
Example: | |
THREAD_DEST | If set to Yes, the THREAD number from the instance is obtained to determine the next archive to apply. This may be set to Yes if Dbvisit Standby fails to recognize the archive log sequence. For RAC this is always set to Yes. |
Default value: No | |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Example: | |
SHOW_TRACEFILE_NAME | Determines when to show the tracefile name. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Will show tracefile name in alerts, errors and success emails. | |
No = Will show tracefile name in alerts and errors. | |
Default value: No | |
Example: | |
SHOW_TIME_IN_TRACE | Shows the timestamp in the trace file. There is no significant overhead in displaying the timestamp in the trace file. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Will show current timestamp on every line in tracefile. | |
No = Will not show timestamp in tracefile. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Example: | |
LOG_SWITCH_WAIT_IN_SEC | Wait in seconds to allow log switch to occur. If it is found that the archives are not yet completely written to when Dbvisit Standby tries to transfer them to the standby server, then this parameter may be increased. |
If Oracle has not completed the log switch before Dbvisit Standby attempts to compress and transfer the logs, Dbvisit Standby will raise an error message. | |
Default value: 3 | |
Example: | |
LD_LIBRARY_PATH | Sets the library path. This is needed for some versions of Oracle. Not needed for Windows. Do not include the ORACLE_HOME in the path. This will be done automatically. |
Default value: none | |
Example: | |
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/dt/lib;/usr/openwin/lib | |
FORCE_SYSDBA | Determines how Dbvisit Standby will connect to the database to perform its actions. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will connect as sysdba. The DBUSER schema will not be used to connect to the database, | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will connect with Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR) user. | |
Dbvisit Standby will always connect to the database as sysdba to stop and start the database and to get the status of the database. Dbvisit Standby will always connect to the standby database with sysdba. | |
Default value: No | |
Example: | |
ALT_ARCH_LOCATION | This may be added if an alternate LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST is required. Standard, Dbvisit Standby uses the Oracle LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameters to determine the location of the archive log files. |
If ALT_ARCH_LOCATION is set, then a process must be in place to copy the archive log files from the default LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST to the alternate location, otherwise Dbvisit Standby will not be able to find the archive log files. | |
Default value: None | |
Example: | |
ALT_ARCH_LOCATION=/oracle/oraarch/altlocation/ | |
ALT_ARCH_LOCATION=c:\oracle\oraarch\altlocation\ | |
SEND_MAIL_FLAG | Description: Determines if Dbvisit Standby will use email for alerting. |
SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR | Default value: Yes |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will email. | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will NOT email. | |
SEND_MAIL_FLAG is for both primary server and standby servers. | |
SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR is only for the standby server. | |
If SEND_MAIL_FLAG_DR is not set then SEND_MAIL_FLAG will apply to both primary and standby servers. | |
Warning: If set to No, Dbvisit Standby will not send any notification when an alert is triggered. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Example: | |
SEND_HEARTBEAT | Determines if a daily heart beat message is sent to ensure Dbvisit Standby is still scheduled. |
SEND_HEARTBEAT_DR | Possible values: Yes, No |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby sends daily heartbeat email. | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will not send daily heartbeat email. | |
Warning: If set to No, you must have an alternative method to ensure Dbvisit Standby is processing is active. | |
SEND_HEARTBEAT is used for the primary server. | |
SEND_HEARTBEAT_DR is used for the standby server. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Example: | |
LOGGING_LEVEL | Determines the level of logging for the Dbvisit Standby log file. |
Default value: all | |
