Certain terms are used during the installation and replication process. This section lists the common terms used and their description.
Term | Description |
Source database | The database that contains the "source" data. This is the database that Dbvisit Replicate will be replicating FROM. This is also called the "Mine" database. The source database must always be Oracle. |
Target database | The database that will be the "target" for the replicating. This is the database that Dbvisit Replicate will be replicating TO. This is also called the "Apply" database. |
Mine process | The mine process reads the Oracle redo logs at the source database. The mine process converts information from the Oracle redo log into a Dbvisit Replicate internal format called a PLOG. |
Apply process | The apply process takes the PLOG (created by the mine process) and converts this information into SQL which can be run against the target database. |
Dbvisit Replicate Command Console | All Dbvisit Replicate commands are given through the Dbvisit Replicate Command Console (DRCC). To start the DRCC type: |
Fetcher process | Fetcher is an optional component. It can be used to offload the mining of the source database to another server. |
PLOG | Mine reads oracle redo logs and creates plogs (parsed logs). These logs contain parsed information and are filtered to contain information about replicated tables only. Plogs are binary logs specific to Dbvisit Replicate. |
Source Server | The host or server that runs the source database. Dbvisit Replicate will be installed on this server. |
Target Server | The host or server that runs the target database. Dbvisit Replicate will be installed on this server. |
Install directory | The directory where Dbvisit Replicate will be installed. |
ORACLE_HOME | The directory where the Oracle software or executables are installed. |
TNS_ADMIN | The directory where the Oracle network configuration files are located (sqlnet.ora, tnsnames.ora) |
Oracle software owner | This is the Windows user or account that owns the Oracle Software. In most cases this is oracle. |
Dbvisit Database Configuration file (DDC) | A Dbvisit Replicated created text file which contains all the settings for the replication. |
Table key | Every row in a replicated table must be uniquely identifiable – in case of duplicates, apply would not be able to pick up the correct row to update/delete. |
Dbvisit Replicate schema | A dedicated schema in the replicated database (both source and target). Contains various pieces of information required for operation of Dbvisit Replicate. |
DML | Data Manipulation Language. These are SQL statements that update or insert data into existing tables or objects. Example: |
DDL | Data Definition Language. These are SQL statements that change the structure of the database. For example to create a new table or create a new user in the database. |