You can find requirements for Dbvisit StandbyMP software installation on this page. There are requirements which common for all installation, and requirements which are platform specific (Windows / Linux) and also specific for each database platform.
1. Common Requirements
These requirements must be satisfied for all Dbvisit StandbyMP installations.
1.1 Network and Ports Requirements
Dbvisit Standby Multiplatform has two components: dbvagentmanager (Agent) and dbvcontrol (Control Center). More information in Dbvisit StandbyMP concept:
While dbvagentmanager must be deployed on each primary and standby server, there should be only one dbvcontrol component per whole environment. It is supported to deploy dbvcontrol on primary server or on standby server but never to both at the same time. It is also supported to use separated host from primary or standby for dbvcontrol. This host can have independent OS Platform in relation to primary and standby server.
Dbvisit StandbyMP components use following ports:
DbvagentManager File transfer Port | Listens on 7890 TCP - Archivelog transfer to Standby database |
ControlCenter Ports | Listens on 4433 TCP - Webserver for user access via browser Listens on 5533 TCP - communication from dbvagentmanger |
A. Deploying dbvcontrol on separate server
When using separate server for dbvcontrol, the firewall rules need to be allowed as per this picture:
Host | Port to whitelist | Source |
ControlCenter host | 5533 | All primary and standby servers |
ControlCenter host | 4433 | All administrator workstations |
Primary host | 7890 | Standby host, Dbvcontrol host |
Standby host | 7890 | Primary host, Dbvcontrol host |
B. Deploying dbvcontrol on standby server
When standby server for dbvcontrol, the firewall rules need to be allowed as per this picture:
Host | Port to whitelist | Source |
Standby host | 5533 | Primary server |
Standby host | 4433 | All administrator workstations |
Primary host | 7890 | Standby host |
Standby host | 7890 | Primary host |
Dbvisit StandbyMP doesn’t support communication and synchronization network interface separation. Single interface must be used for dbvcontrol communication and synchronization.
1.2 Storage Requirements
A. Storage Space Requirements
Dbvisit Standby is installed on all servers forming part of the Standby Database configuration: Primary database server, standby database server and dbvcontrol host (if separate host for dbvcontrol is used).
5GB space for the Dbvisit Standby software installation on the file system - however, 10-15GB is recommended especially for multiple configurations and because of tracefiles.
IMPORTANT: The standby database server will require the same amount of storage capacity as the primary database server for standby database creation, because it will contain primary database synchronized copy. In addition, Dbvisit StandbyMP always uses primary database backup, so standby server will need free capacity for primary database copy as well as for its backup.
B. NFS support
Using NFS for Dbvisit StandbyMP installation is supported on Linux platform only. NFS volumes used for Dbvisit Installation must fulfill following requirements:
We require to disable attribute caching on NFS client side. NFS volume must be mounted with following mount options:
If any NFS volume will be used in Dbvisit StandbyMP deployment process (e.g. backup destination when creating standby database) these mount options must be used for that volume as well
You must ensure that NFS volume insn’t accessed concurrently by two separate dbvisit dbvagentmanager or dbvcontrol processes at the same time as this leads to repository corruption
C. ACFS support (Oracle Specific Feature)
It is supported to install Dbvisit StandbyMP on ACFS
You must ensure that NFS volume insn’t accessed concurrently by two separate dbvisit dbvagentmanager or dbvcontrol processes at the same time as this leads to repository corruption
D. CIFS support
CIFS is not supported for Dbvisit StandbyMP deployment
1.3 CPU and Memory Requirements
Requirements are cummulative, so if you place dbvcontrol component on standby server together with dbvagentmanager, you need to sum the memory and CPU amount.
Primary Server:
Dbvagentmanager component on primary server requires minimum 1 CPU thread and minimum 1 GB of memory per primary database from which Dbvisit transfers archivelogs.
Standby Server:
Dbvagentmanager component on standby server requires minimum 1 CPU thread and minimum 1 GB of memory per standby database
Dbvcontrol Server:
Dbvcontrol (central webserver console) can be installed on separated Linux or Windows host regardless of database servers OS platform.
The dbvcontrol requirements scale with the total count of primary and standby databases:
Total Database Count | CPU Threads | Memory (GB) |
2 | 2 | 4 |
up to 4 | 2 | 6 |
up to 8 | 4 | 8 |
up to 12 | 6 | 10 |
1.4 Dbvcontrol Webserver Browser Requirements
We recommend and support Chrome Browser for accessing dbvcontrol. However, other browsers such as Edge or Firefox will work as well. In case of any observed issues, we recommend to switch to Chrome Browser.
1.5 SMTP Server Requirements
Dbvisit StandbyMP uses SMTP server client to send notifications (which are optional). To use the notification feature, it is necessary that dbvcontrol component has direct access to SMTP Server.
Oracle platform only: some Dbvisit StandbyMP notifications options require also direct access to SMTP server from primary and standby database host
Dbvisit StandbyMP supports following SMTP server communication protocols: StartTLS ,TLS/SSL or NoEncryption.
2. OS Platform Specific Requirements
These requirements must be satisfied When installing Dbvisit StandbyMP on specific OS platform (Windows/Linux).
2.1 Linux
Following is a list of Linux platform specific requirements.
If you have dedicated mount for /tmp, make sure it is NOT mounted with “noexec” option. This can be verified with for example “mount -l” command.
After the Dbvisit StandbyMP installation, user can choose to create systemctl service for dbvagentmanager and dbvcontrol to automate startup. In this case, root access will be required to start and stop these components.
SELINUX must be set to disabled or permissive. In Enforcing mode SELINUX will prevent dbvagentmanager and dbvcontrol services from working correctly. You can find out the status by running:
[root@czlin0231 ~]# getenforce Enforcing
System date must be actual and match on all servers where Dbvisit StandbyMP is deployed. You can verify by:
$ date Wed Feb 14 15:35:38 CET 2024 $ sudo systemctl status chronyd #EL8 and newer $ sudo systemctl status ntpd #EL7 and older
Chronyd and ntpd services will ensure system date correct synchronization. If system date is not synchronized, there can be issues with connection issues because of certificates validity (which is based on actual date).