The values are: | |
all = All messages will be logged. | |
important = Only important messages will be logged, the following messages will NOT be logged: | |
- Log not found on standby database | |
- Dbvisit Standby still running | |
- Dbvisit Standby pre-processing completed | |
- Dbvisit Standby post-processing completed | |
- Schedular heartbeat message sent | |
- Duplicate compressed file found | |
Example: | |
LOGGING_LEVEL = important | |
ARCH_BUSY | Name of lock file to indicate the archive file is in use. |
Default value: archive_busy.lck | |
Example: | |
ARCH_BUSY=archive_busy.lck | |
ARCH_NOT_THERE | Name of file to indicate the archive file is not found. |
Default value: arch_not_there.lck | |
Example: | |
ARCH_NOT_THERE=arch_not_there.lck | |
CHECKFOR_PREV_VERSION | Determines if Dbvisit Standby will perform a check if the database configuration file if from a previous Dbvisit Standby version. Once the database configuration file is updated, this can be set to No. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby checks for previous database configuration files every time Dbvisit Standby is executed. | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will not perform the check. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Example: | |
COMPARE_CHECKSUM | Determines if Dbvisit Standby will perform a checksum and compare the checksum on the file that has been transferred. If the checksum is not the same, Dbvisit Standby will alert. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will calculate checksum on the file being transferred and will alert if the transferred file is not the same as the original file. | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will not perform a checksum. It is not guaranteed that the transferred file will be the same as the original file. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Example: | |
REMOVE_TEMP_FILES | Determines if Dbvisit Standby temporary files should be deleted after Dbvisit Standby processing. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby temporary files will be deleted. | |
No = Dbvisit Standby temporary files will NOT be deleted. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Example: | |
TRANSFER_RETRIES | Determines the number of retries when the checksum of the transferred log file does not match the original file. When the checksum does not match, the file will be transferred again. If the checksum does not match after TRANSFER_RETRIES attempts, an alert will be raised. |
Default value: 2 | |
Example: | |
SYNCH_ENV_FILE_ONLY | Variable SYNCH_DBVISIT_INSTALL=Yes must be set for this setting to be active. |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
No = Complete Dbvisit Standby installation and configuration (DDC) file will be synchronised everytime Dbvisit Standby executes. | |
Yes = Only Dbvisit Standby database configurational (DDC) file will be synchronised everytime Dbvisit Standby executes. | |
Note: The complete Dbvisit Standby installation can be synchronised with the dbvisit -c <DDC> command. | |
Example: | |
EMAIL_LOG_GAP_REPORT | Determines if the Dbvisit Standby log gap report will be emailed. When Dbvisit Standby is run with the inspect command (dbvisit -i) the Dbvisit Standby log gap report will be displayed. Setting this to Yes will email this report to the email address specified by ADMINS. The Dbvisit Standby log gap report will always be written to the Dbvisit Standby database repository (DDR). |
Possible values: Yes, No | |
Yes = Email the Dbvisit Standby log gap report to the email address specified by ADMINS. | |
No = Do not email the Dbvisit Standby log gap report. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Example: | |
SEND_LOG_GAP_WITH_HEARTBEAT | Possible values: Yes, No |
Yes = Include the Dbvisit Standby log gap report in the daily heartbeat email that is sent from the primary server. | |
No = Do not include the Dbvisit Standby log gap report in the daily heartbeat email. | |
Default value: No | |
Example: | |
HOSTNAME_CMD | If Dbvisit Standby is part of a cluster and a different hostname should be used instead of the regular hostname returned by the current server, then this variable can be used to specify a command to set the hostname for Dbvisit Standby. |
For example: | |
When Dbvisit Standby is used in a cluster and the virtual cluster name should be used instead of the physical hostname. | |
Sample: | |
HOSTNAME_CMD=/usr/local/bin/ | |
