
This file contains the output of the Oracle Data Dictionary view V$ARCHIVED_LOG.  This information shows some statistics about the number of archive logs that have been created.

Sample file:

How many archive logs had been created per/h per/day?

    	select to_char(trunc(l.first_time,'hh24'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi') date_time
              , count(l.recid) recid_count
              , sum(l.blocks*l.block_size) rec_size
              , round(sum(l.blocks*l.block_size)/1024 /1024) mb
        from v$archived_log l
        where l.first_time > sysdate-14
        group by to_char(trunc(l.first_time,'hh24'),'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi')
        order by date_time desc 

	2017-02-01 19:00	6	287515136	274
	2017-02-01 18:00	9	400488960	382
	2017-02-01 15:00	2	91447808	87
	2017-02-01 14:00	8	358298112	342
	2017-02-01 13:00	1	50577408	48
	2017-02-01 10:00	1	8488960	     8
	2017-01-31 16:00	4	179808256	171
	2017-01-31 15:00	1	50577408	48