DR plans can be created and modified only on the standby DR group.
Open the DR group menu and open a detail of the standby DR group. Press “Create plan” button there:
Choose the name of the plan
Choose a type of the plan. There can be only 2 types of plan right now specified - Switchover and Failover
Press Create button
The creation of the Switchover plan lasts for some time. Once done, you can open details of the created DR plan. You can see, that there are already some DR Plan steps created. These are Plan steps care for migration of the Moving instance to the other DR group.
Add Database Switchover Job to Switchover Plan
Now we need to add the database switchover job to the DR Plan.
Press Add group to do that.
Fill in following:
Step Name: Switchover
Choose a Region where the step will be executed
Choose “Run local script” option
Select Control Center machine as a target of the script
In the Script Parameters fill in following: /home/opc/scripts/switchover.sh <CONFIGURATION NAME>
Choose user that executes the script: opc
Press Add Step to create the step
Confirm the Step Group creation by Pressing Add button.