If the HOSTNAME_CMD file is specified but does not exist on the server, then Dbvisit Standby ignores the HOSTNAME_CMD and uses the regular method to obtain the hostname of the server. This is useful if the standby server is a regular server and the default hostname is sufficient. | |
KEEP_ORIG_FILE_BEFORE_COMPRESS | Only applies if Dbvisit Standby internal compression method is used. When set to yes, Dbvisit Standby will keep the original file as well as the compressed file after compression. If set to no, Dbvisit Standby will delete the original file after compression and keep the compressed file. |
Sample: | |
LOCK_MAX_TIME_SEC | If Dbvisit Standby detects a lock on a file that it is trying to process, this parameter specifies the maximum wait in seconds Dbvisit Standby will retry the lock. |
If the file is still locked after LOCK_MAX_TIME_SEC, then Dbvisit Standby will raise an alert. | |
Sample: | |
LOCK_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC | If Dbvisit Standby detects a lock on a file that it is trying to process, this parameter specifies the wait in milliseconds before Dbvisit Standby will attempt to access the file again. On some platforms the minimum timeout time may be 1 second. |
Sample: | |
NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP | Specifies the number of Dbvisit Standby trace files to keep. Trace files are generated every time Dbvisit Standby is executed. Trace files are only used for Dbvisit support. Dbvisit Standby will delete trace files greater than this number. Deletes oldest trace file first. Works in conjunction with DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE. |
Least restrictive setting applies between DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE and NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP. To turn off, set to 0. | |
Sample: | |
DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE | Specifies the number of days to keep Dbvisit Standby trace files. Trace files are generated every time Dbvisit Standby is executed. Trace files are only used for Dbvisit Standby support. Dbvisit Standby will delete trace files that are older. Works in conjunction with NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP. Least restrictive setting applies between DAYS_TO_KEEP_TRACE and NUM_TRACE_TO_KEEP. To turn off, set to 0. |
Sample: | |
SSH_PORT | Used to specify a different ssh port to the default 22. |
If no value is supplied then the default of 22 is used. | |
Sample: | |
SSH_PORT=2200 | |
CP_OPTIONS | Allow for different secure copy (scp) options. |
For example (Unix/Linux): | |
-l limit | |
Limits the used bandwidth, specified in Kbit/s | |
See man scp in Unix and Linux for scp options. | |
See sftpc on Windows for scp options. | |
Sample: | |
CP_OPTIONS=-l 100 | |
RSH_OPTIONS | Allow for different secure shell (ssh) options. |
For example (Unix/Linux): | |
-l login_name | |
Specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine. | |
See man ssh in Unix and Linux for ssh options. | |
See sexec on Windows for ssh options. | |
Sample: | |
RSH_OPTIONS=-l oracle2 | |
INITIATE_DBVISIT_ON_STANDBY | Setting this to Yes will initiate Dbvisit Standby on the standby server as the last step of running Dbvisit Standby on the primary server. |
Setting this to Yes, will mean Dbvisit Standby should no longer be scheduled on the standby server (as it is now initiated from the primary server). | |
Dbvisit Standby will no longer function as two independent processes with independent alerting and a new strategy must be in place to ensure that notification is received in case of a failure. | |
It is therefore recommended to set ARCHIVE_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD or TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD and to schedule the Dbvisit Standby log gap report (dbvisit -i) on the primary to alert if the standby database gets too far behind the primary database. | |
Warning: Only set this to Yes if you understand the implications. | |
Sample: | |
ALERT_IF_STDBY_READ_ONLY | When standby database is in READ ONLY mode, the latest changes cannot be applied. This setting determines the action taken when Dbvisit Standby is run on the standby server. |
Yes = Dbvisit Standby will alert if standby database is in READ ONLY mode and Dbvisit Standby is run to apply archive logs (Default). | |
No = Dbvisit Standby will NOT alert if standby database is in READ ONLY mode and Dbvisit Standby is run to apply archive logs. Dbvisit Standby will exit normally with a message in the Dbvisit Standby log file. | |
