Installing and Upgrading

Installing and Upgrading

Installing Dbvisit Replicate

The complete installation of Dbvisit Replicate takes less than 5 minutes.  Restarting the database or the server is not required.

Dbvisit Replicate only consists of one executable. This executable is called: dbvrep

The dbvrep executable contains:

  • MINE process
  • APPLY process
  • FETCHER process
  • Dbvisit Replicate console
  • Oracle client
  • Ensure all installation prerequisites are met before continuing with installation. 
  • Dbvisit Replicate software needs to be installed on source and target server.
  • In RAC environment, Dbvisit Replicate must be installed on all RAC nodes.

Installation Instructions are available on following pages.

  1. Installation on Windows
  2. Installation on Linux

Upgrading Instructions are available on following pages.

  1. Upgrading on Windows
  2. Upgrading on Linux


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