Versions Compared


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Before shutting down you may want to see if MINE/APPLY are going to go back in time. Starting in Replicate 2.8, when you request to shutdown a process information will be displayed about how far back that process must go if it is shutdown.

No Format
dbvrep> list obsolete redo
dbvrep> list transactions


No Format
dbvrep> shutdown all                                                                                                      
Upon restart MINE will go back to redolog 5901 (thread 1), going back 4 logs.
Upon restart APPLY will go back to plog 5901, going back 4 plogs.
Are you sure you want to shutdown? (Yes/No) [No] yes                                                                      
Dbvisit Replicate MINE process shutting down.


1a. (Optional) You may wish to perform a backup of all the directories.  Also consider backup up the dbvrep schema on both the source and the target.  This is for fallback purposes.




2. Install the Dbvisit Replicate software. This is the same as a new install of the software. After installation, there is no need to reconfigure Dbvisit Replicate.