Default value: Yes | |
Sample: | |
ARCHIVE_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD | Dbvisit Standby will alert if the log gap from the Dbvisit Standby log gap report (dbvisit -i) exceeds these values (set to 0 to turn off). |
TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD | ARCHIVE_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD is the difference between the last archived sequence on the primary and the last applied sequence on the standby database. The archive log gap should be near 0 (except when APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES is used). |
TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD is the difference between the last archived sequence on the primary and the last sequence transferred to the standby server. The transfer log gap should be near 0. | |
The dbvisit -i <database> command must be scheduled for these settings to be effective. | |
Sample: | |
LOG_FILE_ROTATE_MAX | Dbvisit Standby log files are will automatically according to these settings. |
LOG_FILE_SIZE_MAX_MB | LOG_FILE_ROTATE_MAX indicates how many backups are made of the log files before it is overwritten. |
The first backup will be dbvisit_hist.log.1 | |
The second backup will be dbvisit_hist.log.2 | |
etc. | |
LOG_FILE_SIZE_MAX_MB indicates the size of the log file before the log file is rotated as above. | |
Sample: | |
AUTO_START_STANDBY_DB | Automatically start the standby database if standby database is down and dbvisit -i or dbvisit -R command is given on the primary server. These Dbvisit Standby commands require the standby database to be up. Setting AUTO_START_STANDBY_DB = Yes ensures the standby database will be up. |
Default value: Yes | |
Sample: | |
APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES | This creates a lag time in minutes between the archiving of a redo log at the primary database and the application of the log on the standby database. |
Note that the archive logs are still transferred to the standby server as normal without delay. | |
When this variable is > 0, MAX_TIMES_TRIED can no longer be relied on to alert when there are no new archives to be applied to the standby database. Use TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD instead for alerting. | |
To turn off APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES, set to 0. | |
Important Note: If you want to use this option to enable a delay in applying archived redo on the standby, it is required that timezone on the Primary and Standby operating systems be the same. Changing timezones should be done with caution and it is recommended to review the Oracle documentation or contact Oracle support before making any timezone changes to a database environment. Ideally timezones should be configured before database creation. | |
Sample: | |
MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_SUCCESSFUL MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_HEARTBEAT | These variables can be used to set a prefix for the email subject line. This can then be used to set filtering rules for emails. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT is for the archive log gap report. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_SUCCESSFUL is for the Dbvisit Standby success email. MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_HEARTBEAT is for the Dbvisit Standby heartbeat email. For example by setting MAILSUBJECT_PREFIX_LOG_GAP_REPORT = 53 The result will be: "53 - Dbvisit report for PRODB: Transfer log gap: 0 Archive log gap: 0" |
MAILCFG_AUTH_USER | MAILCFG_AUTH_USER is for SMTP authentication (username). |
MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD | MAILCFG_AUTH_PASSWD is for SMTP authentication (password). |
MAILCFG_CC | MAILCFG_CC is used to specify cc Dbvisit Standby emails. |
MAILCFG_BCC | MAILCFG_BCC is used to specify bcc Dbvisit Standby emails. |
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE | MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE is to specify whether to attach trace files to error emails so that these can be forwarded to Dbvisit Standby support. Example : MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE = No |
MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES | MAILCFG_ATTACH_TRACEFILE_MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES is to specify a file size limit to attaching the trace file. |
