Term | Description |
Source database | The database that contains the | "source" “source” data. This is the database that Dbvisit Replicate will be replicating FROM. This is also called the | "Mine" “MINE” database. The source database must always be Oracle. |
Target database | The database that will be the | "target" “target” for the replicating. This is the database that Dbvisit Replicate will be replicating TO. This is also called the | "Apply" “APPLY” database. |
Mine MINE process | The | mine MINE process reads the Oracle redo logs at the source database. The | mine MINE process converts information from the Oracle redo log into a Dbvisit Replicate internal format called a PLOG. |
Example: |
To start the | mine MINE process, the normal Dbvisit Replicate command is: |
No Format |
dbvrep --daemon --ddcfile orcl.ddc start mine |
Where orcl.ddc is the DDC file (or configuration file) for a replication called orcl. |
In more complicated topologies, there can be more than one | Mine MINE process. Each | Mine MINE process will have a unique name which is determined by the user. Example: MINE, MINE2, etc. |
Apply APPLY process | The | apply APPLY process takes the PLOG (created by the | mine MINE process) and converts this information into SQL which can be run against the target database. |
Example: |
To start the | apply APPLY process, the normal Dbvisit Replicate command is: |
No Format |
dbvrep --daemon --ddcfile orcl.ddc start apply |
Where orcl.ddc is the DDC file (or configuration file) for a replication called orcl. |
There can be more than one | Apply APPLY process. Each | Apply APPLY process will have a unique name which is determined by the user. Example: APPLY, APPLY2, etc |
Dbvisit Replicate Command Console | All Dbvisit Replicate commands are given through the Dbvisit Replicate Command Console (DRCC). To start the DRCC type: |
To list progress of the replication: |
No Format |
dbvrep> list progress |
To start the Dbvisit Replicate configure wizard: |
No Format |
dbvrep> setup wizard |
To read and set the environment for a specific replication: |
No Format |
dbvrep> readddc w112g.ddc |
(where w112g.ddc is the DDC file name) |
or: |
No Format |
dbvrep --ddcfile orcl.ddc |
Fetcher FETCHER process | Fetcher FETCHER is an optional component. It can be used to offload the mining of the source database to another server. |
Example: |
To start the | fetcher FETCHER process, the normal Dbvisit Replicate command is: |
No Format |
dbvrep --daemon --ddcfile orcl.ddc start fetcher |
Where orcl.ddc is the DDC file (or configuration file) for a replication called orcl. |
There can be more than one | Fetcher FETCHER process. Each | Fetcher FETCHER process will have a unique name which is determined by the user. Example: FETCHER, FETCHER2, etc. |
PLOG | Mine MINE reads oracle redo logs and creates | plogs PLOGs (parsed logs). These logs contain parsed information and are filtered to contain information about replicated tables only. | Plogs PLOGs are binary logs specific to Dbvisit Replicate. |
The | plogs PLOGs are transferred to the target server where they are used by the | apply APPLY process. |
Source Server | The host or server that runs the source database. Dbvisit Replicate will be installed on this server. |
Target Server | The host or server that runs the target database. Dbvisit Replicate will be installed on this server. |
Install directory | The directory where Dbvisit Replicate will be installed. |
ORACLE_HOME | The directory where the Oracle software or executables are installed. |
TNS_ADMIN | The directory where the Oracle network configuration files are located (sqlnet.ora, tnsnames.ora) |
Oracle software owner | This is the Windows user or account that owns the Oracle Software. In most cases this is oracle. |
Dbvisit Database Configuration file (DDC) | A Dbvisit Replicated created text file which contains all the settings for the replication. |
The DDC file contains all the necessary configuration information for the replication. The file(s) will be in the Dbvisit Replicate install directory and has the format: |
No Format |
replication_name.ddc |
Where replication_name is the name of the replication (which is in most cases the name of the source database). |
Contents of this file is by default stored in source database (called | "DDC DB"“DDC DB”) and the DDC file itself contains only credentials to this database. |
The DDC file must be manually copied to the target server. |
Table key | Every row in a replicated table must be uniquely identifiable – in case of duplicates, | apply APPLY would not be able to pick up the correct row to update/delete. |
It is desirable that every replicated table has a primary key defined. If there is no primary key, then each row in the table must be uniquely identifiable. |
Dbvisit Replicate schema | A dedicated schema in the replicated database (both source and target). Contains various pieces of information required for operation of Dbvisit Replicate. |
Dbvisit Replicate logs into the database as this schema owner and performs all operations in the source and target database under this credentials. |
It is strongly recommended to use a dedicated user for this, to make it possible to drop and recreate the whole configuration if needed. |
DML | Data Manipulation Language. These are SQL statements that update or insert data into existing tables or objects. |
Example: |
No Format |
| "TEST" |
DDL | Data Definition Language. These are SQL statements that change the structure of the database. For example to create a new table or create a new user in the database. |