This page describes the APIs that can be used to retrieve and update StandbyMP Configurations.
Configuration(s) Listing API
Returns existing Configuration(s) and related settings, such as Automated Standby Update, Standby Update Delay, Email and Slack settings, Observer, etc.
GET /api/configurations
to get information about all the Configurations
GET /api/configurations/{configurationId}
to get information about the specific one
Request body:
Curl example:
curl -k -u admin:admin https://localhost:4433/api/configurations/1
Successful response body:
Edit Configuration API
Allows updating Configuration parameters and settings, such as Automated Standby Update, Standby Update Delay, Email and Slack settings, Observer, etc.
Warning: This API allows to change all the Configuration parameters. Please be careful while using.
Parameters in the request body override only the corresponding parameters in Configuration.
PUT /api/configurations/{configurationId}
to bulk update parameters,
PUT /api/configurations/{configurationId}/Settings/AutomatedStandbyUpdate/Enabled
to update 1 parameter
Request body:
{ "Settings": { "AutomatedStandbyUpdate": { "Enabled": false } } }
Curl example:
curl -k -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"Settings": {"AutomatedStandbyUpdate": {"Enabled": false}}}' https://localhost:4433/api/configurations/1
curl -k -u admin:admin -X PUT -d 'false' https://localhost:4433/api/configurations/1/Settings/AutomatedStandbyUpdate/Enabled
Successful response body:
{ "Status": 200, "Result": {} }
Configuration(s) API Usage Examples
For getting comprehensive JSON output results, while using API, we parse all outputs with “jq” which can be easily installed by for example as root:
yum install jq
In all below examples we use authentication method via “-u” for authentication method via cookie, check the /wiki/spaces/DSMP/pages/3432415233 page
Configuration Details
To list all configurations keys and values information run:
curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost:4433/api/configurations | jq
List specific value for any key for all configurations:
curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost:4433/api/configurations | jq \ '.Result[].PrimaryAgentManagerId, .Result[].ConfigurationName'
To see specific value for specific key for specific configuration (In this example called MEGA):
curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost:4433/api/configurations | jq \ '.Result[] | select(.ConfigurationName=="MEGA") | .Settings.AutomatedStandbyUpdate.Enabled'
Another example of listing all configurations and names with automated standby update disabled:
curl -sku admin:admin https://localhost:4433/api/configurations | jq \ '.Result[] | select(.Settings.AutomatedStandbyUpdate.Enabled==false) | .ConfigurationName'