MAILCFG_SENDMAIL_CLIENT | MAILCFG_SENDMAIL_CLIENT is to specify another sendmail client. Full path must be provided. Example: MAILCFG_SENDMAIL_CLIENT =C:\\programs\\sendmail.exe |
MAILCFG_PORT | MAILCFG_PORT is to specify another smtp port. Example: MAILCFG_PORT = 26 |
MAILCFG_DEBUG | MAILCFG_DEBUG is to turn on smtp debug messages. Example: MAILCFG_DEBUG = 1 |
MAILCFG_TIME_OUT | MAILCFG_TIME_OUT is the specify smtp timeout. Example: MAILCFG_TIME_OUT = 5 |
SWITCHOVER_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC | SWITCHOVER_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC is the maximum time in seconds that Dbvisit Standby will wait for response from the other server during graceful switchover ONLY. Default value: SWITCHOVER_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC = 1500 Example: SWITCHOVER_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC = 3000 |
SWITCHOVER_WAIT_IN_SEC | SWITCHOVER_WAIT_IN_SEC is the time interval in seconds between Dbvisit Standby polling the other server for a response during graceful switchover ONLY. Default value: SWITCHOVER_WAIT_IN_SEC = 5 Example: SWITCHOVER_WAIT_IN_SEC = 10 |
USE_LONG_SERVER_NAME | Dbvisit Standby uses short names for the primary and standby servers set by SOURCE and DESTINATION respectively. To use fully qualified domain names for the SOURCE and DESTINATION settings set to Y: Default: USE_LONG_SERVER_NAMES = N Example: USE_LONG_SERVER_NAMES = Yes |
DROP_STANDBY_TEMPFILES | Specifies if tempfiles should be dropped on the standby database after successful completion of Graceful Switchover for Oracle versions 11.2 or higher. This is a workaround to fix Oracle bug 10292173. Default : DROP_STANDBY_TEMPFILES = Yes |
ARCHTMP | Specifies a temporary location on the primary server to copy archives from ASM before shipping them to the standby, in case of an ASM primary database. Defaults to ARCHDEST |
RECOVERY_PARALLELISM | May take values PARALLEL to enforce parallel recovery of database, or NOPARALLEL to enforce serial recovery of database. If not specified then reset to NOPARALLEL for databases version 11.1 and higher.Defaults to none Example: RECOVERY_PARALLELISM = PARALLEL |
CSD_FORCE_ASM_REDO_CONVERT | Set to Y if your environment does not allow for creating a filesystem standby database for an ASM primary database on a standby server that does not have an ASM instance running. Default: CSD_FORCE_ASM_REDO_CONVERT = N |
SHUT_WIN_SERVICE | Specifies if windows service should be shut down when the standby database is shutdown during creating of standby database and Graceful Switchover Default: SHUT_WIN_SERVICE = N |
AMM_CHECK_TRANSFERRED | Dbvisit AMM module checks if an archive log has been transferred to standby server(s) before deleteing it. Default: AMM_CHECK_TRANSFERRED = Y |
AMM_PROCESS_MULTIPLE_ARCH_DEST | Dbvisit AMM module processes multiple archive destinations when deleting logs on the primary server. Set to N to turn off. Default: AMM_PROCESS_MULTIPLE_ARCH_DEST = Y |
DBV_LAST_RUN_OFFSET | For multiple standby databases, Dbvisit AMM module checks if an archive log has been transferred to a standby server before deleteing it, if Dbvisit Standby has run at least once within the last DBV_LAST_RUN_OFFSET days Default: DBV_LAST_RUN_OFFSET = 1 |
MIN_ARCH_TO_KEEP | Number of archive logs Dbvisit AMM module keeps on the server when deleting logs, regardless of AMM settings Default MIN_ARCH_TO_KEEP = 3 |
RUN_INSPECT | Automatically run dbvisit -i on the primary server every time Dbvisit executes. dbvisit -i collects the archive and transfer log gap information from the standby database and saves this information for reporting purposes. It will also alert if ARCHIVE_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD or TRANSFER_LOG_GAP_THRESHOLD have exceeded their threshold. Default: RUN_INSPECT = Yes |
RMAN_DBF_BACKUP_TYPE | The CSD process is making use of RMAN (when direct transfer is not used). To be more specific COMPRESSED BACKUPSET is used for the backups. In certain scenarios it might be required to adjust the backup option to not use compressed backups or to rather use image copies. This can be done by setting the RMAN_DBF_BACKUP_TYPE parameter in the primary server DDC file. This parameter can be set to specify if a backupset, compressed backupset or image copies are to be used during the CSD operation: Valid options are: RMAN_DBF_BACKUP_TYPE=AS BACKUPSET RMAN_DBF_BACKUP_TYPE=AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET RMAN_DBF_BACKUP_TYPE=AS COPY |